Casey (Charles) Hurowitz - Fort Washington, Pennsylvania
Another TAXI collaboration success, reported by long-time TAXI member, Casey Hurowitz! “Becky Ketelsen, Greg Carrozza, and I had a placement on The L Word: Generation Q (Showtime) with our song ‘Let's Take It From the Top.’
Through the TAXI community, Becky was referred to me as someone who collaborates frequently. She showed me a song she had started called ‘Let's Take It From the Top,’ and I was instantly blown away by her pop sensibilities and voice. The song needed lyrics to complete it, so we collaborated on writing the words and worked together on structure and approach. I suggested involving a talented pop producer from TAXI, Greg Carrozza, so we took the song to him for production. He did an outstanding job, just as Becky did with her vocals. Shortly after, we signed it with a sync agent who secured the placement for us, and we received a nice sync fee, upfront! We named our collaborative act ‘Blue Trifecta,’ as reflected in the photo.
What I love about TAXI is how the Industry Listings keep me motivated to create new music and stay up-to-date with the demands of the Film/TV industry. I can't emphasize enough the value of the TAXI community and collaboration with other members! TAXI’s Forum and the Road Rally, along with resulting collaborations, have been responsible for almost all my successes to date. My advice to other members is always the same: Embrace the entire ‘TAXI experience’ – listings, reviews, community, relationship building, and more. TAXI offers so much, and you can benefit greatly by taking advantage of everything it has to offer.”
Congratulations Casey, Becky, and Greg! We’re proud of you, and grateful that you let us know!

Pete Crane - Summerhill, Australia
Peter emailed to tell us, “I joined TAXI when a friend forwarded me a listing looking for 'Aggrotech' songs, which actually included one of my original songs as a reference. I had never considered writing for sync before, but I was intrigued. So, I created a couple of cues and joined TAXI to submit them. My cues were forwarded, and the client, a Music Library, got in touch with me directly, asking me to make a full album in this style exclusively for them.
I created the album and sent it across, along with all the cutdowns, alt mixes, and stems. It was published by the Music Library in May 2022. I assumed nothing was happening with it as I hadn't heard anything more since it was published, and I knew it was in a very niche style. However, a few weeks ago, I got an email from the Music Library with the subject line of ‘Royalty Statement.’
Reading the statement, I found that my album had received 66 placements in the latter half of 2022, including a feature film on Netflix (Lesson Plan - a kick-ass Polish action film where my music is used in a fight scene in an underground carpark), a Hungarian TV series, and a lot of web productions.
In April, I also handed over another full album I created for the same Music Library, this time comprised of 'Hybrid Industrial Metal' instrumentals, and I can't wait to see what placements come of that. Through TAXI, I've also placed one 'Cyberpunk' instrumental in another Music Library and had five of my original 'Industrial Rock' songs placed non-exclusively with another Music Library, which has forwarded them for consideration to major TV shows, including Better Call Saul.
I am constantly surprised at the diversity of TAXI's listings and how often they pop up for my niche wheelhouse, as well as other genres that I could take a crack at. I've been releasing music for 20 years, but I feel like I've gotten significantly better as a composer in the last few years because of the feedback from TAXI's screeners, and subsequently working with Music Library clients. It's a long road ahead still, but I'm grateful for the wins so far thanks to TAXI, and I have opened up this whole new world of sync and screen composing, which I never considered before and now want to make my focus.”
Wow, congratulations, Pete!! Here’s to the next 66 placements, and thanks for telling us about these!

Stella Ramirez Gollnick - Costa Mesa, California
Stella reports, “My song, 'Dreams Am I' has been placed in an upcoming feature film as a result of submitting to a TAXI Listing! I was so lucky to be forwarded to an indie film project that needed a retro ’60s-sounding song like, 'Dreams Am I'. The film is directed by Vincent Grashaw, and is called, Bang Bang. The director emailed me, and then we spoke directly by phone, where he was so complimentary of my little funky song! It will be in the background of a bar scene. My song 'Not My Baby' was also forwarded, which I consider an accomplishment, though I haven’t heard back from the request. I love the feedback I get from TAXI and their A&R team. They’re always honest about what needs to be improved, but also complimentary about what they like in a song. Hard truth served with kindness :). My goal is to have many of my songs placed and gain a fan following in that way, because I’m not of an age where I care to chase record deals or tours or fame.”
Nice going, Stella! We love it when our members get placements in films!

