Jeff LaPlant

He’s averaging 75 placements per month!

Jeff LaPlant - South Hadley, MA USA
Here’s an awesome update from Jeff LaPlante: “I’m excited to share an update on my production music journey. After three years of extremely hard work, things are really starting to snowball.
I now have about 800 published cues in nearly 30 different libraries, and I’m receiving placements every single day—often multiple times a day! On average, I’m landing around 75 placements per month, and my quarterly royalties have grown to several thousand dollars. While this isn’t yet a full-time income, I’m enthusiastic about what the future holds. I can only imagine how these numbers will look in 15 years!

I want to express my sincere gratitude to TAXI for getting me started on this path. Your support has been invaluable. Nowadays, I’m so busy writing to briefs from all the libraries I’m currently signed to that I rarely have time to submit new listings—though I consider that a great problem to have.

For your reference, here are some of the networks that have placed my music: Bravo, A+E, TLC, MTV, CBS, HGTV, VOX, Netflix, Hulu, Peacock, OWN, History, BBC, Spike, Discovery, Food Network, The CW, National Geographic, Paramount, ION, and more. Thank you again for your continued support.”

Wow, Jeff! Congratulations, and all of us at TAXI are really proud of you and grateful that you let us know how incredibly successful you’re becoming. Keep up the great work, and keep us updated as you get more and more placements!

Mark R. Adorni

Got a Prime-Time Broadcast Network Placement

Mark R. Adorni - Folsom, CA USA
Here’s a great report that shows why patience is definitely a virtue in the music licensing world: “My song 'Tomboy' has been placed on an episode of the hit TV show America's Funniest Home Videos on ABC. I submitted the song to a TAXI listing in 2018, and it was forwarded. In August of last year (2024), I was contacted by a person who works directly with the producer of America's Funniest Home Videos. The air date is scheduled for March 31, 2025, and the song will play over one of the video montages. The show’s producer loved the song from the first time he heard it. It just took him six years to get back to me, LOL. I had many forwards with TAXI, but this was my first placement. Thanks!”
Thanks for letting us know, Mark, and congratulations. That’s a Prime-Time show on a major broadcast network, so you’ll likely get a nice sync fee upfront, and the performance royalties through your PRO should be really good!

Jim  Stamper

Jim’s placements are happening all over the world

Jim Stamper - Ft. Wayne, IN USA
Here’s the latest from Jim, “I have a Hip-Hop Dramedy instrumental cue that was featured in a new episode of The Flipping El Moussas on HGTV—I even got to watch it streaming on MAX. Interestingly, this cue has previously been used in at least nine other TV shows, including an episode of Neighbors (an Australian soap) that I only learned about recently when it aired in the Netherlands.

I also have a holiday instrumental cue that was used on a Danish reality show called Ups Vi Er Voksne (Oops, We're Adults). Additionally, I had a different holiday cue featured in that same series in 2023.

It’s incredibly exciting to see how far your music can travel around the world. All of these placements resulted from library deals I secured through TAXI.”

Congratulations, Jim! It’s great to hear that your music is going “global.”

Robert L. Caviness,  Jr.

100+ tracks signed, and global placements galore

Robert L. Caviness, Jr. - Elkland, MO USA
We love this report, and we think you will, too! “My name is Rob Caviness, and TAXI has been instrumental in building my career on a weekly basis these past few months! I always wait to send this email because new deals are happening so often that I don't want to leave anything out—but I figured it's time to share.

Since returning from TAXI’s Road Rally conference in November, I've seen several placements from a publisher in Australia. For example, a travel show called Headed Out—which isn't airing for a few weeks—used so much of my music that I was specifically asked to write an album for Season 2. I did just that, signed the album, and it's now in post-production, so more placements are expected in the coming months.

I've also seen placements on a German show called Adolf Hitler: Decoding a Dictator from that same publisher, and another from a different publisher in Italy on a show called Grande Fratello from a publisher here in the States.

