Natalia Wohler - Baden, Switzerland
Natalia wrote to let us know, “I am very happy to announce that within three months of joining TAXI, I was offered a contract and signed 17 songs with a Music Licensing company. Thank you for making the connection. I joined TAXI at the beginning of July 2022, and got this opportunity with my very first forward, which was at the beginning of October this past year.
This is what happened. I am a professional singer/songwriter. I studied vocals in the UK and received a Bachelor’s degree in professional music performance. I was born in Trinidad, but grew up in Switzerland. So quite understandably my songs often contain elements of Soca, Calypso, etc.
I have been trying to expand my activities, for instance licensing out my songs. I joined TAXI about three months ago. During this time, I responded to several requests from various genres. I recently responded to a TAXI request for Soca music. I sent in a few of my songs including the song, “Can’t Get Over You,” a collaboration with Shurwayne Winchester, a well-known artist in the Soca scene. I thought this might really be an opportunity since this request was right up my sleeve, my specialty so to speak. There are probably not so many artists in this genre. I was pleasantly surprised and quite elated when TAXI replied that they had forwarded the song! A day or two after this email, I received an email from the Music Licensing Company stating that they had heard of “Can’t Get Over You” and were interested in a licensing deal.
I was invited to a Zoom call with the founder and director. He asked me about my background and my CV. I think he was impressed that I am a professional singer/songwriter, that I have many songs released and unreleased, that I am constantly working on new songs with various artists and producers, and expanding my horizon by attending classes on film music. He asked me to send a selection of my songs. The company replied that they were interested in licensing 17 songs! A contract was then signed for these songs. All this happened within three months of joining TAXI. I joined TAXI in the beginning of July 2022, and realized this opportunity with my very first forward around the beginning of October 2022.
I very much like that I get feedback with helpful tips on how to improve my songs from TAXI. I like that we can check out which songs have been forwarded, because it helps me to better understand what companies are looking for in the briefs. I also discover many fantastic new songs when I read through the briefs and listen to the reference tunes. They inspire me a lot, and motivate me to try and write for new genres.”
Congratulations, Natalia! Honestly, we were worried that not many of our members would submit for the Soca listings we’ve had recently, as it’s historically not been a popular request from the music libraries we work with. But we’re glad you submitted, and you clearly hit the ball out of the park!

Skaie Knox - Manhattan Beach, California
From the company that got the placement: “Writing to let you and our friends at TAXI know that the tune ‘Show Me Your Love’ will be in episode 107 of the new Hulu show, Welcome to Chippendales!!! It starts streaming on 12/27 - congrats! And of course, as always - THANK YOU, TAXI!”
Skaie added, “As an LA-based singer songwriter since 2001, who was looking to find homes for my original songs in TV and film, I discovered that cultivating relationships with independent film directors was a fantastic way to connect with like-minded creators and help each other raise our creative bars.
[A series of events led me to sign]... with a wonderful record label whose special niche in the sync world is era-specific music. Through them, I have placed numerous songs (Stumptown, ABC; Supergirl, CW, The Americans, FX, A Girlfriend’s Guide to Divorce, Bravo). Additionally, their long and wonderful relationship with TAXI has landed me the most recent placement, ‘Show Me Your Love’ on Hulu's Welcome to Chippendales,episode 107. The teamwork of [that label] and TAXI also found a home for my song, “I Won’t Cry Anymore” on episode 907 of American Horror Story 1984, on FX.
There's one thing I've discovered over these past many years in the world of sync: when you have an organization and/or group of hard-working people behind your music, you see results. What I like most about TAXI is they support songwriters and artists by educating us on the business, and provide briefs and professional opportunities to excel and further our careers. The TAXI Road Rally conventions also offer great ways to learn what's happening NOW in the business and connect with industry pros and collaborators.”
Skaie, it’s clear that you’re doing many things right, and they’re really paying off! And we could not agree more about the label you’ve signed with. We love them, too!! Congratulations on all of your success. It all starts with a song!

Niall McGuinness - Gardnerville, Nevada
Niall sent us this great news! “The placement of my track, ‘Crystalline,’ on the HBO Max show Doom Patrol (season 4, episode 6) was made from a music library that was introduced to me through a forward by TAXI many years ago. I have about 50 tracks in their library now, and all their placements come with decent sync fees.
Recently, another music library I met at the TAXI Road Rally a few years back placed two of my tracks on a truTV show, 101 Places to Party Before You Die.
I have really appreciated the leads TAXI has given me in placing my compositions in TV and film over the years. As a life-long performer, composing, and submitting my music to TV and film sure beats schlepping gear from gig to gig!”
Congratulations, Niall, and thanks for letting us know. We really appreciate you keeping us abreast of all your signings and placements, and we’re proud to be a part of the team that has helped your career move forward!

