Gene Orphanopoulos - Pleasanton, California
Gene wrote to say, “Hi everyone. My name is Gene O., and I'm an indie singer-songwriter and producer. I had released my solo album Genealogy, and knew I wanted to join TAXI to have the opportunity to go directly to decision-makers to help them reach their goals with my music. In the three years I've been with TAXI, I've had dozens of forwards, but in the last 1.5 years (during COVID) I've signed three separate Publishing Deals for three different songs of mine: ‘SweetInfatuation,’ ‘ShakeIt All Up,’ and ‘Keep On Believin’.’ On September 17, 2021, my very first placement happened! It was an edited Instrumental version of my song, ‘SweetInfatuation’ that was placed for 37 seconds on Motor Trend’s Car Fix cable TV show, Season 10, Ep. 12. My patience paid off, I didn’t give up, and now I have my first of many more placement credits to come. Keep the faith songwriters! It can happen. Cheers!
As you know, I've been a TAXI Member since 2018 and I've submitted to hundreds of TAXI Listings since then. Though there were naysayers along the way that told me nothing would come of it, I intuitively knew that I had a good shot at this. I've been blessed to have had many of my submissions forwarded along the way, and now I'm happy to say that I've earned three separate Music Library Publishing Deals for my songs.
I love the fact that every day I can look in my email inbox and find a message from TAXI for sync listings, that I can listen to reference tracks to ensure my song is appropriate for that listing, and that I can easily submit my songs for consideration by Music Supervisors, Record Labels, and Music Libraries through our mutual affiliation with TAXI. The TAXI critiques for each submission, forwarded or not, I find are very valuable and they help me as a recording artist to gain a different perspective from a trusted resource.
None of these successes would have happened had it not been for TAXI. I can't thank Michael enough, and all of you on his staff, for opening up a new way to share my music with a worldwide audience through sync-licensing placements - and potentially make a nice return on investment as well. I'm looking forward to many more successes in the future.”
Congratulations, Gene, and kudos for giving it your all in both making the right kind of music, as well as learning all you can about the ins and outs of the business side. We have little doubt that you’ll be signing more deals and nailing more placements. Please keep us posted as they happen!

Tom Hoy - Brantford, Canada
Tom reported, “I just found out that a song that my co-writer, Susan Simonson, and I wrote, has been picked up by a very high bar music library that most of you are familiar with. The song is called ‘Out of the Ashes.’
Actually, me and my co-writing partners have had three submissions accepted by a very TAXI-friendly music library in the last three months. I also found out that one of our songs was placed in the TV soap opera, The Young and The Restless. It looks like 2022 is turning out to be a great year for us. All this happened for me as a result of meeting people like John Lewitt and many others on the TAXI Forum. I would encourage any TAXI members who may get a little frustrated at the process, to hang in there. When I started, I knew nothing about film and TV music, but I’m learning more and more each day. Where else can you learn so much and meet so many friendly people who are willing to help you with your dream? TAXI is the place!”

Owen Grech - Triq il-Fortizza tal-Grazzja, Malta
Owen let us know about some nice new deals he signed! “I am happy to report that I signed two new deals recently. Both happened very close to each other and both are connected to TAXI.
The first one wasn't directly from a TAXI forward, but it actually came from the TAXI Forum (forums.taxi.com) as this publisher has been following what goes on there!! I got invited to a pleasant Zoom call and was honored to be asked to join their roster of composers, most of whom are familiar TAXI members who I look up to and admire greatly! I am absolutely humbled and grateful to be able to learn, and hopefully contribute and collaborate! I’ve been hearing rumors that industry people cruise TAXI’s Forums, and now I can confirm the rumors are indeed true, so I suggest keeping your contact details easily visible on the Forum, and well.... be nice!
The second deal happened a few days later, and this time it was from a recent TAXI Forward. The track I signed will be sent for consideration to be used in a long-running competition show, so I’m keeping my fingers, hands, and toes crossed to hopefully get a nice placement down the line.
I want to sincerely thank Michael, you, and each and every person at TAXI for making us feel like a family. I LOVE TAXI, as it does indeed work if you work as well. Personally, since I rejoined TAXI and started to take things seriously, I’ve had nothing but positive and encouraging stuff coming my way, including the returns! Especially the returns, as they helped me get better, stronger (thicker skin!) and thanks to the TAXI Forums and TAXI TV, I found much help and positivity. So much so that it started to bleed into my personal life as well! I found myself smiling more, making other people smile more, and all around I’m a much more positive person, so once again… A sincere thanks TAXI!”
Congrats, Owen, and you’re the first person in 30 years to let us know that TAXI is helping you smile more. Great to hear, and really gratifying for us!