Additionally, I secured a placement with a highly successful podcast called Chicks on The Right, which has over two million followers across platforms. My song plays on loop for two full hours in the live stream chat room until the show starts. While this placement wasn't directly tied to TAXI, it actually was—because every sync success I've had is due to everything I've learned from TAXI. Whether it's through the Road Rally, the connections I've made, or—most importantly—following my screeners' advice to the letter on every submission, TAXI has been crucial.

In just the last few months, I've signed about 30 tracks this year with existing publishers wanting more material on new briefs. I've also secured one new publishing deal and one new sync agent deal, totaling seven deals from TAXI in my second year. Last year, I signed roughly 100 tracks (both instrumentals and songs), which made me realize that I could actually do this—and that the system truly works.

I literally could not have done any of it without you guys, so thank you again for all that you do for us. Since signing up two years ago, TAXI has delivered every single time—it has absolutely changed my life. You're the best!”

Congratulations, Rob, and thanks for letting us know about these signings and placements. We always revel in the fact that TAXI changes lives, and you’re living proof!

Pete Checkley

300 tracks signed, and placements on more than 120 shows

Pete Checkley - Dudley, West Midlands UK
Here’s Pete’s latest update on his successes: “I joined in 2019, and through TAXI’s listings, I’ve signed with three publishers for whom I still write six years later. I’ve released over 300 tracks as a result of these relationships and have now been placed on well over 120 shows—many with recurring placements.

My most exciting placements include a theme tune for two series on one of Estonia’s biggest shows, music in a trailer for an entire season of a PBS/BBC Documentary, music featured across the last three seasons of Catfish, and frequent placements on CNN (which my mum watches every day). I’m still looking for that elusive Gordon Ramsay show!

TAXI has given me a gateway into production music and has certainly landed me numerous placements. That’s why I’ve been a member three times, each time landing deals and new publishers! It also helps you understand exactly what publishers need, and the feedback is incredibly useful. Well worth the $5 each time!”

Wow, Pete! The hits just keep on coming, and we couldn’t be prouder of you. Congratulations! And fingers crossed for that elusive Gordon Ramsay placement!

Brett J. Ratner

800 placements on 200 TV shows and 4 films

Brett J. Ratner - Lake Bluff, IL USA
Brett reports, “Thanks to TAXI, I have over 800 sync placements, spanning more than 200 TV shows and four films. I've been fortunate enough to have my music used in shows like The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, Late Night with Seth Meyers, Chicago PD, The Office, Tosh.0, Shameless, NFL on Fox, and Criminal Minds, as well as in the movies Holidate and Lady Bird.
What made this possible was the constructive feedback TAXI provides—whether your submissions are forwarded or not. When I first started submitting songs through TAXI, I must admit that the feedback I received with my early rejections was hard to take. But I took it to heart, improved the quality of my submissions, and optimized my tracks for use in TV and film. Eventually, I began receiving forwards, then deals, and finally sync placements. Nowadays, when people ask me how to get into licensing their original music, I always tell them that TAXI is a great place to start. I’m careful not to make empty promises of guaranteed success, but I can confidently say that if you have talent, a thick skin, and are willing to put in the work, TAXI can help get your music placed.”

Congrats, Brett! Great news and thank you so much for letting us know about your growth as a composer. Keep up the good work, Brett! BTW, our boss, Michael, went to school in Lake Forest, right next to where you live!

Minoru Amino

7,300 placements from just one company, and many more

Minoru Amino - Kadoma, JAPAN
Last week, I was contacted by a music licensing company in Australia through a TAXI forward, asking for a Traditional Japanese Instrumental listing that I submitted last month. Although we're still in the contract stage, I wanted to update the forum about my recent placements.

The company asked for several songs in this genre, and after I explained my situation, they gave me time to create them. They also expressed interest in hearing my work in other genres, so I plan to develop additional materials for them.

