Kris Timmermans – Antwerpen, Belgium
Kris sent us this exciting news: “I had only been a TAXI member for two weeks, and the first track I made for a TAXI listing was forwarded. The production music library contacted me to make an entire album, and to continue doing so for the foreseeable future... I am stoked! The best decision of the year was to join the TAXI community.
What I like about TAXI is how engaged they are with their people, and how they do their very best to give you all the tools to guide you to success, even if this doesn't mean any more money in their pocket... and that is something you don't come across very often. I’ve seen different places on the Internet where people are talking trash about TAXI, but when you dig deeper, to the more professional people's channels, and if you look up how to get placements on TV and movies, people who make lists on which websites to enroll to get there, TAXI will be on top of their list every time. So, I just went for it and we hit it off straight away.”
Congratulations on the deal and invitation from the company to do more music for them, Kris! Please let us know when you start to see some placements that result from that deal.

Winston Eade – Surrey, United Kingdom
Winston reports, “I've only been with TAXI for eight weeks, and already had some feedback from listings which has been so useful. I made a few changes to two of my tracks and resubmitted them, and they were forwarded :-)
I have now received a contract from my first ever production music library, and they also want to take another song, so that potentially is three that will get signed. It certainly works. I think what was really helpful was a Q&A on TAXI TV. It gave me the best piece of advice. ‘Read the listing carefully and write to match the brief.’ Another track has also been forwarded from another listing, so fingers crossed for that one, too. Just wanted to say thanks guys, I am really enjoying the process.
A big thank you to Michael for the New Member Zoom video on TAXI TV, as I found it so useful and I’ve already learned so much.
I also submitted a Christmas song, but that didn’t get forwarded. The feedback was that the vocals needed to be stronger. I re-recorded the vocals and entered it to another listing and it got forwarded. I like the fact that there are so many opportunities and I find it challenges me to write in different styles and takes me out of my comfort zone. Everyone is so supportive. Just wanted to say thanks guys, I am really enjoying the process.”
Wow Winston, great news and congratulations. We look forward to hearing about some placements and royalties coming in. Please let us know when that happens!

Dale Grisa – Livonia, Michigan
Dale emailed to tell us, “Since joining TAXI in January, I’ve signed deals and have had tracks placed with two very reputable international production music libraries. My initial goal was to have deals with three libraries by the time the Rally rolled around, however I am now writing and producing a full album of 10 tracks for one of the deals already inked. That project coupled with my existing workload of production clients, one of which is producing a cast album and writing orchestrations for a new musical, has slowed my ability to submit to new listings. A high-quality problem for sure!
There is no way I’d have been able to make these connections without my affiliation with TAXI. I didn’t even know these companies existed, let alone have access to the briefs for material they are interested in. As musicians and composers, we all get extremely busy dealing with projects and gigs that are demanding our immediate attention. Therefore, expanding vision and reach to clients and projects that exist on a larger scale can be very daunting to say the least. TAXI bridges that divide and gives access to these companies and individuals. Do I have any placements yet? Nope, but they will come. I’m a lifer and will continue for many years to come.
Thank you to Michael and the whole crew at TAXI for these incredible opportunities! See y’all at the Rally!”
Great news and congratulations, Dale. We feel pretty sure that you’re going to be reporting deals and placements on a regular basis in no time at all. Keep up the great work, and we look forward to seeing you at the Road Rally as well!

Jim and John Mears – Hermitage, Tennessee
Email from the music publisher/label that the Mears Brothers connected with through TAXI: “Writing to let you fellas know that ‘Beer, Pop and Whiskey Stop’ will be in this week’s episode of Young Sheldon, airing tomorrow on CBS! It’s episode 602 (Title: ‘Future Worf and the Margarita of the South Pacific’) if you want to find it online later on.
As always, congrats to the Mears Brothers, and as always – THANK YOU TAXI!!!!”
We love it when our clients take a moment to let us know about placements for TAXI members they’ve signed. The Mears Brothers have likely set some sort of record for the most vintage placements by a TAXI member, and we couldn’t be happier for them. Their music is incredibly well-suited for sync!

