Coatesville, Pennsylvania
Fatman as a Brand was supposed to be a name that I could semi hide behind. A song that came to me for about a year was Fatman. I finally executed it with Peter Scobell a childhood friend who has done music his whole life. He did all the music. We grew up in Claymont, Delaware -- ironically in the shadow of another steel mill Phoenix Steel much like Coatesville is in the shadow of Lukens Steel. As a brand Fatman will not be just my voice. We will have love ballads, soft rock and heavier metal type of songs. And I thought I could hide behind the name and song. But one Playlist reviewer named David was able to see through my veneer based on my lyrics. Yes we are more than what you see. I could not have said it better and David has found the essence of the message and why the message was 2 minutes and 8 seconds. I didn’t want to belabor the point like a lot of songs do. I wanted a mystery. I wanted a calling card of sorts in a song and an introduction, but I wanted it to be secret. But David uncovered that secret right from the start…Here’s his review:
Coatesville is a city in the state of Pennsylvania, in-between Philadelphia and Lancaster. A little more than 13.000 people living here and there is the "National Iron & Steel Heritage Museum". Also it's the hometown of Fatman! I couldn't find much about this artist, but when you hear this song you sense the atmosphere of the old steel companies... Fatman performs a song also called "Fatman", maybe to introduce himself? The song is straight rock and some blues influences. 2 minutes and 8 second is short, but enough for an introduction. Warm bass guitar with guitar riffs to start the song, then nice vocals come in. I love the solo guitar playing in the background. Lyrics are simple but good. "Fatman is what you see, Fatman is what I came to be, Fatman is what you think of me.... (Unanswered love, people are more than what you see) Production nice, vocals good! I say: keep up the good work Fatman!
Shadows In Time (Waveradio Version)
By Fatman
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By Fatman
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By Fatman
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By Fatman
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By Fatman
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By Fatman
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By Fatman
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By Fatman
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