Michael Kirby - Newmarket, ON Canada
Michael emailed to tell us, “Last year, I reported my first placement around this same time, so I thought I would update you on my success since then.
I initially heard from the library after a Forward for a percussion instrumental. They asked me to send over any other licensable tracks of similar quality and accepted all ten of them. In June of 2022, I saw my first three placements pop up on Tunesat. Since then, my music has been placed on multiple German TV shows, including Galileo, Plusminus, Heimatjournal, and Nordmagazin. The latter of which has used one of my cues repeatedly for the soccer segment of their show. My total Tunesat detections, now one year later, is 82!
I was inactive with TAXI for the past twelve months, but I’m back actively writing and pitching to listings again. As someone who is also a YouTube creator focused on educating and inspiring other composers, I don’t have a ton of time to research libraries that are in need of my music. What I like most about TAXI is that I can write to the exact requests that libraries, supervisors, and other industry people are requesting. The community of composers helping one another grow is a great benefit too.
P.S. I’m looking forward to finally attending my first Road Rally this year."
Hey Michael, that’s great news, and here’s to the next 82, and many more placements to come. See you at the Rally :-)

Rick Schilling - Spruce Pine, North Carolina
Rick reports, "Here's the scoop. I submitted several pieces to Listing S230327OG. Screener 447 reviewed the pieces and forwarded all of them. In addition, the screener offered some tips for improvement - and I always appreciate, and implement, the tips from TAXI's screeners. As a result of this listing, I was contacted by a publisher in Denmark requesting that I construct an entire album of dark, action-based trailer music. They signed 11 of my compositions and are completing the album at the moment. This would not have been possible if it weren't for everyone at TAXI! I truly appreciate everyone's guidance and commitment to provide composers numerous chances to have our music heard and used in various projects. The suggestions I've received from the screeners have made a world of difference in writing and mastering. Thank you, everyone at TAXI!"
Nice job, Rick! Congratulations, and thanks for letting us know.

Jonny Martin - London, UK
Here’s an encouraging note from Jonny! “I’ve only been a member of TAXI since May 22, so this was one of my initial submissions on June 8. It was for a brief titled S230608NE Neo Classical Style Instrumentals. I had my track ‘A Suspicion of Murder’ forwarded (by screener 396) on June 12, and the next day, I had a Music Library Publisher contact me via email to ask about signing the track.
In addition to this track, they asked if I had any others like it, or if I would be game for writing four more to put out as an EP/album. I’m currently waiting to sign off on the additional tracks I have composed, and then I’ll have my first Music Library album out there. Not bad for two months into my TAXI journey!
I love writing to briefs and the opportunity to genre-hop. TAXI provides almost endless briefs and opportunities to compose and produce in a wide variety of styles and for a number of different avenues. This really suits me as a composer/producer/songwriter. As well as making my first steps into the world of Library Music, I am keen to get more song placements with artists and music in films. TAXI seems to have access to both of these worlds directly (i.e., music supervisors and directors of films, as well as labels, management, and publishers, all creating TAXI’s Industry Listings).
TAXI as a resource for learning is fantastic. I’ve been making my way through the back catalog of TAXI TV episodes and staying up-to-date with the new ones. The advice in these videos is exactly the reason why I was able to hit the ground running in terms of forwards. Michael and his guests give out priceless advice for anyone who takes the time to listen. If you pay attention even a little bit, it’s really hard not to learn a whole lot about the industry and the process.
I haven’t taken advantage of the forums, etc., yet, but I am keen to make contact with other members and start collaborating. The community aspect seems so vibrant and full of amazing people. Who knows, I might even try and make it to the Rally all the way from London.”
Congratulations Jonny, thanks for letting us know about this, and try really hard to come to the Road Rally. It will blow your mind!

Charlie Ernst - Hightstown, New Jersey
Here’s a cool note from Charlie! "Thanks to TAXI, I got a deal with a music library to supply a full album of Solo Piano music. I don't really know how long I've been a member of TAXI. I have some critiques from 1994 in a box in my crawlspace, so it's been a while. I took a few years off as I was raising a family, and money was tight.
In any event, I submitted three Solo Piano pieces to a listing that was looking for Emotional, Heartfelt Piano Instrumentals. Two were returned, but one was forwarded. The day after I got the forward notice from TAXI, the music library contacted me, asking if I would be interested in recording an album's worth [10 songs] of material for them. That was in mid-to-late April, and I finished it up by the middle of May. The album went ‘live’ a week or so later.
This was a great accomplishment for me, and to be honest, I had just retired from being a public-school music teacher in January to focus on writing music for sync. I gave myself a year to figure out a weekly/daily schedule to compose and record, etc. I was surprised that four months into the retirement, I had already gotten a great deal!
I love getting the TAXI listings every day. I have always looked forward to getting them as they give me something to work on if I ever feel stuck on what to write. I’m working on some pieces now for some listings that just came in and am looking forward to getting more and more offers."
Congratulations on your retirement, Charlie, and what a nice way to start this new phase of your life – landing a deal with your music!