Erik Anderson - Hillsborough, New Jersey
Erik emailed our Head Screener to say, “I wanted to let everyone at TAXI know that I just got a new deal!! From listing #S221116AV - Avant Garde Orchestral Instrumentals. I noticed in the brief that it said this is a new company requesting music from TAXI, so I had to let you guys know the good news!
So, as you can imagine, I was completely shocked when this top-tier company contacted me as this is only my third deal so far! I will keep you posted as this is just the first day or two of being contacted, so I'm hoping it will evolve into a five-track signing! Mainly I just wanted to let you guys know they reached out and asked me to be a part of their family... THANK YOU, TAXI!!!”
Congrats, Erik, and yes, please keep us apprised of the progress and any other signings or placements. We love hearing from you!

Pete Steege - Hampshire, United Kingdom
Pete started out 2023 with this message to us, “Happy new year! Just a quick message to report my first Library signing through TAXI! I'm only (I think) about halfway through my second year of TAXI and although happily not my first library placement, it's my first through TAXI. I had two tracks taken by a library after they were both forwarded from a recent Halloween listing, and placed on a TAXI Compilation, so I believe. Thanks for all the work you do and thank you to the screeners whose feedback has been so helpful.”
Happy New Year to you, Pete! It sounds like you’ve started it off with a bang, and we’re really glad that having your tune on our Halloween compilation resulted in a new deal for you. Virtually all of the music that goes out on TAXI’s compilations gets picked up, we’re happy to say!

Melissa Olivieri - Newtown Square, Pennsylvania
Melissa sent us this impressive report! “Thanks so much for sharing in my excitement! I joined TAXI in 2013 and I believe I have only let my membership lapse for one year since that time. I have had several forwards over the years, but was starting to lose hope that I may never land a placement or even sign a catalog via a TAXI listing (I've been able to sign to catalogs without TAXI's help, but never had a major placement through any of them.).
As the years went by and I noticed friends were getting placements (plural!) through TAXI, I tried to take note of what they were doing differently. Some were way better at networking during the conference, whereas I tended to hide out at night or be a wallflower. They also recommended the mentor lunch to me. Some of them had success through instrumentals and cues, and I hadn't submitted to many of those listings. I heard another member credit 'critical mass' as the key to their success. They stressed the importance of continuing to expand your catalog to increase your chances of placements.
Ultimately, for me I think it was patience and perseverance that got me my first placement. Having the patience to really read the listings in detail and listen to reference tracks, do my own homework when watching shows or films, and having the persistence to handle many rejections and keep going. I'm still hopeful that one of my past forwards will land me another publishing contract and placement, and if not, then hopefully a future submission will. I can say that it feels incredibly rewarding to hear a clip of my music in a TV show, and having that on my resume really helps me legitimize my creative work to the world around me.
In the immediate moment, my favorite part about TAXI is this placement they got me!!! I do really enjoy the Road Rallies too, and have made a few great friendships there. I also enjoy the information I've gotten via Michael's YouTube videos and the online forum. Overall, the greatest thing about TAXI in my opinion, is that they help independent songwriters, artists, and composers make money and gain opportunities that we would otherwise not have!
I heard my song, but I definitely plan on watching the other 5 episodes to support it! It’s a new Hulu true crime series called, How I Caught My Killer. My song is in episode 5 and the song is called, ‘I Won’t Take It Anymore.’ Thank you, TAXI!”
You’re welcome, Melissa, and congratulations on your first placement! It sounds like you’ve worked hard to understand and implement all the things that go into the “stew” that results in success. We have little doubt that we’ll be hearing more from you in the not-too-distant future!

DxDx - Carrollton, Texas
Here’s a nice note from DxDx! “So excited! Just signed a publishing deal with a heavy hitter in the biz for over 20 years, doing TV cues. Thank you TAXI!
My POP/EDM track, ‘Keeps Me High,’ scored a forward in January 2023. This led to signing a deal with a heavy hitter of a music library with an amazing track record to represent some of my tracks, globally. Honored and excited, all in one!
I’ve also had the gift of landing a Hybrid/Rock track with Xbox and signing a deal with another library earlier in 2022, thanks to another Pop/EDM track that was forwarded for a listing with TAXI! I love all the opportunities TAXI provides and the kind, passionate, and caring people working behind-the-scenes to help those chasing our dreams. Thank you, a million times over!”
Congratulations, DxDx! It sounds like you’ve connected with a couple of great publishers, and we hope your “streak” continues! Please keep us in the loop!