Chuck Maiden - Newbury Park, California
“I made a connection through a happy Acoustic Instrumental I signed to a music library as a result of a TAXI forward. It was my first signing because of TAXI. This company invited me to submit more music any time I’d like. I was told they were especially interested in anything new and different. A few weeks later, I submitted a playlist of a few recent tracks I had done in all different genres and all written for TAXI briefs. One sparked their interest. It was an Indie Rock instrumental with non-lyrical vocals. The song had been forwarded by TAXI for that particular brief, but I hadn’t heard anything further. This library asked me to do an album based on that style. I was stoked! I used the original session as a template and just replaced the tracks. It was fairly quick and easy and gave the album a unified sound. I had never recorded an album with this method before. I completed the album in about a month, which was a total blast to do. After a few minor tweaks in the mixes based on their notes, they signed the album to my great relief and gratitude. It felt good to have success with a song that I created for a different TAXI brief.
The funny thing is that the TAXI reviewer for the other brief, even though he/she liked the song and forwarded it, wasn’t sure about my vocals which were kind of in a punky, Beach-Boys-meets-The-Who style, if that makes any sense. Anyway, it felt right to me. It turned out that the vocals were exactly what this library liked about my song. They thought it made the track, and ultimately the album, unique. So, you never know! I’ve had about a 25% forward rate overall with TAXI, and I’m about to renew my membership after one year with them. This experience showed me that the process works! Thank you, TAXI!”
Chuck wrote once again to tell us, “More good news! I just signed another track with a new Music Library thanks to a recent TAXI forward! This track will be considered for a possible inclusion in a long-running competition-based show, so fingers crossed for landing my first placement!!”
Great news, Chuck! It sounds like you’re on a roll, and you’ve started to crack the code. Keep it up, and please keep us in the loop!

Mark Zubek - Toronto, Canada
Here’s an email from the Publisher to Mark, letting him know about a recent placement. “I hope you have been well! Writing to let you and the TAXI crew know that your tune ‘Dopniny’ is going to be in the Season 3 premiere of the AppleTV+ show, For All Mankind (one of my personal favorites!). This starts streaming on June 10. A big congrats to you, Mark, and of course, THANK YOU, TAXI!!!”
Mark wrote to tell us, “I’ve been making music professionally for 31 years, since I was 12 years old–it's the only job I've ever had. At first, I was only earning pennies in my pre-teens, clawing my way up to making $30,000 a year in my early 30s, and finally making a six-figure income in my 40s as a songwriter/record producer. Today, I spend every day co-writing songs with various singers, and producing tracks up to broadcast quality–for mostly indie artists, and the occasional major-label project. I have a big catalog, and have licensed over 80 songs in TV shows, movies, and commercials–all on my own–up until now...
I finally decided to join TAXI this past July at 43 years old–and holy smokes, I’m kicking myself that I waited that long! I've seen the TAXI ads in all the magazines for 20 years now, never giving it a shot. When I finally joined a few months ago, I decided to go ‘all in’ and test it out for one year, submitting every time I saw a listing that I felt would fit. Wouldn't you know, in my fourth month with TAXI I got my first deal–a whopper–a license for 16 of my songs all at once for an up-front licensing fee of $5,600 cash, PLUS all the songwriting royalties! My membership and all my submissions have paid for themselves SIX TIMES OVER in the first four months! I'm now seven months into my first year with TAXI and I've received 65 forwards so far, and two big deals. I went to the Road Rally in November, which was WELL worth it–I met up with the infamous Rob Chiarelli there, who remembered me from a two-week session we did together back in 1999. We have since reconnected our relationship over the phone and email–well worth the price of admission (oh yeah, the Road Rally is free)!
Anyway, these days I recommend TAXI to all the singers that I co-write with and produce (about 40 singers every year). I published an e-book (that you can get for free at www.zeddrecords.com) which endorses TAXI (they never asked me to–I just like to share good things that work with all artists, and I'm grateful to Michael Laskow and all the fine folks at TAXI for the invaluable connections they provide indie artists. THANK YOU, TAXI!”
Wow, congratulations, Mark, and your story is truly awesome! We can’t wait to hear what happens in your next chapters. And thanks for the kind words about TAXI, they’re very much appreciated.