Holland Young, Austin, Texas
“At the 2022 TAXI Road Rally, my orchestral piece 'Reaching Dreams' was randomly selected and played during a Listening Panel session in the ballroom. The panelists had positive comments, but I didn’t think it would be picked up because no one on the panel said they had a specific use for it. About six months later, one of the panelists contacted me, wanting to sign the song for a music library. The library was also in need of some solo guitar pieces which I produced, and these were signed as well! Currently, five of my tracks have been signed, all stemming from that exposure at the Road Rally. I definitely plan to attend this year's Road Rally!”
Very cool, Holland, and thanks for proving that patience is truly a virtue! We hope you fellow members who wonder if their music has gone into a black hole after a forward, read this ;-)

Phillip Mount - Toronto, ON Canada
Here’s a recent email from Phillip. “Earlier this year, I submitted an investigative tension cue to a TAXI listing, which was forwarded. Within a day or two, I was contacted by a production music library based in Los Angeles, asking if I’d like to sign a deal. The track was going to be included on some playlists being presented to a number of music supervisors working on a variety of crime shows. I’m thrilled to report that this is my first track via TAXI to be signed with a library!
What I like most about TAXI is the variety of briefs and the screener feedback. Before I joined TAXI, I had never composed a tension cue or pitched for a three-act hybrid trailer cue. Since joining TAXI, I’ve been introduced to many new genres, and with the excellent feedback and guidance of the screeners, I’ve been able to grow and fine-tune my composing skills to get those forwards. I recently submitted a track for a custom critique, for which the screener offered valuable advice but also recommended a YouTube video and online class to learn more about the genre. It really was a game changer!
Thanks, TAXI for providing the opportunities to get connected with the libraries and guiding me to become a better production music composer!”
Congratulations on that deal, Phillip, and please keep us in the loop when some placements start to happen!

Candice Susnjar - North Perth, Australia
Candace dropped us a note to let us know, "I became a member of TAXI in April of 2022 with the intention of learning how to write production music. I submitted to the briefs listed on TAXI and used the feedback from screeners to improve my craft. Alongside my dream of writing film scores, I believed that learning everything I can about film and TV, including production music, would benefit my career. I have immensely enjoyed the process.
My goals were to compose cues, enhance my mixing skills, and gain knowledge of the music business. To achieve this, I made it a routine to listen to TAXI TV during my morning walks, learning a great deal from Michael and his guests. I diligently wrote and submitted music, aiming to improve with each attempt, hoping for my first forward within a year.
Just a few weeks after joining TAXI, I received my first forward to a wonderful library. I have continued working with them and now have 35 tracks in their catalogue.
My dad mentioned a popular Korean show on Netflix called Physical:100 and urged me to check it out. I immediately fell in love with it. Two days later, the library I work with informed me that one of my cues was placed on the show. I was beyond excited! I now have my first IMDb credit.
Thanks to TAXI, I received my first TV placement on a hit Netflix show and have established a great working relationship with a music library that consistently secures placements. I have real opportunities with libraries and artists actively seeking music from people like me. I have the chance to compose to briefs, receive valuable feedback, and continuously improve my craft. It's a win-win situation. Thank you, Michael Laskow, and thank you to the team at TAXI!”
Well, congratulations Candace! It’s so cool that you fell in love with that show, and in short order, got your first TV placement on it! Please keep us in the loop as you get more placements, and thanks for the update.

