I was trying to find a great quote about our convention, the Road Rally, on TAXI’s online Forum this morning. As I read some of the posts, I thought, “These are great examples of what life as a TAXI member is really like.”
Does success come over night? Rarely!
Is patience a virtue? Absolutely!
Do these (and thousands more) Forum posts show that TAXI works if you work at it? Yes!
Do theses posts demonstrate that each and every TAXI member should come to our free convention in November? Unquestionably!
I’ve left these posts completely unedited so you can see them exactly as they were written. I prefer authenticity instead of tightly edited “sound bytes.” This is the unedited truth about TAXI.
If you’re a TAXI member and need some encouragement, read these!
If you’re thinking about becoming a member, and want to see if TAXI works or not, read these!
If you’re wondering about coming to our convention in November, and need confirmation that the Road Rally really is a life-changing weekend, read these!
Remember, these are completely unedited and full of typos. But who cares when you’re getting the raw feed and reading the truth, just as it was told.
Cue Sheet Amanda to the Rescue Season 1
Post by enblossman » Mon May 06, 2019 1:25 pm
Greetings everyone,
It's been a long battle to this point but wanted to share a new milestone for me. I signed a publishing deal about 2 years ago and started writing cues for them exclusively (since I had no other publishing deal) in 2017. I got this publishing deal through a Taxi Forward.
They licensed about 25 tracks of mine out the gate and I started answering their specific calls for music and over a 2 year period through today I have licensed by 180th track with them. I would periodically check my ASCAP for cues and wasn't seeing anything listed during the entire 2 year period.
As you can guess, I was getting very discouraged for the amount of time I was spending and since these high volume publishers don't really have time to encourage you or tell you how you are doing I had to take a leap of faith that they were as strong as I felt they were. (some background I did see a lot of credits for this publisher on various cable tv shows so I felt I was in the right place).
long story short I was getting to a place where I felt I was going to give this publisher up and move along when I received an email that I was going to be put on their short list and they were purging their composers. With this information, I thought well maybe they landed some tracks for me. (I had no idea).
Well, fast forward to last week when I saw a cue sheet under my ASCAP account, and they used 4 cues of mine in Episode 5 of "Amanda to the Rescue" on Animal Planet. (all 4 combined to just over a minute).
The most comforting aspect of this story is that THIS WAS THE VERY FIRST TRACK I LICENSED WITH THEM! I can only assume that from the date you submit to the date it shows up could be over 2 years. This episode aired on 11/2018 and didn't show up until last week. I wrote the track for an Investigative cue and they didn't use it in that context at all. Anyway, thought I would share if there was someone else in my shoes waiting for cues to appear and about to give up. Keep going! It will come!
The rally and collab WORKS!
Post by Casey H » Mon Apr 29, 2019 5:52 pm
At the last road rally, as I've done at other ones, I paid close attention to Robin Frederick's presentation and made note of the songs she referenced. I went through a bunch of them and chose one to "ghost write" lyrics to. What that it is writing new lyrics to an existing melody. That got me to write a chorus that worked well with the "known" melody. I sent the lyrics with no music or mention of what song I based it on, to Steven Guiles. Interestingly, the original song was singer-songwriter style. Steven took the words and sent me a melody idea, surprisingly, in an R&B style. It sounded awesome.
As soon as we knew it would be an R&B song, we knew we had to bring the great CaiNo (Marcus Cohen) on board. Marcus wrote music for verses and a bridge that were perfect with the chorus. He sang mainly filler sounds so we could hear the melody. Then I wrote the verse and bridge lyrics with Marcus and Steven polishing that up in some places.
Marcus went on to do an awesome production and performance. Damn! That guy could sing the phone book and it would sound great!
As soon as the mix was done, we sent it off to one of our favorite Taxi friendly publishers who signed it instantly. It's already being pitched to a daytime soap.
So, my friends... Go to the rally. Absorb everything you can. Collaborate with other Taxi members. IT WORKS!!
Oh, the song... https://soundcloud.com/caseyh/kiss-me-b ... no/s-yxMdY
track placed on "The Code" on CBS
Post by keithl » Mon Apr 22, 2019 3:11 pm
I just got news that song I wrote called "Devil Woman" will be playing on a TV show called The Code (CBS), Tuesday. April 23rd.
Door opened by.....wait for it.....TAXI
Thanks TAXI!