Wenda Williamson – Columbus, Ohio
This is a great story from Wenda! “One of my TAXI pals forwarded a TAXI listing to me that I had missed. The listing was right up my alley, so I wrote two pieces and submitted them. They were forwarded, and within a fairly short period of time (under three months, if I recall correctly), I had signed a contract with a boutique music publisher. That was in 2019. In 2022, each of these tracks had high-level placements: The first on FOX’s Call Me Kat with Mayim Bialik, and the second on Disney’s She-Hulk: Attorney at Law.
It was a funny way I learned about the She-Hulk placement. For some reason, I did a Google image search on myself at 4 a.m., and was puzzled why She-Hulk showed up. Then I found that I was credited in IMDb, and because it is a Marvel production, it is included in many fan sites.
I signed my first publishing deal, signed an album, met many great co-writers and friends, co-created a piece which to this day shakes me to my core, signed a lot more deals, and have had many placements around the world, all because of TAXI (on a personal note, I was also inspired to lose 125 pounds because of a TAXI member who inspired me!).

Andre Stepanian – Vancouver, Canada
Andre wrote to say, “I just wanted to thank you again for this opportunity as this wouldn't be possible without TAXI. I was referred to [an A-List Production Music Library] by fellow TAXI member John Pearson, whom I wouldn't have met if it wasn't for TAXI’s Quarantini Happy Hours (on YouTube during the pandemic lockdown) and the TAXI Forum. This led to John speaking highly about me to the music library. They checked out my track, and I received an email in June of 2022 to see if I was interested in doing a 12-track album for them. With this album, I now have 40 tracks signed in total, with eight different companies.
Another of my deals is a collaboration, again thanks to TAXI and continuous support from its CEO, Michael Laskow. He kept mentioning me a lot on the Quarantini Happy Hours on YouTube, and one time he had fellow member, Bob Mete, on as his guest. Michael mentioned me to Bob on the show, and said that he should collaborate with me. After a few months, I got an email from Bob to see if I would be interested in working with him on two tracks, Kristine Chambers (vocals) on a bossa track called "Whispers in a Dream," and another instrumental for an album he was putting together. Shortly after, it was out that it got signed to a library. This has opened more doors for me to collaborate with other members as well, all over the globe all because of a caring CEO and staff, and wonderful TAXI members.
That's all I have for now, until my first placement with TAXI! Thank you again from the bottom of my heart!”
Congratulations Andre, from the bottom of our hearts!

E.B. Hawkins – Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania
A note from the company TAXI connected E.B. with: “Long time, I hope you have been well! At long last, we're thrilled to let you know that your tune ‘January’ will be in the brand new show (and one of my most highly anticipated of the year) – Let the Right One In. Like we said, great music gets placed, we just never know how long it'll take.
It's in episode 102, which [aired] on Showtime on October 16, and then it will be streaming shortly thereafter. Congrats to E.B. and THANK YOU TAXI!”
Great placement, E.B.! We look forward to hearing your song in the show!

Tim Brown – Brentwood, Tennessee
Tim posted this short but sweet story, “I wanted to take a minute to share a success story with you. August 8, 2019, I was contacted by a music publisher regarding a track that was forwarded to them by TAXI. They were interested in the track and wanted to sign it. It was a straight-ahead Pop track (not directly in my wheelhouse). I signed the track and also reached out to them and sent them other tracks I have done, mostly in a Rock & Blues format. They loved the tracks and wanted them as well.
Moving forward, in the last three years, I have received over 60 requests from that company for specific tracks, and now have 64 tracks in their catalog and am now starting to see these tracks appear on my ASCAP statements. Thanks for the introduction, TAXI!”

Ira Stanley – Bonita Springs, Florida
Another note from one of our favorite TAXI clients about a recent placement! “Writing to let you know that ‘Take A Look Around’ will be in tomorrow’s episode of Young Sheldon, airing on CBS. It’s episode 602, titled, ‘Future Worf and the Margarita of the South Pacific.’ A big congrats to Ira & the rest of Dixie Peach, and THANK YOU TAXI!!!”
Keep ’em coming! We really appreciate these updates and congratulations, Ira and Dixie Peach!!