Jensina Shepard - Buxton, Oregon
Jesina sent us this great story about how she is getting lots of prime placements with Vintage Music!
“I own HR Music, which I inherited from my father, Henry Russell. Henry Russell served as the Musical Director of NBC on the West Coast from 1946 to 1950. He then transitioned from radio to TV, becoming the Musical Director for the Halls of Ivy TV series alongside Ronald Coleman. He created a musical cue library, and his cues were featured in shows like Father Knows Best, Leave it to Beaver, Ozzie and Harriett, and more. Additionally, he composed scores for several movies and wrote numerous songs. He also obtained works from other songwriters through HR Music. He had the privilege of working as the Musical Director for Dorothy Lamour and Howard Keel. Later, he established an award-winning musical commercial house in Hollywood called Henry Russell and Associates, along with a recording studio named HR Studios. It was a renowned demo studio, and countless notable figures in Hollywood utilized its services, including the Beach Boys, the Fifth Dimension, ad agencies, Nancy Wilson, Bill Cosby, Hanna Barbera, and many of the Wrecking Crew musicians.
When my father passed away, I sold the studio to Motown, which brought Motown from Detroit to Hollywood in 1968. I had the opportunity to work with my dad and manage his studio, so I was familiar with how the music business operated in the ’60s. Much later in life, I inherited his musical catalog and have been carrying his tapes around in storage boxes from coast to coast. Needless to say, it's a vintage catalog.
One day, someone contacted me and expressed interest in purchasing the catalog. Curious about his intentions, I asked how he planned to use it. He mentioned using it for sync placements in films and ads. Though I didn't fully grasp the concept at the time, I remembered my dad's advice never to sell his music, so I emphatically said NO. I told myself that I could handle it. And thus began my crazy journey of meticulously vetting and authenticating everything! My husband and I built a studio to digitize the tapes, and I taught him the ropes of engineering. Fortunately, he's technologically savvy and adapted quickly. That was eight years ago.
Enter TAXI during this process! Thank you, TAXI, for everything you've done for me! Upon joining TAXI, I delved into your educational seminars and received valuable feedback from your knowledgeable and supportive staff. The music business today is like the Wild West compared to when I started in the ’60s, and TAXI has been my guiding light. Now, I am collaborating with three wonderful music libraries, and I have secured lucrative music placements in projects such as the movie Many Saints of Newark, two independent movies (with working titles at this point), a sync in Bosch Legacy 52, another in Riverdale, and even PBS reached out to me for a “Lucy” documentary. I have several more opportunities in the pipeline, all achieved in the last year and a half. Our hard work has paid off. I am still learning and exploring other aspects of the catalog that I have yet to tap into, such as the ad music and other works. Thanks to TAXI, my confidence has soared, and I truly appreciate the feedback and assistance provided. Bravo to TAXI and HR Music!”
Bravo to you and your dad’s music! We love this story, we’re honored to have helped get you those deals and placements, and we can’t wait to hear about more of them as they come in!

Michael Richard Hendrix - Ashland City, Tennessee
Michael shared his success story with us, saying, "I had two songs signed by a publisher in 2008 through TAXI, and I am reminded of them every quarter when BMI sends me another check. One of the recent placements was in Sonic the Hedgehog. At the time, I had a demanding day job that made it difficult to continue with TAXI, so I had to drop out after a few months. However, before leaving, I came across a listing that caught my attention. A publisher was seeking rock music written and recorded in the 1970s. I happened to have 4 songs on a vinyl album that my band had recorded in the '70s, so I submitted them through TAXI. Two of my songs were forwarded to the publisher, and the rest is history. Since then, those submissions have resulted in 17 placements in various TV shows, films, and documentaries. Some notable placements include Criminal Minds, Parks and Recreation Department, Chicago PD, The Spectacular Now, God's Pocket, and most recently, Young Sheldon (May 2023) and the Sonic the Hedgehog movie (2020). These two songs have been consistently placed, averaging around one placement per year. The royalties have been steady and continue to grow. They have been good, sometimes very good! I am grateful to TAXI for providing me with the opportunity to get my music into the right hands. This time, I have no plans to leave.
What I appreciate the most about TAXI is the chance to connect with individuals who are actively seeking the type of music I write."
Great news, Michael! Those are some impressive placements. Thanks for letting us know, and please keep us in the loop as you continue to get more!

Chris Moser - Bern, Switzerland
Chris emailed, “One week after a TAXI forward for ‘Stomp & Clap’ cues, a strong European Library contacted me and requested a full album in that style. I am grateful to TAXI for facilitating this new relationship! The company, which appears to be a new client for TAXI, reached out to me a few days later and requested an entire album in that style. I managed to nearly complete the collection within two weeks. This is the seventh company that has approached me since I began my journey with TAXI in January 2021. Out of these seven companies, I am actively working with five, which keeps me busy and presents a challenge to keep writing for TAXI listings. However, I still make an effort to submit and hope to establish more connections.
Thanks to TAXI, I can primarily write directly for publishers and have my music represented in their collections. After two years in the industry, I have been able to write around 100 tracks for various libraries, and there are numerous albums in the pipeline that need to be composed.
Apart from a few placements on TV shows in Estonia, which were directly reported to me by my publisher, I have no knowledge of where else my music has been publicly featured. I understand that the process can be lengthy before confirmed placements reach the composers, but I trust that they will come.
TAXI has equipped me with the ability to write specifically for briefs with clear deadlines. This skill is crucial for library work, as they expect composers to deliver a cohesive album within two to four weeks. I’m grateful for the consistently professional service that TAXI provides!”
Wow, Chris! It sounds like you’ve figured out the “secret sauce” to success, which is writing to the briefs and hitting the deadlines. Keep up the great work, and we can’t wait to hear about more placements as they roll in!