Michelle Lindley - Taylor, Canada
“Thank you for reaching out. We recently had two forwards through different listings with TAXI that resulted in being signed with new libraries. Two forwards turned into 13 songs signed! We have been able to collaborate with several talented TAXI members in the last several months. One of which has resulted in an additional music library signing us to work on a 12-song album for them.
We’ve grown so much over the last two years with TAXI. Coming into the TAXI family mid-pandemic allowed us to really dig into the tools online, especially back episodes of TAXI TV. We’ve found an extremely supportive community at TAXI, and so many opportunities. The feedback has pushed us to be better. Even the tough love is appreciated. :) We look forward to meeting you all in LA this fall at the Road Rally.”

Michael Kirby - Newmarket, Canada
Here’s some terrific news from Michael, “I was contacted by a music library after a TAXI Forward in November of 2020, which led to a 10-track deal. Things were slow for a while, and then all of a sudden in June of 2022, my TuneSat detections showed three placements on German TV shows, even a radio show, all of which air in other countries as well!
One TV show called, Galileo is a pretty big show in Germany, and I’m happy to have landed that as my first placement. I heard from the music library shortly after a TAXI Forward for a percussion instrumental. They asked me to send over any other licensable tracks of similar quality, and they accepted all 10 of them! Fast forward to May of 2022, and the tracks have now been added to their catalog. I saw my first three placements pop up on TuneSat a month later. The first one was a Hip-Hop cue that was used in an episode of Galileo.
I like TAXI because it helps people like me with busy schedules find companies that are actually looking for my music without having to do the legwork myself.”
Congratulations, Michael! It’s been great watching you work hard on your music, and reaping the rewards pretty quickly! Please keep us in the loop as you land more deals and get even more placements!

Alan Moore - North Yorkshire, UK
Great news from Alan! “I'm very pleased to report that my track ‘Air Travel,’ has been signed by a new production library based in Germany. It was forwarded by TAXI for listing number, S220224CP, which requested cinematic, piano-based underscore instrumentals. I'm looking forward to forming a working relationship with the library and writing more cues for them.
I've just signed contracts for the piece, and I've forwarded two or three additional pieces for their consideration. This is my first signing, so I'm very excited!”
Alan added, “I've had three recent forwards to TAXI listings, and I expect this to increase as I learn the tips and tricks to writing 'good' production music. The professional, screener critiques [from TAXI’s A&R team] are crucial, and allow me to tweak existing cues for future submissions.
TAXI makes me write to a real brief, and gives me a goal to aim for. I've written more music than ever simply by being a TAXI member, and having targets to hit and a structure to follow. I'm a music teacher/graduate, but I still have much to learn about production music and the TAXI Forum helps enormously. TAXI helps me form relationships with 'good' production companies, and is an investment for the future. What can I say? Thank you very much TAXI!”