John (and Jim) Mears, The Mears Brothers - Hermitage, TN
Two more terrific placements for the Mears Brothers! Here are two recent emails we got from the awesome company they signed with via TAXI.
“Writing to let you and our friends at TAXI know that ‘Cadillac Encounter’ found its way into the new movie, Bones and All. It premiered on November 22nd, 2022 and will certainly be getting some awards attention - exciting stuff! As always, congrats to the brothers Mears - and of course - THANK YOU, TAXI!!!”
“Looping in our friends at TAXI to let y’all know that your song, ‘Power of Positive Drinking’ is in tonight’s episode of Big Sky. This one airs on ABC, in episode 312 (Title: Are You Mad) if you want to find it later on. The hits just keep on comin’!”
We are so happy we were able to help the Mears Brothers connect with this powerhouse company that continues to get them placement, after placement, after placement. And really good placements, at that! Congratulations to both the Mears Brothers and the music licensing company!

Jeff LaPlante - South Hadley, Massachusetts
Wow, here’s some great news from Jeff LaPlante!
“January 2023 is the first month that I have made more money with my music than I do with my day job. I hope this is a sign of things to come.
Mostly, this is due to a few companies that have paid me upfront $$$ for my music… one of which was a direct result of a TAXI forward. Since joining TAXI in late 2020, I have signed 250 instrumental cues with 11 different libraries, and I’ve started getting placements all over the world. Thank you, TAXI!
1. In early January 2023, a few of my World Hip-Hop cues were forwarded to a top-tier music library that pays upfront money to composers. Those two cues turned into 20 cues (two full albums) being signed. I’m excited that this will become a consistent and lucrative partnership with one of the most successful libraries in the game.
2. I’m happy to report that with 11 different libraries representing my music, the placements have started to roll in, with cues being played all over the globe, most notably… a few primetime placements on Bravo.
3. The thing I value most about TAXI right now is the vetting process. With hundreds of music libraries popping up constantly, it’s difficult for composers to know who we can trust with our music. The TAXI team does this research for us, and ensures that each company they work with, are legit and successful.”
That’s great news, Jeff! We love hearing about members reaching that goal of earning as much (or more) income from their music that they do from their “day gig.” And you’ve done it in a very short amount of time. Congratulations, and we hope this trend continues for you!!

Nick Moxsom - Wimbledon, United Kingdom
From a TAXI client: “In the last couple of weeks we landed two U.S. national TV commercials for Captain Morgan Rum and Michelob Ultra World Cup 2022.”
From TAXI member Nick Moxom: “I met this Music Library CEO at my first TAXI Road Rally in 2011 – a very exciting and uplifting experience for me. At the time, the Music Library owner was a TAXI member just like myself. We were both trying to find a way to make our music useful to libraries and music supervisors, and I personally found there was an awful lot to learn. But the TAXI fraternity was so supportive, allowing me to walk the tightrope and occasionally fall, knowing there was a safety net that would buoy me up and encourage me to go again.
Around the same time, I started writing with fellow TAXI member Axel Bauer, who is based in Vienna, Austria (and whom I have still never met in person). We had some success back in, I think, 2018, with a song called, ‘Ain’t Nobody Like You,’ which was used as source music in a couple of U.S. TV dramas, Grandfathered and Shameless. And then things went pretty quiet for a long while for me, but we kept writing together.
Back in August 2019, Axel sent me a rough track from which I wrote, “We Just Click,” the first lyric I had written specifically with advertising in mind, hoping it might be picked up for online shopping or the like. By now, the TAXI member I met in 2011 had started a Music Library and signed the song on a non-exclusive basis.
A couple of months ago the library owner got in touch, saying somebody wanted the song for a TV Commercial, and asked if we could send him the stems. Meanwhile, Axel’s hard drive had died and the stems for the master track were lost. Sadly, I thought we’d missed the boat, but a couple more weeks later a second request came through for the earlier stems I still had, which I sent through to the library owner. A few days later, he sent a link to the finished ad for Captain Morgan’s Spiced Rum, which aired for twelve months in the US with the non-vocal version in the background. Yay, success!
Then, another couple of weeks later, the library owner emailed again saying somebody else wanted the same song for another commercial! This time, it was for a Michelob commercial that would air in the US and Mexico for two months to synchronize with the World Cup – and this time with my vocal as a prominent part of the story.
Although this was not officially a forward from TAXI, it was, however, entirely down to the contacts I had established through TAXI, and a great deal of patience and learning along the way. I can now, along with many of my TAXI friends, vouch for the fact that, with some diligence and faith, success is possible and will come. Although it’s been a few years in the waiting, the validation I feel right now makes the hard work worthwhile, and the safety net feels like it’s always in place.”
Congratulations, Nick, and thanks for sharing those placements with us! Pretty darn cool, and we look forward to hearing about more in the future!