Michael J. Beeghley - Brussels, Belgium
Michael let us know, “I've made it into a few production music libraries thanks to TAXI, and recently I discovered that one of my cues made it onto an episode of an HBO show. Hearing that first song of mine on TV did feel like a milestone. It gave me goosebumps watching it on TV, I couldn't believe it was actually my song being played on HBO! I've even made a little money from royalties so far. That small victory has inspired me to work even harder.
Here’s some backstory: I knew about TAXI, and had even previously signed up in the past, but I hadn't put in the regular work. By the end of 2019 I was paying my rent from playing live music. I was living a dream at the time, stepping away from most of my non-music work. I had a rehearsal or a gig pretty much every day of the week.
2020 changed everything. Suddenly I was a live musician who couldn't gig. While scrambling to find online work, I decided I should go back to TAXI, so I signed up. Since then, I've produced over 100 new tracks. My productivity has vastly improved, and so has the quality of my compositions and productions. I've spent the time searching TAXI listings, analyzing the example songs closely, and I've improved my skills by mimicking, through countless rounds of trial and error, listen-backs, and alternate mixes. I still get more returns than I do forwards, but the feedback is getting increasingly specific, and the screeners have recognized my improvements.
Forward or return, TAXI is making me a more disciplined composer and music producer. Thanks to TAXI, I am honing my craft. TAXI isn't easy. It's been really challenging and time-consuming for me to crack the code, even the small amount that I have. Now when I sit down at my DAW and open up a blank file, I take a deep breath and I get to work with so much more confidence in my ability to write something that is broadcast quality, every time, forward or return.
It's my first milestone on a long journey. My dream is to one day quit my job and be a full-time composer, and I see TAXI as playing a big role in helping me achieve that goal. I'm such a happy TAXI member. I'm such a better composer and producer than I was two years ago; TAXI’s critiques have played a huge role in my development. Thank you so much. Looking forward to the Road Rally in November. My wife and I are coming all the way from Belgium. See you there. :)”
Congratulations Michael, and thanks for telling us your story! It does sound like you’ve cracked the code, and we think it’s only a matter of time until we see many more of these success stories from you! See you at the Rally!!

Topi Jokinen - Vantaa, Finland
Here’s Topi’s report, “I joined TAXI a little over a month ago. I’ve been composing trailer music and saw an interesting listing here for a production music library, so I thought I’d give it a go. It was my third submission here on TAXI, and it got forwarded. A couple of days later the CEO of the library contacted me. We soon met via video call, and now I'm composing my first TV album for his company. I never imagined getting this result so soon and even less that I'm now composing for TV.
I would never have expected this result so soon after joining TAXI. I was under the impression that these things usually take a while, so doing this deal so quickly hugely exceeded my expectations. I'm really glad that I decided to join TAXI!”
We’re glad you joined as well, Topi, and even more grateful that you let us know about this deal! Most people don’t get such quick results, but we’re happy you did. Please keep in touch as the placements begin to happen!

Ned Selfe - Kalaheo, Hawaii
From Ned’s publisher he met through a TAXI Listing, “Writing to let y'all know that “Next Thing You Know” will be in the series premiere of the new Marvel show She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, which starts streaming TODAY on Disney+!!! This is a big show! Like She-Hulk herself!
Glad that your music is finding a new audience – so congrats to you both – and – THANK YOU TAXI!!!”
Ned adds, “She-HULK smash! I think I’ll have to quote Ruth Gordon [on winning the Oscar at age 72, after more than 50 years in show business]. ‘I can't tell you how encouraging a thing like this is.’
Needless to say, You guys (the publisher/label) Rock, and TAXI Rulez!!! Thanks so much to the entire team – y’all are the best!”
That’s a great placement, Ned, and special thanks to your awesome publisher for telling us all about this sweet placement!

Pierre Veniot - Hong Kong
From Pierre, “Hi, since February 2022, about 50% of all my submissions to TAXI resulted in forwards. Some of them got very interesting contract signatures, two songs recorded in 1979, were signed yielding interesting payouts. Checking on TuneSat, I can see 20 placements in different TV and Radio shows in the USA and Europe resulting from four years of hard work. It's only the beginning.
I just signed a five-song Classical music deal! My 10 years of classical music study and playing finally resulted in a great deal with a major publisher. This is a hard-to-source niche, and I intend to do some more. This deal was the result of two forwards from TAXI, and they want more!
I also signed a deal for some Jazz-fusion songs recorded in 1979, and got my first royalty check from my PRO. Not enough to pay the rent, but the next ones should be bigger!
To sum it up, I would say I am one year ahead of my five-year plan. TAXI was very helpful in teaching me how the music licensing business works. I have now signed deals with 10 production music libraries and they really like me: patience, speed, and professionalism are the key for great relationships.
My placements so far: Discovery ID (American Detective), Vox TV, Nederland 3, BBC 2, Eurosport FR and UK, Ki.Ka (Children’s channel). Back to my Pro Tools now!”
We’re so happy for you, Pierre. We’ve watched you grow over the last few years, and it’s really great to see it paying off for you!

