Alphonsine’s music is a voyage of the soul - to places familiar, places we yearn for, places where the heart thrives - that place where we know we belong. He moves from the heart space, traversing memories with meaning, illumination, and lingering emotion with a poignant mix of memories from the past, noticings of the present, and hopes for the future.
The result - a cross between folk, bluegrass, indie, and pop - highlights the richness of American cities, empty streets, and far reaching highways that disappear into the sunset. From Brooklyn to the arid deserts of Wyoming, through western towns that lost their lifeblood when the freeway bypassed them, and out to that far away place under tall pines by the ocean. What each song is “about” is rarely laid out in so many words and yet, in listening, there is an unmistakable sense of knowing and being and the shared experiences of this life. His gift is in capturing the truth, the beauty, and the pain of human existence without ego, in a way that is universal.
“He delivers some of the most intimate Americana you’ve ever heard - a beautiful intersection reminiscent of Van Morrison, John Denver and Gary Jules,” recounts SOUND + FISSION Management founder Bryan Master. “Alphonsine’s music is an authentic escape. It makes you feel; which is the entire goal of music, and it’s really hard to accomplish. That’s one of the many reasons we feel lucky to be representing his talent.”
Alphonsine has been recognized in American Songwriter Magazine, 303Magazine, Marquee Magazine, and the Colorado Playlist, and his songs have been featured on Amazon’s audio-first series 64th Man and the Fosters (Freeform).
A prolific songwriter, he has “soft” released a handful of independent albums under different monikers. His upcoming release, “Alphonsine” is a 16-song set that will serve as his official debut. “He had so many incredible previously released songs that deserved a re-introduction to new audiences,” says Master. “Our idea was to re-package some of the best of his back catalogue with some amazing new material to make a bulletproof official debut. Cohesively, its one of the strongest albums I’ve ever heard.”
“To me his original work is more akin to Nick Drake and Elliot Smith,” says fellow SOUND + FISSION artist Don McCloskey. “A whispered universe where melancholy, joy, heartache, yearning, memories, dreams, and visions hover just above the ground, winding through Manhattan streets, in and out of East Village bars, through bedroom windows of Brooklyn apartments, barreling down the interstate, westward bound, breaking wide open into Big Sky Country in search of an elusive place called home.”
The Way the Wind Blows
By Alphonsine
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By Alphonsine
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By Alphonsine
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By Alphonsine
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By Alphonsine
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By Alphonsine
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By Alphonsine
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By Alphonsine
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By Alphonsine
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By Alphonsine
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