Michael D. Barresi - Amherstburg, Canada
Mike let us know, “Just want to inform the TAXI crew that I submitted two tracks to listing # S220918UK. One was forwarded and the other returned. The company reached out, however, the track that was forwarded had already been signed by then, so I sent them a second piece of music, they liked it, and we signed a deal! I like that I can use it as a gauge to see what the Film and TV music industry is looking for. Writing to listings serves as great inspiration on a day-to day-basis.”
Great news, Mike, and congratulations on that deal!

Paul Croteau - Universal City, Texas
Here’s a timely report from Paulie! “My placement in the recent Christmas movie, Spirited, (starring Will Ferrell and Ryan Reynolds) came through a TAXI client that I met during the Mentor Lunch at my first Road Rally back in 2015. I've had several placements with this Music Library since then, and this particular placement was for a public domain Christmas song that was part of a batch that were originally pitched for a Marvel movie in 2021. That didn't work out, but apparently someone liked my arrangement and found a home for it in this new movie. I found out about the placement back in June, and received a four-figure upfront payment a few months later. I've also learned that my name made it into the film’s end credits, which is a first for me!
Another track of mine, a classic Jazz quartet ballad, has been placed in the film, Moving On, starring Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin. That placement came from another TAXI client that I met thanks to a TAXI forward many years ago.
I left TAXI for a couple of years for a variety of reasons and rejoined earlier this year to try and establish some new library relationships, as well as to pay it forward to the newer members in the same way I was mentored by TAXI veterans when I first signed up. I've been spending time in the TAXI forums, helping beginners learn the ropes, and I've started a YouTube channel specifically for aspiring tv composers.
TAXI helped me become the production composer I am today. The education you get from other members, from TAXI TV... it's all about the people, the personal network, the TAXI Forums (forums.taxi.com), and of course the Rally. It was awesome to see everyone face-to-face after three years.”
Big congrats, Paulie! Two big films in short order is a big deal, and it’s nice to have you back as a member. Even nicer to see you at the Rally!!

Holland Young - Austin, Texas
Holland let us know, “My acoustic guitar instrumental cue, ‘Dawning,’ was signed by a new music library, and they have requested additional material. Thanks for the forward TAXI!
I saw a TAXI listing for an acoustic guitar-based cue and realized that I had several pieces that were close to the style of the references. I recorded one of my pieces, submitted to the listing, and received a forward. TAXI’s screener said I nailed the arc. The client is a new music library, and they have signed that cue and requested additional material which I have provided, so there may be additional cues signed.
What I like about TAXI is the variety of requests which encourages thinking outside my genre comfort zones, and the submission deadline that drives a good work approach to execute on time. The screener feedback and other educational resources have been very helpful in improving my submissions. One thing I have learned is that even if I think it sounds better with a cowbell, if the listing didn’t request a cowbell, don't put it on the track!”
Congratulations, Holland! Thank you for letting us know, and please keep us posted on future deals and placements!

Liz Rachel Walker - Victoria, Canada
Liz emailed to say, “Hi, I recently signed a deal with a Los Angeles-based Music Library for a song that was forwarded to them from a TAXI listing. I submitted my most recently produced song to a TAXI listing for Indie folk/Americana songs earlier this year, and the song got forwarded. The client reached out to me shortly after the forward, and I signed a deal with them! I've had a few forwards in the past, but this was the first forward that led to me signing a song with a library. I’ve also signed a second song with the same library, and they're interested in signing a third!
It’s wonderful to connect with a library through a listing because TAXI has a long history of good relationships in the music industry, and I expect that clients who post listings with TAXI are likely to treat songwriters fairly.
I also really appreciate the feedback that the TAXI screeners give. The comments I’ve received have pointed out the areas I needed to strengthen, as well as the places that were already working. My songwriting has definitely improved because of TAXI. Thank you!”
You’re welcome, Liz, and congratulations! Please keep us updated as your songs get some placements, as well!