Juan Bell - Baltimore, Maryland
Here’s some cool news from Juan. “I just wanted to take a second to thank the TAXI team & staff for all it does. This is my second go around with you guys. I’ve been creating compositions and songs for years. I got my start in Hip Hop, and there was never a ton of structure to it at times. So, I carried those tendencies over to other genres when I started creating Pop, R&B, and Funk. So, my tracks lacked in a few areas, and I never really knew it because they were still hot and created a great reaction from listeners.
When I first joined TAXI, I never got many songs forwarded, but the feedback I got was so helpful. I took heed of the advice and went to work at making stronger material, and thus taking my songs from just being hot, to now being hits. This second time around with TAXI, I’ve had dozens of songs forwarded and have been offered deals with multiple publishers.
I know when most members get deals, they just sign them and move on, but I wanted to actually take the time to say thanks to you guys. I want to make a major impact in music through all mediums possible (records, radio, film/tv, advertising, etc.) and you guys have a service that helps to open those doors for musicians like me. I appreciate you guys immensely. Keep up the great work.”
Well, thank you for letting us know, Juan. We really appreciate the kind words, and we wish more musicians would follow your example of looking inward, and listening to the feedback our screeners give our members. TAXI works if you let it!

Ove Schei - Vesterålen, Norway
Some follow-up news from Ove in Norway! “In March this year I delivered one track to a listing on TAXI. It got forwarded and the publisher reached out quickly. It turned out to be one I had signed several tracks with before, so I sent him another 4 tracks, and ended up signing the whole lot with him!
Had actually forgotten about the whole thing and then suddenly I got an email saying one of the tracks had been placed in a TV episode. A few days after another email ticked in – another track is being used in the next episode. Then a week after that, another one! So far, three out of five tracks are being used. Being that these are my first placement, I’m still trying to get my head around it. Somewhat surreal living up north in Norway and having this experience with placements on the other side of ‘The Big Pond.’
I’ve been a TAXI member since march 2018, and set myself a goal that within five years, something that I had produced should be placed somewhere. Obviously, a new goal has been set, and now starts the real work!

Danilo Carnevale - Milan, Italy
From the publisher/label that signed Danilo’s music, “Writing with the exciting news that TAXI member, Danilo Carnevale signed a batch of EXCELLENT tunes with us from his early ’90s Italian rock band ULTRACORPI!
We don’t stumble upon music like this very often – so thank you TAXI (as always) for this introduction – and congrats to Danilo and the rest of Ultracorpi!”
From TAXI member, Danilo Carnevale, “It's difficult to describe how I feel about your comments. So honored to have met you through TAXI, after all these years from conceiving those songs. It's both puzzling and wonderful at the same time, and it's come to a stage of my life when things are finally starting to align. After a lifetime of music making ‘on the side’ - just like thousands of musicians really, time has come for some recognition. It sounds as though almost 30 years ago we were spontaneously creating something that’s worth it and that has apparently stood the test of time. So grateful to you and all the staff at the company – a label of unparalleled professionalism and rare sensitivity. As I said before, your way of approaching musicians and their creations goes well beyond mere music business. Also, thanks to TAXI and all the staff for being such an important liaison between musicians and the multifaceted world of the music business. It's definitely worked for me! A special greeting from Italy to all of you!”
Danilo added, “I had a chill-hop track forwarded by TAXI, after which I received an email from a Canadian label asking me to write a 10-track CD for them. I joined TAXI about nine months ago, but have not been particularly active – these results came from seven submissions, which makes it a total of almost 30% of success. If you don't just expect overnight success, with perseverance it can be done. You just have to look for the right opportunity for your music.
TAXI is a very useful hub for every musician who is fed up with shooting in the dark, writing countless emails to music supervisors, music libraries, and labels. It takes out the guesswork as you have the opportunity to target your music to specific requests from the end client. The process of submitting is very straightforward and quick. TAXI's staff is also prompt in responding to any queries.”
Thank you for giving us some props for all the hard work we do in helping our members find success, Danilo. That said, it takes hard-working musicians to create music that’s good enough that our clients want to sign it!

