Dale Allen Pommer, aka “Dale Allen” is an award winning songwriter; a native of South Dakota who attended high school in Montana. He has performed in numerous states and five countries around the world. He and his band, “Dale Allen & Pearl Studs” were mentioned in Time magazine and New York magazine.
His songs have appeared on television (NBC's daytime serial “Another World”), on a multi-platinum Irish album (Frances Black) and have been recorded by over 20 artists in six different countries.
Dale has released four CDs of his own, “Just For Fun” in 2000 , “Twelve Steps From A Six-Pack” in 2011, “Family Recipe” in 2018, and “Back To My Roots” in 2020.
Dale has two sons – one in the Navy and one who served eight years in the Air Force, graduated from Austin Peay University, and now does Social Work with veterans. Both sons did two tours in the Middle East. Dale also has a daughter who graduated from UT Chattanooga and now works with autistic persons and is working on a master’s degree in Behavior Therapy. He is married to artist Mary Fallon Pommer who has sold many paintings as well as clay sculptures.
Dale Allen Pommer
912 Solley Drive, Ste 201
Nashville, TN 37216
Dance With The Dinosaurs
By Dale Allen
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