Minoru Amino - Osaka, Japan
Minoru gave us some updates on some recent placements. “Most recently, my song was placed on CNBC's American Greed for 16 seconds. This was done by a LA publisher connected through TAXI Forward. This is an orchestral tension cue that I made a couple of years ago.
There have been several more placements over the past year. In April, about 90 seconds of a song I made for a TAXI listing of traditional Japanese music a couple of years ago was placed on the Hungarian National Broadcasting station. It was made by a great Hollywood publisher.
In addition, due to another relationship created by a TAXI Forward a couple of years ago,
I am continuously making albums in various genres for a top-notch Music Library in London. They have a great network all over the world.
Another placement was in a sci-fi drama on a Podcast for an LA production company via another great LA publisher I met through TAXI.
Actually, there was another big event for me recently. The president of a major Japanese publishing company saw my track record as a composer for Production Music Libraries brought to me by TAXI, and asked if I would like to work with them. So, they made a two-hour presentation for me and I went to the head office in Tokyo and had the president and directors listen to a lot of tracks and we talked a lot. It was a year ago. They have accepted 270 songs I have made in the past, so far. They have a national broadcast TV network in Japan, and they also produce numerous TV shows and movies for them and other companies, as well. They also provide songs for many major Japanese artists. By law, broadcasters in Japan can have their own in-house libraries, unlike in the US. All the major networks in Japan have their own music libraries.
One day, my track started playing when I was lying down watching TV. An entertainment show started with a moving logo and my music. Since then, it has been used at the opening of the show every Sunday at noon. It was an EDM track I made ten years ago. At the time, I made it for a certain TAXI Music Listing and got forwarded a few times, but there were no offers.
According to the communication received in September, 15 songs were placed in the first season from April to June when their new TV station opened.
Some songs play multiple times a day. I look forward to hearing from them next month.
Wow, as I’m writing this, I've just heard that one of my tracks has been placed a few times as the theme on a Hip Hop Dance battle show. Somehow…the track is placed with a logo and crazy dancers every 10 minutes.
I wrote this because I hoped that Michael and the TAXI staff would smile a little. I'm sure these things wouldn't have happened without TAXI music. Thank you to Michael and the TAXI staff.”
We couldn’t be happier for you, Minoru! And yes, we smiled a lot upon hearing about your success. Keep up the great work, and please let us know as you get more placements!!

Steve Lima - Berkhamsted, United Kingdom
Here’s some great news from Steve. “I’ve had two deals via TAXI in the last three months. The first came about when three tracks of mine were forwarded to a Music Library and they quickly contacted me and asked if I could do 10 tracks for an album of that particular genre. I did 13 and asked them to choose their best 10 but they signed all 13!
Last week, another Music Library reached out after two tracks were forwarded to them by TAXI, and they wanted to sign them. I then sent another that I had done for the same pitch and they signed that too!
The best thing for me about TAXI is that I like to work to a clear specification and deadline and TAXI provides that. The screeners have definitely helped me up my game in this area of the music business, which I am relatively new to despite being a pro producer most of my working life. I have so much fun every day, and love the challenge of working in multiple genres. TAXI has given me a purpose and for that I am truly thankful.”
Well, we’re thankful that TAXI is working out so well for you, Steve! We really appreciate you letting us know about these recent signings. Please keep us in the loop as they start to generate some placements as well!

John Lindeman - Alexandria, Virginia
John wrote to let us know, “I submitted an instrumental to a Lo-Fi/Chillhop Music Library listing. I like the genre but don’t have much experience with it, and to my surprise the instrumental got forwarded! Shortly after, the Music Library’s president contacted me about making an album of ten instrumentals. I asked if there was a deadline (there wasn’t), and told him that I didn’t have any other Lo-Fi/Chillhop instrumentals at hand. He said, ‘No problem,’ and offered to critique the new instrumentals to make sure I was on the right track. So, I sent several instrumentals at a time for him to evaluate. Once the instrumentals were finished, per the deal; I created an alt mix, three stems, and three cut-downs (15s, 30s, 60s) of each instrumental. In all, 80 audio files! Even though there wasn’t a deadline, I tried to get things done in a timely manner.
Making the 10 instrumentals over several months was a pretty intensive task, but I learned a lot about music creation and production, DAWs, and using virtual instrumentals and audio samples. It was definitely worth the effort, and was like taking a free college-level class in music production (which I need as my day job is meteorology-related).
This is the first deal I’ve had, and I feel pretty excited about it. Can’t wait until the album drops!
The thing I like most about TAXI is Michael’s TV TAXI shows. There's lots of useful info such as learning about instrumental/song structures, making tracks sound contemporary, the music biz, proper etiquette with music supervisors, and Michael’s stories about being in the studio with Neil Young, etc. Those episodes definitely got me on the right track to produce broadcast quality instrumentals.”
Very cool report, John, and congratulations! We’re pretty sure that we’ll be hearing more from you in the relatively near future because it sounds like you’ve figured out the “secret sauce!”