Colette A. Fallon - Canby, Oregon
Collette reports, “In the last couple of weeks, I have had 15 songs signed by two international music libraries. A library that previously signed some of my songs from a TAXI listing had a posting request for classical piano instrumentals. This library just signed 8 of my songs to be used on a new classical solo piano album to be released soon. Another library just signed seven of my instrumental Christmas Public Domain songs to be used on a new Children's Christmas album, which was just released. So grateful for the opportunities provided by TAXI.
Recently there was a TAXI listing for Children’s Public Domain Christmas Instrumental Music. Being an early childhood music teacher, and having written several songs for children, I felt this was an opportunity to write and arrange music for this listing. So, I wrote seven instrumental lullabies, and to my delight, all seven songs were forwarded by TAXI! Not long after receiving that news, I was contacted by an International Music Library located in Europe requesting all seven lullabies. All seven songs have been put on an album for Children’s Instrumental Christmas music, which has just been released. This library has a huge presence on the international scene, including a new business relationship with the Hallmark Channel.
As the signing of the Children’s Instrumental Christmas music was occurring, I received news that another International Music Library, located in Europe as well, signed eight of my songs I sent from a TAXI Listing for Solo Classical Piano. These pieces will be on a Classical album to be released shortly. I previously had signed several songs with this library from a previous TAXI listing in 2021. This music library also has a huge presence in the international scene.
These opportunities would not have been possible if it wasn’t for TAXI. It was at the November 2019 Road Rally that we had our first exposure to TAXI. Actually, it was a fluke that my husband and I even attended the event. I stumbled across TAXI while doing online research on how to get exposure for my music. My husband, Dave, did a search to see if TAXI was legit. His research proved that they were the real deal. We found out about the Rally in September 2019, and decided to attend. The Rally changed my life. One of my songs was picked up from another international library at that Rally. I am currently in three International music libraries and 1 domestic library. It is also where I met James Kocian, who was one of the guest panelists at the Rally. I approached him to see if he would coach me – and he said ‘yes!’ He has been on this journey with me. He has not only been instrumental in helping me with my success, but he has become a great friend. TAXI has been a game-changer for me. Not only has it been a venue to get my music heard, but has provided critiquing of my work to help me become a better composer/musician. I am so grateful to TAXI. It takes a lot of work, and there have been rejections. That is a part of the process. Tenacity is the name of the game. TAXI has opened doors that would have otherwise not opened.”
Collette, you are on such a roll!!! We are so proud of all that you’ve accomplished and we are looking forward to hearing about the placements you get when these deals bear fruit!

Alessandro Finizio - Milano, Italy
“I signed a deal for one of my tracks that was in a genre distant from my comfort zone. Thanks to TAXI, I'm improving as a composer! I got a deal for one of my latest tracks with a library based in the US, just a few months after releasing a sync music album with a Canadian company, all thanks to TAXI.
What's great is, for the new track I had to step out of my comfort zone and analyze a Classical Orchestral piece and totally rethink it with my sound. I also managed to sign to a big U.S. library 15 of my old tracks that didn't get a TAXI forward, and now some of them are finally getting placed in a couple of ads and a documentary, so I guess no work goes wasted with TAXI!”
Great news, Alessandro! Congratulations, keep up the great work, and thank you so much for letting us know about your success!

Dane Holmes - Orem, Utah
Dane wrote to tell us, “Hey TAXI! First, just wanted to share a recent win from a placement that
originated through a TAXI submission. My track ‘Another Night’ was signed to an
Australian-based music library back in 2020, I believe. It was recently placed in this BTS Stranger Things video for Season 4's most iconic ‘running up that hill’ escape scene, which can be seenhere.
I've been a huge fan of the show and its music from day one, and have only daydreamed
of landing something in that show. This placement might be the closest thing, given that they only seem to license old hits (but never say never!).
I was wrapping up some work in my studio at 2 a.m. when I noticed a YouTube thumbnail for a behind-the-scenes video of the Max vs. Vecna escape scene in Stranger Things. I had just finished watching the finale of Season 4, so I clicked and watched. At 2:13 I noticed a familiar track. It probably took 30 seconds to realize it was for sure mine. I hadn't heard it in about 2 1/2 years, but it came back to me that I had signed that track to a music library through a TAXI Listing.
It was a surreal moment that I really couldn't believe... a dream come true to land a placement in something so massive, produced by an official Netflix YouTube channel with 3.4 million subscribers. In just 2 weeks the video has amassed 1.9 million views and shows Sadie Sink and Sean Levy talking about the most iconic scene from the entire season, maybe even the entire show! Thank you for giving musicians the opportunities to land placements like this. It would never have happened without my TAXI membership!
What do I like most about TAXI? It's the fact that I can get real pros in the film/TV biz to listen to my music and tell me if it's good enough to put on the desk of a music supervisor. There isn't anything more validating than having that stamp of approval from veterans in the industry. That's the fuel that keeps you going. The fact that TAXI’s the one place that I can go to for industry listings in almost any genre you can think of, combined with the education you get through the TAXI Forums and the Road Rally is something I’ve really valued during my membership.”
Wow, Dane! What a great placement, and a great story. We’re very excited for you, and thank you for letting us know!