Lee Huckfield - Redditch, UK
After only my second song uploaded, I managed to get eight tracks signed by a music library for TV & Film. I’ve known about TAXI for years, but as 2022 came to an end, I decided to take the leap and joined. I wasn’t expecting to get any forwards for at least 6 months, as making music for TV and film is totally new to me.
My first submission didn't get a forward, then I decided to make something totally different for a new listing and got a forward. I was then contacted by the music library and asked to sign an eight-track album which I have just completed and signed the contract, all thanks to TAXI. I think TAXI is perfect, from how the listings are set out with giving examples, and also getting feedback on things we can improve as composers and songwriters. I’m looking forward to getting my next project submitted to a new listing.”
Congrats, Lee, and we’re looking forward to seeing how you fare on your next submissions!

Andrew Reilly - Plymouth, Minnesota
TAXI is awesome! I've already connected with an established music library, and I'm now writing albums of production music for them. I wish I had joined TAXI so long ago!
Every day, I check the new opportunities, and most days I try to create something for the genres I specialize in, such as electronic, rock, cinematic, etc. It provides me with focus and structure, and I find the platform incredibly useful and enjoyable. As a composer with a range of skills and styles, my main concern is related to my identity. Under my artist alias ‘Riff Kitten,’ I've released three albums primarily focused on Electro Swing and Electro Soul under an independent record label. However, since I enjoy writing various styles of music and thought TAXI would be a great opportunity to connect and release my other types of music.
I've already received numerous Forwards, and I'm already reaping the benefits of being a part of TAXI. It's amazing that a relatively unknown composer like me can now reach established sync-music professionals through this service. When I come across a style that I can recreate, I listen attentively to the reference tracks and, depending on the time available, create something that captures the same mood and feel. Both ‘Tempest’ and ‘Enchanted Earth’ (the two songs that landed me a deal) were specifically created for TAXI listings. I received a response within a day or two from a music licensing company that’s distributed by a larger publisher, and I'm already working on creating an album of Chill House and Drum-Score tracks for them. The company has also reached out and requested more album proposals from me. It's an incredible feeling to have a home for my music, and I hope to hear it in some reality shows in the near future.
I really like TAXI’s excellent resources and member services. I truly feel that TAXI wants me to succeed. I'm currently watching theNew Member Zoom video, which is proving to be very helpful. I also received a call from Matt (a TAXI staff member), and it means a lot that you guys check in to see how things are going. As a relatively unknown composer with good music, it's amazing that my work can be heard by the right people. TAXI is a brilliant platform!”
Thanks for that report, Andrew! And yes, a lot of our members tell us they wish they had joined sooner, but don’t look in the rearview. Keep your eyes focused on the future, which sounds like it will be great now that you’ve unlocked the key to making music that music libraries want and need! Please keep us updated as you begin to get placements with your music!

Amy Lacey - Torrance, California
Amy wrote to tell us, “Thank you for asking about this very recent success story! I noticed a TAXI listing for Lullaby-style instrumental covers back in September that really caught my attention. As a musician and mother of five, I write children's music often and feel very comfortable in that genre. When I scanned the list and realized ‘Close to You’ (one of my favorite songs) by the Carpenters was on the list, I knew I wanted to create something to submit.
I consulted with a great audio engineer who helped me find the ideal instruments to use. In the past, I have mostly submitted already-done songs to listings and tried to make them fit the requirements, but this time I wrote for the listing, and it paid off! I got a prompt email from the CEO of the music library, followed by a pleasant phone conversation letting me know they wanted to include my song on their upcoming album. I was thrilled! Although I have been forwarded before, this was my first TAXI placement.
I am now working on another batch of four songs to submit next month and have plans for six more songs later this summer. I really appreciate this opportunity! I love that with TAXI, I can balance a busy family life with my passion for creating music in my home studio. I would recommend listening a few times to the reference songs in each listing to really get a feel for what they are looking for. This has shown me that there are companies wanting so many kinds of music, and I am so excited to keep creating children's music for the terrific company TAXI has connected me with. Thanks!”
Congratulations on getting your song on that album, Amy. And thanks for mentioning how important it is to look for commonalities in the reference songs to get the guidance that can be so important in landing a deal, placement, or cut!