John Pearson - Hendersonville, Tennessee
John told us, “My co-writer on this one (James Thacker) dug up this clip for a CBS trailer/teaser we recently had placed on CBS.
In 2017, my Road Rally One-to-One mentor was the owner of a Hollywood Production Music Library. He listened to some of my music and signed several tracks. He also put me on a list to receive future project briefs.
I submitted to many of those briefs, and the library owner subsequently signed several more of my vocal songs and instrumental cues. One of those was a Sports Rock cue written with my friend James Thacker, titled, ‘Throw Down.’
Fast forward to fall of 2022, and I received an email from the library owner that ‘Throw Down’ had been placed in a trailer/teaser on CBS for the season premiere of the hit TV show, S.W.A.T!
I would not have met this library owner, and gotten this placement if I hadn’t gone to TAXI’s free convention–The Road Rally!
Thanks TAXI, for providing the information which helped me to write this cue, and for putting me in direct touch with this Music Library!”
It’s always great to hear from you, John, and congratulations to you and James on this nice placement! And thanks for keeping us in the loop!

Erik Anderson - Hillsborough, New Jersey
Erik wrote to tell us, “I saw a listing for orchestral cues and noticed it had a short deadline, three days I believe, so I reworked a piece I had to focus more on the strings and submitted it. I ended up getting a forward the next day, which was Friday. I got an email from the company on Monday! They were excited to sign the cue, so I sent them four more piano and string-based cues, which they signed as well. The Saturday before I got the email, there was another short deadline listing from this company for cello based cues, so I quickly worked on a solo cello piece which ended up getting forwarded as well! I let the company know, and they wanted that track as well. All-in-all, I signed six pieces in total from two separate forwards!!
I really have to give a lot of thanks to TAXI and staff for helping me along the way, and preparing me for each next step. The TAXI TV episodes are incredibly informative, almost like taking an online course, but way more fun! Not to mention the Road Rally, a great way to meet fellow TAXI members, become friends, help each other, and to collaborate. And lastly, the TAXI Forum is an awesome place to get help with any questions, and also get really helpful feedback or advice for your latest/current work.”
Update: “That music library was partly responsible (one other library as well) for my music being placed on ABC's The Con, and two of my pieces got placed in that series!!! I signed nine tracks in all, a few of them were similar (same song, just swapped out the instruments with others, i.e., a piano for a cello part). So happy and grateful for TAXI!!”
We’re grateful that you’re a member, Erik, and happy to see that you’re doing all the right stuff, which is resulting in forwards, deals, and placements. Keep up the great work, and thanks for letting us know about your success.

Jeff Greenleaf - Malibu, California
Jeff let us know that, “I originally signed several deals in 2008 and 2009 through TAXI forwards. These were mostly for instrumentals. One of the publishers in particular has gotten me placements on over 250 TV shows. Through another company I met through TAXI, I also wrote cues for Oprah Winfrey’s talk show for a bit. I’ve been fortunate to have had music on 360 TV shows to date, all through either TAXI deals or networking at the TAXI Road Rally. The last few years, I’ve re-focused on songwriting for TV pitches. Fellow TAXI member, Justin Mather and I are a songwriting team called Coast Riders. We met at the 2008 Road Rally. Our Retro-style Indie Rock has been on 66 episodes of The Young and the Restless (over 70 vocal song placements). We’ve signed three deals, all as a result of networking with the speakers at the Road Rally. This includes 19 songs signed to one company with a strong relationship with the show, The Young and the Restless. I’ve also had five songs signed to another licensing company, and three more songs signed to yet another company. What I like most about TAXI is their tireless commitment to helping members get further in their music careers. TAXI not only presents the opportunities, but it tells you exactly what is needed. TAXI has been the vehicle to my success.”
What we like about you Jeff, is your tireless commitment to creating great music that our clients love, and so do the music supervisors who get music from our clients. Congratulations on working hard and getting it right!