Robin Ravazzini - Reno, Nevada
We just got this great news from Robin, “I’m excited to announce my first placement, and it came through a TAXI Listing! I joined TAXI in November of 2021, and have submitted to around 30 listings, primarily with instrumentals, some of which were written solely by me, and some with co-writers. Out of those submissions, I have received four forwards.
So far, only one of those forwards led to a music library contract, BUT it turned out to be a great one, because it led to my very first placement! On Thursday night, two of my instrumentals landed on the hit ABC show, The Con.
I submitted to an instrumental brief this spring and after receiving the forward, the library contacted me to sign the single cue. When I emailed back, the library contact saw on my email signature that I am a cellist in addition to being a composer. He said that he was also looking for cello music and wondered if I had any other cues to send him. I immediately sent him more tracks, including some I’d written with my co-writer, Will Collante, and the library signed a handful of those as well!
Fast forward to this past week, when two of the tracks ended up being used on The Con, Season 2, Episode 1! And Whoopie Goldberg is narrating over one of them!
I'm so grateful to TAXI for making this possible for me. In less than two years since joining, my writing has improved immensely, thanks in part to the constructive feedback I've received from the TAXI A&R screeners. A few times I have been tempted to get discouraged, but instead, I just headed back to the studio to make adjustments and then incorporated their advice into my next compositions.
I am so grateful to Michael and the whole TAXI team. I learned so much at the virtual Road Rally in November, and cannot wait to attend in-person this fall! And a shoutout as well to fellow TAXI member Robbie Hancock, whose Sync or Swim organization has been an incredible way for me to continue learning about sync through 2022. He is a firm believer that TAXI is an amazing way to succeed in this industry, and I can now also attest to the fact that it works!
Update: More exciting news! I just found out I have cues in at least four episodes of The Con this season. I’m still waiting to hear about the remaining episodes, so it could be more than four!”
Our fingers are crossed, Robin! We hope you get even more placements on that show. Primetime placements on broadcast network (ABC) shows like The Con pay really well on the back-end. You should get a nice quarterly check from your PRO, soon. And they’ll probably keep coming in for some time to come. Congratulations!

William Shephard - Bronx, New York
Bill signed some of his songs with one of our very favorite music publishers some time ago, and we thought we’d give you an update of his placements (on Netflix, Freeform, Hulu, and TNT) thus far in 2022! These updates have come to us via the awesome publisher/label that Bill signed with via a TAXI Listing.
(AUGUST 8) “Writing to let you know that ‘My Love is Real’ is appearing in the new Netflix film, Purple Hearts, which is now streaming!”
(JULY 22) “Looping in our friends at TAXI to let you know that your tune ‘Come on Home (I Need Your Love)’ will be in the Netflix film, Beauty, which starts streaming tomorrow!”
(JULY 7) “Writing to let you know that ‘My Love is Real’ is going to be in the show, Motherland: Fort Salem, episode 304, which airs on Freeform and HULU!”
(FEBRUARY 8) “Writing to let you and our friends at TAXI know that ‘My Love is Real’ will be used in episode 303 of the TNT show, Snowpiercer.”

