Tim Myers
El Segundo, CA
Tim Myers was born on September 28, 1946 in the farming community of Quaker Town, Pennsylvania. His life there was pretty normal but in 1962, at the age of sixteen, his star struck mother moved the family to California.
Tim Myers had many interests but none of them were remotely connected to music. Oh, he liked to listen and maybe on occasion, even danced a little, but for the most part when he wasn't working or traveling you could find him with his family and or friends indulging in one of his pastimes. He enjoys golf, tennis, bowling, playing cards and dancing.
But in November of 2005 at the age of 59, a major change was about to take place. While on a visit to his daughter's home in Idaho, his granddaughter, Sloane expressed her sadness about all the trees being cut down just to build a new shopping mall. Although I wouldn't describe Tim as a “tree hugger”, his granddaughter's feelings triggered his own (at 2:30 AM) and inspired Tim to write his first song,” “A New Strip Mall”.
Little did he or his family realize this was only the beginning? Their husband, father and grandfather couldn't stop himself and on his 60th birthday Tim self released his first CD. The disc includes twelve 12 tracks from the heart and run the gamut from lyrics about the environment, tributes to soldiers who have fought for the freedoms of America (“Hey What’s New” and “War Baby”), songs about his grandchildren (“Seven Little Angels”) and even a love song, written for his wife, Vickie.
To date, reviews of Outta Nowhere—a unique combination of traditional folk, some bluegrass and a little bit of country—have been quite favorable. It’s hard not to enjoy this collection of stories and narratives, as it is truly a soundtrack of Middle America. Tim’s voice has a vibe all his own and his music its own unique character.
Greatest Show on Earth
By Tim Myers
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By Tim Myers
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By Tim Myers
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By Tim Myers
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By Tim Myers
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By Tim Myers
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By Tim Myers
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By Tim Myers
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By Tim Myers
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By Tim Myers
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