Matthew Levin - Agoura Hills, California
Matthew updated us; “Just got two more songs placed in VICE! These will be my second and third placements with the show, with the third one appearing in the newest season!
I got my first placement with VICE through a music library I was connected to via a TAXI forward. I initially believed I had gotten just the one song, but I found out yesterday that a second one of my pieces was featured as well! So, I like to think I'm hopefully gaining traction with a pretty well-known series.
In addition to the two previously mentioned placements, I had just signed off on a third placement with VICE; and this time, I got a sync fee up front! It certainly pays off to stay consistent and relevant in this industry.
I like the amount of opportunities TAXI provides to all musicians/composers/producers alike, and I love the fact that you get feedback with every single piece of music you submit. It's difficult to know what needs to be fixed if no one tells you anything, so I really appreciate the time and care TAXI takes to make sure you're kept in the loop.”
Congratulations on those deals and placements Matthew, and thanks for always keeping us in the loop when they happen! Continued success to you!

Erin Reynolds - South Salt Lake, Utah
Erin wrote to let us know, “It all started when I received a forward from a TAXI compilation listing. A few weeks later, a music library that I made a deal with two years earlier reached out to me and asked if they could sign the track, and requested that I create more tracks that were similar. I immediately went to work and was able to sign four more tracks!
There’s lots to love about TAXI, but what I appreciate most is the helpful, detailed feedback from the A&R team. It’s helped me grow as a composer and fine-tune my future submissions.
I’ve always dreamed of composing for music libraries and directors, but I didn’t think that it would be this easy, and I owe it all to TAXI. They make the process simple – all you have to do is put in the work! Thank you for everything, TAXI! And thank you, Mr. Laskow, for coming up with the idea and giving me and thousands of other composers and songwriters so many opportunities!”
You are very welcome, Erin, and we are tickled pink that your dream of composing for music libraries and directors is coming true! We love helping our members achieve their dreams.

Oscar Villa - Maywood, California
Oscar told us, “I joined TAXI at the end of September due to an email for a TAXI listing requesting 1970s Latin Vintage music. Though I did not possess recordings from that era, my dad had 1970s recordings and controlled the masters to music he recorded with his band. We submitted four songs to this listing, of which three were forwarded. The company reached out to me immediately and requested more music, which ultimately resulted in them signing seven out of the 11 songs sent. The deal included two of the songs forwarded by TAXI.
I was able to get the music cleared and secure the deal for my dad's music that will now get to see some love rather than collect dust on a shelf. My dad no longer produces original work, but has helped me produce my own music over the years and felt this was a good opportunity for him. This was a unique situation and I would never do it under any other circumstance.
I originally joined TAXI two years ago but was unable to take full advantage of the services with very little submissions made. Since then, I have been able to produce more music than I ever have and have gotten one other forward totaling it to four forwards out of 18 submissions so far in less than one month!
I am excited to see what opportunities lay ahead and plan to take full advantage of TAXI's services this time around. TAXI has provided me with a lot of valuable information over these last couple of years and have learned so much about the music production world through mediums such as TAXI TV, TAXI's Newsletters, Forums, and Listings. My dad will be joining me as my guest at this year's TAXI Road Rally and will be experiencing this new endeavor along with me.
What I look forward to the most this time around; and what I love the most about TAXI is the opportunity for relationships and networking. I plan to establish meaningful relationships with like-minded people who have the same drive and dedication for this field. Thank you TAXI for all that you do!”
You’re welcome, Oscar, and we’re very happy that your dad’s music is now off the shelf and seeing the light of day!

Terry Sorfleet - Penistone, United Kingdom
Terry wrote and told us:
“Hi guys,
As a direct result of attending the 2019 TAXI Road Rally and applying what I learned, I had my first TAXI forwards in 2021. Not only that, a Music Library signed one of the TAXI forwards and also signed more of my tracks. Today I received a Royalty Payment from the PRS for those tracks. What a feeling!!!!”
Additionally, Terry wrote, “My advice to anyone doubting the worth of the Road Rally is get yourself there! You'll learn such a lot over three fantastic days and it's absolutely free! As a new member, I had decided to fly from the UK to attend the Rally and I was so pleased I did. I learned so much at the Road Rally by attending as many classes and sessions as I could fit in but one of the biggest lessons for me was talking to the TAXI Screeners at the evening meals. They explained how important it was to listen to the reference tracks supplied with listings and to try and deconstruct these tracks to work out how to recreate the sound and vibe that the listing was asking for. So since then, that's what I've been doing and BINGO – it worked!”
Terry, we’re so glad you made the trip to the Rally, and got exactly the advice you needed to become successful. We hope to hear about many more successful signings and placements in the future!