Matt Mole - Margate, UK
From the publisher/label that Matt was connected with via TAXI, “Matt has signed a significant amount of back catalog from the wonderful band SCANNERS with our company! Incidentally, I’d licensed one of their songs about 8-9 years ago, so it was very cool to see something this familiar come along through TAXI. Small world :-) We’re all very excited about getting this material out in the world, and so glad we were able to make this connection. So, congrats to Matt, Sarah, and everyone involved with SCANNERS, and thank you TAXI!”
From Matt, “I saw a request for songs written at the time when my bandmates and I had just started working on our first album. We had many demos we recorded, and they were just sitting around on our computer’s hard drive. ‘Having My Way’ was a song I really liked, but it had never properly found a home. Now, thanks to you guys, it’s out there in the world after 20 years!
I’ve had a few tracks get through TAXI’s vetting process, but only one other song actually landed a deal. I think it takes time to ‘tune’ your output to match the style TAXI’s clients want to hear. TAXI is a genuine attempt to offer musicians opportunities to make money that otherwise would take them months to find! Instead, TAXI does it for you, and you are free to work on the music. I also feel that the people who work at TAXI actually believe in what they do and really want to help musicians to make some kind of career out of music.”
We do believe in what we do at TAXI, Matt, and thank you for saying that. Congratulations on signing the deal with the incredibly capable, hard-working company we connected you with. You’re in excellent hands!

Dan Weber - Anderson, South Carolina
Dan wrote to tell us, “In 2018 and 2020, A&R Screeners #19 and #419, respectively, forwarded some Tracks I wrote. Because of those forwards from TAXI, I signed deals with two Music Publishers. As a result of those deals, I recently had a Chip Tune placement on a show called 8 Bit Christmas (HBO Max) and a Hard Rock placement on Japan Television, as well.
As I mentioned in my Passenger Profile interview in TAXI’s newsletter last month, I love how Members support each other and share their Music Business knowledge with each other. I’ve grown to sincerely appreciate a lot of them! As I’ve said many times before, thank you, Michael and thank you TAXI!”
Well, thanks for letting us know about those placements, Dan, and congratulations! Keep ‘em coming!!

John Kwiecinski - Katoomba, Australia
From the company John’s music was signed to via a TAXI forward: “Well, it took a minute, but I’m thrilled to let you know that your tune ‘Walking by The Sea’ has made it into the show This Is Us, which is one of the most popular shows on TV over here [in the U.S.]. It’s in episode 616, titled, ‘Family Meeting’ and starts airing here tomorrow, May 10. I suspect you can find it online.”
John’s response: “Amazing! Thanks to you, the team, and TAXI for all your hard work behind the scenes to make these connections happen. I saw this request for ’90s-inspired music, and I thought a few of our band’s songs could be a good fit – we were a UK band, and recorded an album in London in 1998. I sent one or two songs, and they liked those, and asked to hear the rest of the album. They loved it and ended up taking all but one of the songs! It took a while for a placement to materialize, but this is really nice news to get. I still haven’t seen the episode where it’s used, but I’m looking forward to checking it out as soon as I can. The best thing about TAXI has to be the direct contact you get with the industry people posting the song requests, and the variety of genres covered.”
Congratulations, John. Clearly, good things come to those who are patient! A placement in that show is a big deal!

Rex Pearce - Mandeville, Louisiana
Here’s what we heard from Rex, “I just produced, played on, and wrote songs for a new release by The Groove Krewe, featuring Nick Daniels III. I’ve had placements with a licensing firm in Los Angeles that TAXI connected me with. They placed some LeRoux cuts I wrote and own in movies and on Malcolm in the Middle. That same firm has just signed the title track from the above record. The track is ‘Run to Daylight.’ Several of the tracks are being played in the U.S., Canada, UK, Europe, and Australia. The iTunes sales are brisk. Thanks to TAXI for getting me noticed by this music licensing company!”
You’re welcome, Rex, and congratulations on the placements and iTunes sales!