Middle Eastern Rock signed.
Post by DavidSJH » Mon Apr 15, 2019 8:54 pm
Hi everyone,
I'm very thrilled to share with you all that my instrumental Cairo Rock was signed to a great library from a TAXI forward. They also want more music from me as well so I'm getting busy already.
The quality of music on the libraries web site blew me away and I am very thankful to TAXI for having such great listings from libraries like this one. Top shelf IMO.
Thank you TAXI.
New Kardashians placements from Road Rally collab
Post by markhimley » Mon Apr 22, 2019 5:59 pm
Happy to report some new placements with a super fun collab that happened because of the Road Rally
If you're on the fence about the Road Rally... get off the fence, go to the Road Rally! Still plenty of time to prepare for this year. I can't even put into words how amazing the rally is - although I've tried numerous times on other posts.
ONE of the many amazing things that happens is you make great new relationships, friendships, etc. Out of one of those new friendships came a super fun collab with the one and only CK Barlow, whom I met at my first road rally a couple years ago. After following up a few days after the rally we decided to write a future bass track together.
We then signed that track to a very Taxi friendly publisher and it has been used the last 2 weeks in a row on Keeping Up With The Kardashians.
If ya want to hear it: https://soundcloud.com/markhimley/midni ... placements
Less than 200 days til the rally!! Can't wait to see y'all again this year!!
Recieved My First Payment from a Library
Post by TuKatz » Fri May 10, 2019 6:33 pm
Hello Everyone:
I just wanted to post and let everyone at TAXI know that after almost 4 years at TAXI this week I received my first payment from a library that signed some of my music a little over a year ago. It was very exciting to see that someone has licensed my music and hopefully this will just be the start. A big THANK YOU to Michael and all of the people who work at TAXI for bringing us one step closer to fulfilling the dreams of musicians all over the world to get their music heard by the masses. This would not be possible without the service that you provide. Thank you.
Now back to writing more cues!!!
Charles A. Wilson
Portland, OR
First placement on nationally televised show!!!
Post by jonnycastle » Tue May 07, 2019 5:40 am
After the Road Rally, my co writer and I got a couple songs signed to a publishing library in November. Yesterday we got an email letting us know one of those songs was placed on The Young and the Restless on CBS! Seriously over the moon about it! We're so grateful to Taxi for the opportunity! Here's to many more placements!
Jonny Castle
First signing through TAXI!
Post by Coffeeinthesink » Thu Apr 25, 2019 7:21 am
I'm coming up on my one year anniversary as a TAXI member and just got a song signing with a library that came through a listing!
This was a cowrite with the talented Kristin Chambers whom I befriended at the 2018 Rally . We were both members of the GYAWS songwriting group and kept in touch after the Rally. Kristin actually wrote this song two years ago for GYAWS and then sent it to me recently. I put the indie-folk spin on it, recorded/mixed/mastered it, and Kristin provided the backing vocals. Low and behold, my first signing through a listing!
So shout out to Taxi, the Rally, GYAWS, AND cowriting! Also, a special place in my heart for success with a listing mentioning Elliott Smith <3
Song in Feature Film
Post by songmaster » Fri Feb 15, 2019 8:28 am
Hi everyone. To be a collaborator with Jan Barrs, is to be a very fortunate soul. Jan recently informed me that our song " Down In The Darkness " has been included in a feature film called " Kiss Kiss " by a L.A. based film company. I am so glad I joined Taxi and was able to meet people like Jan and so many others. The song is on my Taxi page if interested.
First Deal!
Post by MBantle » Sun Apr 07, 2019 10:55 am
Dear All,
I re-joined TAXI in November 2018 after a break (no deals during my previous 1 year membership) and just signed my first deal (5 piano instrumentals) with a publisher through TAXI. Thank you TAXI and Michael - this would have never happened without you and the invaluable advice I received on TAXI TV and the TAXI Forum!
It feels so great and, on a personal note, probably some of you can understand the weight coming off my shoulder being a husband and family father finally turning from "tragic hero sitting endless hours in his man cave" into "signed composer"
All the best to all of you! It is time for a celebration drink now
P.S. Maybe the following is helpful for other new members: In my correspondence with the publisher I highlighted right from the start that I am comparatively new to this part of the Music Industry and they were very friendly and helpful - also in answering a few questions I had regarding the contract.