Michelle and Todd Lindley - Taylor, Canada
“This year, going to the Road Rally, True Swans have signed 33 songs into 10 different libraries. We're currently finishing a contract to deliver 12 pop songs and we've also had our first TV placement on two episodes of The Williams Family Cabin. We've collaborated with some of the TAXI superstars like Matt Vander Boegh and Greg Carrozza, and gotten friendly with others like Robbie Hancock. When you track our success, all roads lead back to TAXI. Even if we answered a brief directly from a library, we started that relationship with the library from a TAXI listing.
Since the beginning of summer 2022 we have signed 15 songs into four different libraries just from answering TAXI listings, getting the forward and having the library contact us and make the deal. We write in a few different styles but most of the songs we signed would fall into a category of dark, moody, pop.
Our first TV placement came about by answering a TAXI listing last year which resulted in a forward and ultimately our relationship with a leading production music library. They sent out a brief for Hick Hop instrumentals and we sent in three tracks which resulted in two placements (so far) on The Williams Family Cabin on the Magnolia Network.
Our relationships with five additional libraries also came about through TAXI connections. What we like best about TAXI is the community of people we have been able to meet through being a member. We have found a ton of support from those who have gone before us and a couple hundred returns helped us hone our craft. We're so much better than when we started thanks to all the feedback we've gotten.”
Congratulations, Michelle and Todd! It sounds like you’ve figured out the recipe for the secret sauce. Please keep us in the loop for all of your future deals and placements.

Owen Grech - Xghajra, Malta
Owen emailed to tell us this… “Happy to report that my Tunesat account finally detected my first placement! Nineteen seconds from one of my earlier tracks I signed with my first library (thanks to a TAXI forward) was used in the show Glow Up on the ZDF Neo network in Germany! It has already aired three times since I last checked!
This is somewhat mindblowing to a guy who creates music from his humble ‘home studio’ in an unknown, tiny Mediterranean island to have his music signed to an American publisher and then placed on German TV!
Witnessing this whole cycle come to life in a little over a year surely proves that TAXI does indeed work, and if I could experience this first little step from an island that is barely visible on the map, so can you! :) Also, thanks to TAXI I signed a couple more tracks with other production music libraries, solidified and made new relationships including some fun collaborations with long-time member Casey Hurowitz (through hanging in the TAXI Forums).
This year wasn't the right one for me to make the long trip to the Road Rally but I am making it a goal of mine to meet all these lovely people face to face in 2023. I honestly like a lot of stuff about TAXI, especially since after a while—even from this far, it starts to feel like a little family of sorts. However, at this point in time I feel I need to give a shout out to TAXI TV as the stuff I learned from binge watching the show constantly ever since I joined. It’s priceless! GO TAXI!!”
GO OWEN! We’re so happy for you! To the best of our knowledge, you’re the first member from Malta to find success through TAXI. You might also be the only TV composer on Malta, so congratulations for being a pioneer in this field!

Tom Hoy - Brantford, Canada
I was thrilled to see that our song, If We've Only Got Today, was recently used in the TV show, The Young and the Restless. In fact, that is the third time this song has been used in the last six months. The song was co-written with John Lewitt and Susan Simonson. I’ve also had five other songs picked up by two different music licensing companies in the past couple of months. One with co-writer Casey Hurowitz, and also with John Lewitt.
Most of my other placements (video games, etc.) were with independent groups. I did have one placement on a show called Switched at Birth, for my song, ‘I'd Miss My Life.’ It was on ABC's Freeform channel.
The thing I love most about TAXI is all the opportunities there are to meet new people who have the same interests and goals as me. Without TAXI, I would never have imagined that I would write songs that have ended up in video games, movie trailers, documentaries, and TV shows. When I retired 12 years ago, I thought that was it for me. I didn't realize it was only the beginning of an amazing journey. I completely owe it to TAXI. So, thank you TAXI!”
Well, congratulations, Tom! We’re very happy for you, and you’ve proved what we frequently say on TAXI TV; Age is not a factor when making music for media. All the end users care about is whether or not your music works in the context of their TV show, film, trailer, or video game. And clearly, your music does, Tom! Congrats, and thanks for letting us know!!