Janalyn Gordon - Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Janalyn reports, “I have a few songs on Spotify, and lots of raw original music just sitting on my computer waiting to be released someday - along with arranging experience and musical talent that I didn’t know how or where to showcase. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in music composition, and a Master’s in music media writing; despite this, I just haven’t known where to look for opportunities or how to promote myself.
TAXI sounded like an excellent connection for me, and I definitely believe that this first music deal will not be my last. A Hollywood-based music library really liked my yacht rock lullaby arrangement, and they’ve requested quite a few more in that same genre which I’m hoping to release soon! TAXI is such an incredible service to composers like myself, because it consistently keeps me informed of so many unique and diverse opportunities that I never would have heard of or had the chance to pitch to without it. Thank you for empowering talented professionals that are so often undervalued in this industry. Thanks again for all that you guys do!”
You’re welcome, Janalyn, and thanks for keeping us in the loop on your success, so far!

Marc Wiggins - Jacksonville, Florida
Marc let us know about a recent song placement in a feature film that resulted from his submission to a TAXI listing. “My song, ‘Body Bag /The Show,’ will be used in a boxing scene in the upcoming independent film, Bang Bang, starring Tim Blake Nelson (O Brother, Where Art Thou?, The Incredible Hulk). This happened only weeks after joining TAXI. I look forward to submitting more music in the very near future.
To give you some background, I came up as a music producer/songwriter in the ’'90s and 2000s era of hip-hop. Although I wasn't part of the production team New Ark Entertainment, known for their work on Lauryn Hill's Miseducation album, I was deeply inspired by their success.
Over the years, I had always been intrigued by the idea of joining TAXI, but I hesitated. However, after discovering TAXI through an ad in Keyboard Magazine, I became a devoted follower. I've been helping young up-and-coming artists with their production and song structure, including a talented artist named Lafayette Curington. Lafayette possessed an incredible array of skills—he could sing, perform, play keys, write melodies, and had an impeccable understanding of music theory. We were close friends, and I considered him a little brother. We often collaborated on songs, and I promised him that we would join TAXI together. Tragically, Lafayette passed away on December 5, 2021, due to heart-related issues.
A few months ago, I finally took the plunge and joined TAXI. Around the same time, I started collaborating with my first cousin, Boro Hall, an artist I wanted to help reinvigorate musically. Together, we created a song called ‘Body Bag.’ I handled the track production and mixing, while Boro wrote the lyrics and delivered a powerful performance. When I submitted 'Body Bag' and paid the entry fee, it was a promise fulfilled to my dear departed friend, Lafayette. The fact that our song was picked up so quickly is an indescribable feeling.
This is my comeback story, motivated by the need to reform the music business that often left me frustrated with egos and so-called gatekeepers who stood in the way of my lifelong dream. Moving forward, I plan to continue submitting tracks and songs, collaborating with young artists, and helping them realize their dreams.”
Congrats, Marc! We all love a good “comeback” story, and yours is pretty awesome!

Greg Carrozza and David Zimmer - Albuquerque, NM
Greg and fellow member/collaborator, David Zimmer, shared their recent successes. Greg told us, “Here are some new TV show placements from my last PRO statement: I topped 300 placements, including MTV, Matthis Family Matters, Love and Hip Hop Atlanta, House of Ho, and the History Channel’s Crazy Rich Ancients.
Greg also highlighted other notable placements on popular TV shows such as Real Housewives of NJ, Queer Eye, Love Island, Lights Out with David Spade, Full Frontal with Samantha Bee, and Growing Up Hip Hop. All those other placements are through deals I signed as a result of TAXI forwards. Couldn’t have done it without you!”
Additionally, Greg shared an anecdote about how he and co-writer, David Zimmer, coincidentally met at the 2018 Road Rally while sitting next to each other during a music listening panel.
David confirmed the classic TAXI story, where he and Greg connected while sitting next to each other in a session in the main ballroom during the Road Rally. Their collaboration expanded to creating Christmas songs for a TAXI-friendly publisher and signing original songs with yet another TAXI-friendly publisher. These connections ultimately led to their most recent placement on the show, All American, on the CW network. David also mentioned his placements on The Young and the Restless, and another on the National Geographic network. He attributed these accomplishments to the connections made through TAXI, the Road Rally, and the education provided by TAXI through the Road Rally and TAXI TV. David emphasized that the supportive community within TAXI has been the most significant aspect of his musical journey, allowing him to develop relationships with like-minded individuals who complement his skills.
Congratulations to you both, Greg and David, and we look forward to hearing about your future placements, which we’re sure will be coming soon!