J Matthew Curlee - Rochester, New York
We love emails like this! “You may remember a request from a music library a few months ago, an exclusive contract to provide music for a specific show, requesting Orchestrals in the range of The Crown.
TAXI was kind enough to forward a selection of mine that I knew was not a perfect match, but after hearing from the music library’s CEO, I wrote a more on-target track over the weekend. He took both of them, plus one other, and the newly written track got placed on ABC/Disney’s The Con, airing in the next week or two.
In the meantime, I’ve struck up a great partnership with the owner of the music library, and am putting the finishing touches on a full album of piano and orchestral music for them, and planning a second.
I feel very fortunate to have made a living from my music over the last two decades, but it’s only been recently that I have set aside the time to develop–with TAXI’s help–the skills and industry relationships to compose for TV and film, something I’d wanted to do for years. After a few months of focused work, I landed my first placement on ABC’s The Con and, more importantly, now have a half-dozen companies asking me for music.
The challenge has shifted from even believing in myself enough to chase this goal, to cranking out enough material to place in all these catalogs. I’m finishing one album and starting a second for the publisher that signed my first tracks back in April, and juggling additional projects for several other companies. I’m especially appreciative to have had two tracks (‘Better Angels’ and ‘The Crux’) included on TAXI’s recent Election Music compilation, something that not only got me in the door at a number of exciting publishers, but actually had them competing for my music - not something I’ve ever experienced before. I’ve got a lot of work to do before I can make this my full-time job, but thanks to TAXI I can finally see that road clearly.”
Thank you for giving us these updates, Matthew. We’re really proud of you, and very happy for your success! It’s not every day that musicians get multiple companies competing for their music, so we’re especially excited that we could help make that happen for you. Keep up the great work, and please keep us in the loop when you sign more deals, and get more placements!

Jeff LaPlante - South Hadley, MA
Jeff LaPlante is at it again, and he’s happy to report, “I have now signed deals with eight different companies since rejoining TAXI two years ago. Thank you so much to Michael and the team for making this all possible. The dream is becoming a reality.
1. I have signed deals with eight different companies, since rejoining TAXI two years ago. That’s over 150 cues signed, and in the marketplace, 450 tracks including alt. mixes and cut-downs. All of this has been made possible because of TAXI.
2. Several of the companies I have reached out to myself, without being forwarded by TAXI. I must say though… that without the votes of confidence by the A&R screeners and the education that comes with being a TAXI member, I would have never had the courage to reach out to those companies directly. One company is even paying upfront $$$ for my music.
3. Being featured in TAXI’s Top 10 in May, and also seeing myself in an episode of TAXI TV (Michael showed a clip of an interview that I was in, talking about being a TAXI member) provided a nice sense of accomplishment for me. It’s nice to be respected and hear kind words said about you… and it made me feel like a valued member of this community.”
Jeff, we think this is just the beginning for you! With your positive attitude and work ethic, we think you’ve got a nice, long career ahead of yourself creating music for media. Keep up the great work, and thank you for the update. Congratulations!

Ove Shei - Vesterålen, Norway
We’re excited to get this update from Ove! “I haven’t been submitting too much to TAXI this year, as I’ve been working on specific projects directly with two music publishers I’ve been connected with through TAXI.
In March of this year, I signed four tracks with one of the companies for a specific TV series.
And last night I got an email from him saying one of those tracks had shown up in a cue sheet sent to him for upcoming episodes of The Con on ABC.
I started this journey with TAXI in March 2018, and I set this goal for myself: Within five years something that I have produced should be placed somewhere. And yes, I did it!
So, now I need to think of a new goal. Hope you all are well :)”
We are doing well, Ove, and feeling even better upon hearing this great news! Congratulations, we are so happy for you!

