Hellmuth Ewert
Alameda, California
The German composer, Hellmuth Ewert, was born in Berlin, in 1902. Interested in music since childhood, he became a musician and a composer. He played several instruments which included the violin, accordion and piano. Hellmuth taught music at the University of Hamburg and played in a symphony. To make ends meet during World War II, he played in a five-piece band, in dance halls and restaurants.
He composed Kinderspiele, Für Frohe Stunden and Südlicher Zauber between 1939 and 1945. He died at the age of 44 in Hamburg, never having the opportunity to hear his compositions come alive with an orchestra.
The compositions remained in storage for 60 years, until his son, Gerd Ewert, fulfilled a dream -- to have his father's music recorded with a 12-piece orchestra. On November 7, 2005 at the Fantasy Sound Studio in Berkeley, California, Gerd heard his father's music for the first time.
The master catalogue from the compositions, along with the original handwritten notes, are owned by his son, Gerd Ewert.
My Beautiful Hamburg-s
By Hellmuth Ewert
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By Hellmuth Ewert
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By Hellmuth Ewert
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By Hellmuth Ewert
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By Hellmuth Ewert
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By Hellmuth Ewert
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By Hellmuth Ewert
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