Adam Blinov - Toronto, Canada
Adam reports, “I’m a producer in Toronto, Canada, and I've been a TAXI member for around a year. During my time as a member, I had the opportunity to collaborate with another TAXI member, Young Mommy, who’s an MC in Sacramento, California. We connected through the TAXI Forums and decided to work on a Hip-Hop listing together. Our collaboration resulted in a song called ‘Rocket Launcher,’ which we submitted for the listing and it was forwarded to the client.
To our delight, the client reached out to me via email almost immediately after the listing deadline. They loved the track and expressed interest in having us create four more Hip-Hop tracks in a similar style for an EP release. We were thrilled by the opportunity and managed to complete the entire EP in about a month. Working with the music library was a fantastic experience throughout the entire process, and the EP was released on Spotify and sent to clients in January of this year.
One of the songs we wrote for the EP, titled ‘Drop the Stress,’ had a significant breakthrough. It was featured in an episode of The CW's All American, which aired on March 27. This network TV placement was a major achievement for us, and we owe it all to TAXI.
Since then, I have continued collaborating with the music library, expanding into writing Pop and Soul music that they include on their playlists for clients. Furthermore, the placement on All American has opened doors for me to work with more artists and connect with music supervisors here in Toronto.
The abundance of real opportunities posted on TAXI's platform on a daily basis, along with the valuable feedback I've received on tracks that weren't selected by clients, has been instrumental in honing my writing and production skills. It has been an invaluable resource for my musical journey.”
Congratulations and thanks for letting us know, Adam! And congrats to Young Mommy as well! Please keep us in the loop when you get more cool placements.

Jeffery T. Dunnigan - Boise, ID
Jeffrey checked in with this cool story about his first placement. “Our first placement, which came from answering a TAXI listing, was for instrumental Americana. We created a couple of tracks, both of which were forwarded and eventually signed by a busy production music house. They managed to land our track ‘Catty Wompus’ into a DIY network show called Williams Family Cabin. It was an exciting moment for us.
A few months later, during an episode of TAXI TV about titling tracks, Michael gave several shoutouts to some amazing titles he had discovered while searching the internet. To our surprise, ‘Catty Wompus’ was one of the titles he mentioned! This was a real thrill for Michelle and me.
We absolutely love being part of the TAXI family and have gained invaluable knowledge from attending the Road Rally and establishing connections with mentors like James Kocian and Matt Vander Boegh.”
There’s nothing like your first time, Jeffrey (and Michelle)! Congratulations, and thanks for letting us know about the placement, how much you love TAXI, and yes, it’s pretty cool how much Michael loved your awesome title, “Catty Wampus!”

Charles (Casey) Hurowitz - Fort Washington, PA
Casey let us know this great news: "Fellow TAXI member, Bob Mete, and I had a placement of one of our instrumental tracks on Chicago Fire (NBC) on May 3!
I got to know Bob over the past years, first through the TAXI Forum, and then at the TAXI Road Rally. We became friends and music buddies, and soon started collaborating. We would work together on Film/TV instrumentals, and Bob would apply his incredible talent for piano, sax, and production in general.
TAXI builds life-long friendships, and collaboration works! To date, we have quite a few instrumentals signed with a well-known TAXI music library client. This was our second placement on Chicago Fire, and we have others, including one on Legacies on the CW network.
What I love about TAXI is how the listings keep you motivated to create new music and stay current as to what is in demand for Film/TV. I can't say enough about the TAXI community and collaboration with other members! The Forum, the Road Rally, and the resulting collaborations are responsible for almost all my successes to date.
My advice to other members is always the same: embrace the whole ‘TAXI experience’ — listings, reviews, community, relationship building, etc. TAXI has so much to offer if you take advantage of everything.”
Nice going, Casey and Bob! Chicago Fire is an awesome show, and to have two placements on it is really cool. And thanks for giving great advice to your fellow members!