Chris Moser - Berne, Switzerland
Chris told us, “I got a publishing deal that was the result of a TAXI forward for spy-style instrumentals. Two days later, the publisher who ran the listing signed the track. The other deal I recently got was a pop instrumental for the Asian Market and the producer who ran the listing contacted me [and asked me] to collaborate in a group of composers, producers and top-topliners to feed [material] the Asian market.
Recently, another publisher contacted me because he was following the TAXI Forward Forum and noticed one of my posts. That resulted in a contract I signed a week ago! That’s the 6th contract since I started TAXI in 2021. I like the fact that the TAXI listings are the highway to meet great opportunities! I don’t have time (full-time job on the side) to research libraries and
subs, write them, send my tracks to one library at the time and hope it sticks. TAXI has allowed me to fully focus on writing and getting better at what I’m doing.
There’s NO alternative to TAXI for me. I owe all my success so far to TAXI!”
Sweet, Chris!! Congratulations on all those new deals, and please let us know when you get some cuts and/or placements. Thanks for keeping in touch!

Duane Tribune - Columbus, Ohio
Duane emailed to tell us, “I’ve been a member of TAXI since 2011, and have had many returns, and many forwards. My favorite genre is Tension/Investigative Tension. In February of this year, I submitted a couple pieces to a listing looking for CSI-style investigative Tension cues for a new international music library, and they got forwarded. It took a few months, but I got an email from the library stating they liked both pieces, and if they were still available, they would like to include them in their catalog. They also stated they would like to hear more of my material!
I believe this is the third time something I’ve submitted to has resulted in a deal, and it’s all due to TAXI. I admit that sometimes it’s discouraging when you get something returned that you think fits the listing, but if you read what the screeners are trying to tell you, listen to the examples, and learn to actually read the listing, you can come away with a better feel for why or why not your submission worked or missed the mark.
I think TAXI really wants people to succeed by the things they do for the members. TAXI TV, the Road Rally, the Forum, the TAXI community in general is just great. Only an organization that cares about what they do works this hard for the people that want to be involved. It’s really been a great experience for me. This is not the first deal that I've gotten through TAXI. I have to say that without TAXI none of them would be possible. Be encouraged everyone, it does happen. Thanks, TAXI!”
Congratulations, Duane, and thank you for letting us know about the deal!

Jerry Honigman - Alexandria, Louisiana
From the company that TAXI connected Jerry with, “Looping in our friends at TAXI to let you know that your tune ‘Apocalypse Today’ shows up in episode 106 of the new hit Hulu series, Under the Banner of Heaven - now streaming!!!”
From Jerry to TAXI, “Over the past dozen years or so, this awesome company has signed over forty of my songs, and has placed them on several TV shows and in a couple of movies. All of this came about through TAXI. These were all songs recorded over 20-40 years ago that have been given new life thanks to TAXI.
It also helps that some of my songs were placed on shows such as Chicago P.D. and Young Sheldon, which are in constant reruns and playing somewhere every day. Yay mailbox money!”
Mailbox money, indeed! Yay Jerry, and thanks as always for keeping us in the loop.
Terry Fraley - Portsmouth, Virginia
Terry emailed to let us know, “TAXI has opened doors for me that I only dreamed of! There’s always a good mix of needs for my music because TAXI has so many contacts and shares them with us.
Recently, I sent one of my songs through TAXI for a request from a TV music licensing company. They liked my song, and asked if I had any other songs like that. I sent him 12. He took 11 of them!
I’ve had four other songs in the last three months taken from other publishers because TAXI has given me an outlet for my music. That outlet and my music are all working together awesomely. I have been with TAXI since the beginning of the Cassette Burrito submission days, and I have learned that the reviewers and everyone at TAXI are doing their best to help the members succeed and their growing roster of clients.
My advice to new members is, hang in there folks, and just keep writing and paying attention to your Muses. Mine keep me up at night and if I don’t write down their musings, they won’t let me sleep until I do. Thanks again to everyone at TAXI! Happy summer. So go buy yourself a margarita and pretend that I am paying for it.”
Great advice, Terry! Thank you for being a member for so many years and congratulations on getting those deals. Nice going!!!