Rolf Schild - Edertal, Germany
We just got this terrific update from Rolf, “I just was notified that three tracks of mine have been placed on ABC and Hulu for The Con TV series, in Episodes 1 and 2 of this season. This is a milestone for me! I started to learn how to make licensable music from scratch at age 60 because of COVID. Now, I'm 63 and entering a new stage of my life and career in music. Thank you, TAXI!
I’ve submitted four tracks for TAXI Listíngs #S220312DA ‘DARK HUMOR/SOMBER DRAMEDY INSTRUMENTAL CUES are needed by an EXCLUSIVE Music Library that's connected with many TV Production Companies and Showrunners for a Major Network Show!’
Two of them got forwarded. Some hours later, I got an email from the Library saying that they liked the tracks, and wanted to pitch them for TV shows on ABC and Hulu. I told them that I can deliver more and they were interested to hear them.
So, I changed the remaining two tracks according to the A&R screener's suggestions. That worked fine. I even wrote two more tracks. All of them needed some revisions, but within a week, all six tracks have been accepted.
Recently (14 weeks later) I got this email: ‘Hi Rolf, I just wanted to give you a quick heads up; I’m slowly getting cue sheets in from The Con and you have 3 tracks in Episodes 1 & 2 (combined). Congrats! :) Hopefully, lots more in the next episodes… Cheers!’
If I were to think of TAXI only in terms of getting forwards and placements, then I would surely miss some important aspects. First of all, there are the most valuable comments of the A&R screeners. I started to do licensable music two and a half years ago from scratch. I had absolutely no idea what this was all about. I knew my DAW and I was composing for 45 years but that doesn’t mean much when it comes to success in this particular set of genres. Then, there is the super helpful community in the TAXI Forums, the TAXI TV episodes, and the Road Rally (sadly enough, I never was there in-person).
All that combined was the stepping stone for me. Meanwhile, things look different. I’ve learned to decipher listings (not only from TAXI but also from libraries directly). I have 120+ tracks in libraries, and I’m part of a cooperative of composers, now. We started with three composers a year ago, and now we have six composers on our roster, and a bunch of composers that want to become members. All of our albums have been accepted by music libraries and we crank out two to three albums every month.
If that's not a reason to be a TAXI member, I don't know what is.”
We love that you understand that TAXI is much more than just our awesome opportunities, Rolf! Congratulations on those signings and placements, and we sincerely hope you can join us for this year’s Road Rally in November. If you think things have gone well, so far, the Rally will take you to an entirely new level, even faster!

Bobby Acres - Fort Worth, Texas
“I received a forward on August 30, 2021, and shortly thereafter was contacted by a prominent Music Library that’s partnered with Sony and Universal. I was able to sign an artist deal and negotiate a deal for my production company to do exclusive music for the library, all while maintaining independence and ownership on outside projects.
I also received forwards on May 17 and 24, 2022. TAXI gives you a fighting chance to get your music in the hands of the decision makers. Before TAXI, unless you had management or a publicist that was connected, your material was considered unsolicited. It was almost impossible to get heard. Although the internet has been a blessing for independent artists, it's a gift and a curse due to oversaturation of artists. Therefore, TAXI is still the vehicle that will get your music to the right destination.”
That’s true Bobby, but you’ve got to be making the right kind of music, which you apparently are! Keep up the great work, and thanks for the update! Congratulations!

Andy Salmonsen - Jamul, California
Andy emailed to tell us, “TAXI sent out a brief for Orchestral instrumental cues in April of 2022. I submitted a few tunes, including one called ‘Joy,’ which was forwarded. I then received a follow-up from the company that ran the Listing, and I sent him a total of six tunes, including a song called ‘A Rising Tide,’ which was an Orchestral Tension piece. At the end of July, the Music Library’s CEO let me know that ‘A Rising Tide’ had been selected for the TV series, The Con on ABC, Season 2, Episode 2. I watched the episode and kept waiting to hear my tune! Near the end I was thinking they made a mistake, but it was actually the last song on that episode, and the playout. This is my first placement with TAXI, and my first placement on broadcast network TV!
I have several trailer and orchestral pieces placed with three other Music Libraries I’ve met through TAXI, and some new opportunities with two other companies, also through TAXI.
I also just recently had a great experience with yet another CEO of a great Music Library. He wanted to use a couple horror-type trailer pieces he received from a listing that TAXI ran for him. He has really helped me hone my craft in trailer writing with some amazing input and direction on how to get that massive, punchy, trailer sound. I have learned more in the last two weeks than in the last two years! I am very thankful for that connection.
I LOVE the direction TAXI gives. The big shift for me came when I read an article by a TAXI member on what to do to get your pieces forwarded. She had seven points, but the main items of note were to: READ THE BRIEF, LISTEN TO THE EXAMPLES, AND WRITE SOMETHING SIMILAR. Once I really started doing that, it made a huge difference and I started getting forwards. And the critiques I have received from TAXI A&R screeners have been absolutely right 95% of the time. I remember one screener said they liked the first three seconds of one of my early Trailer pieces, which was only a riser… OUCH! That one stung a bit, but they were right! It's great to hear good things about your song, but I would rather hear what’s wrong with it so I can make it better. The input from TAXI Screeners on how to improve my pieces and how to improve my sample libraries has been invaluable. TAXI absolutely helps in that way like no other company!”
We’re so pleased to hear this news, Andy, and congratulations! Please keep us updated as you sign more deals and get even more placements. Keep up the great work and keep on learning. There’s always something more out there to help you become better and more successful!