Sebastian Fernandez - Los Angeles, CA
From Sebastian’s manager: “We have submitted six times, four of which were forwards. The other three I have not heard back on, yet. But getting Sebastian’s previous material in a publisher’s catalog is why I had him join TAXI. And it worked!
The company his music was forwarded to invited Sebastian to come to their offices and perform a couple songs live for the staff – which he loved. He now performs under the name ‘Blue House,’ and his new single comes out May 12.
What I like about TAXI is that if you pitch your songs correctly and they’re as good as requested and on-target, you can get access to libraries, publishers, music supervisors, and labels that it would be impossible to get in front of without the help of TAXI.”
Congrats to Sebastian, and thank you so much for letting us know about the deal!

Traci Wilusz - Martinsburg, WV
Traci let us know, “We signed with a publisher through TAXI last year, and were pleasantly surprised a couple months ago to have received a royalty payment from a placement! Unfortunately, we don’t know where the song was used but it was a great surprise and we appreciate TAXI for linking us up with such a great company.
They signed one of our songs called ‘Nothing Left to Give,’ and we recently learned that it had been placed sometime last year. Through TAXI, we have received a few forwards, but that has been our only deal, so far. One thing we appreciate about TAXI is the abundance of available resources and the briefs they provide, as well as the feedback for the songs we send in.”
UPDATE: “We wanted to share more great news! Our song was selected to be used in a pilot episode called The Shipment. We’re not sure when or where it will air, but we're excited and grateful for the opportunity!”
Great news, Traci! Congratulations on the signing and the placement!

Dave Graham - London, UK
Dave mentioned, “After submitting to a TAXI Dramedy brief, I signed an album contract and have been asked to do two more albums.
The deal came about after I submitted a track to a Dramedy brief – the first Dramedy track I'd written! I was pleasantly surprised that it was forwarded as I'd been on a streak of having tracks returned and was not expecting this one to be any different.
Within a couple of weeks of the track being forwarded I got an email from a music library asking if the track was still available and if I had any more. I didn't! So, I requested a bit of time and I wrote a couple more. They liked them, and asked for a few more to round out a full album. The album was just released last week, and they've asked if I'm up for doing two more albums with them, which I am!
What I like about TAXI now, is the same thing I found painful when I first signed up: the feedback that comes with returned tracks. It used to frustrate me until I realized that feedback from knowledgeable industry experts is so valuable if you are willing to listen, learn, and adjust.
It's not rejection or criticism… it’s honing your craft. It's the key factor in moving yourself forward to more success.
I also like the level playing field – if your music is good enough, it gets forwarded whoever you are. Not many places in music where you get that! Many thanks and let me know if you need anything else.”
Congratulations on landing deals for those albums, and also for realizing that the feedback is such a great tool to move your music and your career forward, Dave!

Martin Svensson - Skåne, Sweden
From Martin: “TAXI had a recent listing for a music licensing company looking for Broadway Big Band instrumentals, and I had two tracks that I felt would be a good fit. The feedback from the screener came back very positive, but before I could see the feedback, I actually received an email from the company, expressing interest in my tracks. Both tracks were signed with them, marking my second deal through TAXI.
My first deal came a few months ago with a European-based music library specializing in trailer music, with distribution through Universal and clients like Warner Chappell.
Currently, I have two tracks signed with them, and I'm currently working on more material for their consideration. All the tracks I've signed so far have received valuable feedback from screeners from previous listings. This feedback has helped me improve various aspects of the tracks, sometimes down to minute details, making them more competitive. That's what I appreciate about TAXI—having highly knowledgeable individuals in specific genres who can pinpoint areas for improvement. It has guided me in writing tracks that are better focused on the specific listings along the way.”
Wow, that’s great news, Martin, on both deals! And thanks for the kind words about how TAXI’s A&R team has helped your music become more competitive!

Garrett Miller - Visalia, CA
Garett sent us this nice note, recently. “I'm a returning TAXI member and rejoined in May of ’21. My first forwards since rejoining occurred in June of 2021. In October of ’21, a music library reached out to me, expressing interest in representing my tracks. They also signed a classical guitar track for an album, which was an incredibly cool opportunity to be a part of!
The second deal came from a forward in January of 2023. I received the forward and was contacted by the library the very next day. The track, along with some edits, is now part of an album.
There are numerous opportunities available to submit to, and TAXI TV has been incredibly helpful as well. I had the privilege of attending the 2022 Road Rally, where I learned a great deal and had the chance to meet some amazing people. I'm eagerly looking forward to the 2023 Road Rally.”
And we look forward to seeing you at the Rally so we can congratulate you in person, Garrett! Keep up the great work!