Since July of last year, I’ve accumulated several placements. For instance, on the 24th, 25th, 26th, and 28th of last month, my Chinese track was placed in full on three TV shows in the UK: ODD SQUD on CBBC, Blue Peter: Lunar New Year and Burns Night Celebrations, and News Round on BBC2. It was used as the song for a dance performance by children from Manchester Dance Academy. Being placed on a popular BBC show was one of my goals since joining TAXI, and I couldn’t be happier.

Other placements include:
1. My Chinese track AVROTROS on Nederland
2. My Mexican track B&B Vol liefde on RTL
3. My Latin rock song Proefkonijnen on Nederland
4. My Chinese track Punk12 on RTL Television in Germany.
5. A Japanese Traditional instrumental was featured on popular programs on NHK and other commercial broadcasting stations in Japan.

All of these placements were facilitated by a music library in London, a connection I made through a TAXI forward five years ago.

I continue to write J-Pop as requested by this library. I received the details for the first half of 2024 from them in November last year. Their quarterly report shows 7,300 placements worldwide, and I’m eagerly anticipating future payments from PRO.

Additionally, I had several placements on Échappées belles on France 5, courtesy of another music library—a connection made through a TAXI forward five years ago. Moreover, although it's a rebroadcast, my orchestral tension piece was used in American Greed: Boeing's Deadly Design (#202) on CNBC. This placement was handled by yet another music library based in LA, a connection I made through a TAXI forward six years ago.

That's all I can report for now. All of this success is thanks to Michael and TAXI Music for being with me every step of the way. If I hadn't joined TAXI Music in 2012, none of this would have happened.”

Wow, Minoru!!! And we mean, WOW! You are definitely setting records for placements, and we could not be happier for you. How do you find the time to do all this work? Do you ever sleep? Thanks for this super-impressive update, and continued success to you. Thanks, as always for letting us know.

David Banks

Composing for a big-league movie trailer company

David Banks - Lancashire, Morecambe, UK
David reports, “I've been with TAXI for over ten years, and while I don't get many forwards, when my music does get forwarded, I know the company has been vetted by TAXI and is genuine. My recent success through TAXI involved being asked to compose an album for a top Trailer company that loved my unusual cinematic hybrid style, with the company’s CEO saying I was ‘ahead of the game’—which gave me a huge confidence boost! I'm told my album is generating lots of interest [amongst the editors and producers at the company], so they've asked me to create a second album. My career has taken a big leap forward!

What I like most about TAXI is that they don't give the companies placing the listings a percentage of the submission fee; hence, the listings are genuine—unlike another site I was a member of.

Also, note that some years ago, another company took my track 'Synthetic State,' and it got placed in Keeping Up with The Kardashians. Thank you, TAXI... I wouldn't have gotten this far without you!”

That’s incredible, David! Congratulations!! Trailer companies are extremely hard to impress, and clearly, you’ve done that. We have very high hopes for you and your music, so please keep us up-to-date as things progress. Maybe we’ll hear your music in an upcoming summer blockbuster trailer!

Geoffrey Sweeney-Taylor

Two music library contracts and 13 songs signed

Geoffrey Sweeney-Taylor - Long Island City, NY USA
Geoffrey emailed to let us know, “I was contacted by an Australian music library based on an EDM track I submitted through TAXI back in December. The track, titled 'Lose Yourself,' caught their attention, and after sharing more of my music with them, they decided to sign a total of eight tracks across four different genres.

We are approaching our one-year anniversary with TAXI, and we can’t say enough about how valuable it has been. Besides leading to two library contacts and a total of 13 tracks being signed, TAXI has been a fantastic education in the world of sync. Looking back at what we knew (and didn’t know) a year ago, it’s amazing to see how much we have grown. Thank you, TAXI!”
Congrats, Geoffrey, and thank you for letting us know. Please keep us in the loop as you get more tracks signed, and ultimately, the placements that will come from those deals!

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