Chester Nichols - Antioch, Illinois
Here’s the latest from long-time member, Chet Nichols, “So, on to the tale. It is actually pretty short. I submitted a couple songs to a listing looking for vintage rock songs. I sent two songs in, circa 1972 and 1976. They were titled ‘(Spinning on the) Time Loop’ and ‘Rock & Roll Music.’ Back in the 1960s, ’70s, and ’80s, I was touring as a solo opening act for an extensive list of iconic artists of the day. I was also in the early stages of a five-record deal with Kama Sutra Records. Needless to say, I was writing a LOT of songs and produced numerous albums back then (as I still do today). So, along with the reviewer from TAXI and the person at the company running the TAXI listing, they liked the songs I had sent in. They contacted me within a few days, and we chatted on the phone, and got to know each other. He asked if I had any other songs from those decades, and I told him I had many other songs to share and promised to send him links to the other songs.
After he reviewed the other songs, he asked to add the first two songs and many of the others I had submitted to his library. Probably close to 100 songs. The lister also opened the door to receiving any other songs I think might apply to the previous eras.
Needless to say, this is exciting for all involved, and I want to thank Michael and all the other TAXI reviewers for their help. I find the reviews to be valuable and insightful even when the songs are not forwarded. This year I have had maybe 10 song forwards. I also have had over 10 instrumentals and sound design productions forwarded too.”
Nice one, Chet! Keep swinging and hitting!!

Candice Susnjar - North Perth, WA
We love Candice’s enthusiasm in this letter, “This is a massive thank you and report of the wonderful success I have had with TAXI thus far.
TAXI was recommended to me by a podcast host who I respect and admire. I wasn't expecting a forward for at least six months to a year and was pleasantly surprised when my fifth submission was forwarded in the first few weeks of joining, along with a few others. The music library contacted me a few days later and I have now signed 10 tracks with them, and hopefully more to come.
What I love about TAXI are the real-life opportunities that present themselves every day. These listings are music libraries and publishers who actually want our music. I have heard so much talk about writing full albums and sending them to libraries. Rather than writing a full album, spending weeks or months perfecting the arrangements and mixes to hear back that the mixes or arrangements aren't quite there, or not hearing back at all, with TAXI you submit one song and then immediately get the feedback needed to apply to the next song. This was one of the main reasons I joined TAXI. It's time-saving if you really want to improve your skills. I also love the variety of listings which gets me out of my comfort zone to try new genres and experiment with different sounds.
I'm also a huge fan of TAXI TV and have learned so much about all aspects of the sync licensing business, songwriting, and the behind-the-scenes information of the 'mysterious' screening process. It's not that mysterious. It's a bunch of people who actually know what is needed for the listings and I trust them. The bar is set high and I greatly appreciate that.
TAXI has literally changed my life. It's given me more focus and drive, and a real chance at getting my music signed.”
Wow, we love it when a new member lands a deal (or 10!) right out of the gate. But the thing we loved most about getting your email, Candice, is your enthusiasm and understanding of the value that TAXI delivers for its members. We have little doubt that you’ll be landing more deals and placements in the near future, and we can’t wait to hear about them!

Maggie Laird – Vashon, Washington
Maggie’s song “Leon,” made it into episode 507 of the FX hit show, Snowfall. Here’s how it happened, in Maggie’s own words…
"My deal with [this publisher] began at the 2015 TAXI Road Rally. I approached the [company’s owner] at the bar and asked if he'd be interested in hearing my recordings from the '80s. I'd seen him on a panel and knew he handled vintage music, plus I'd had a recent forward to his company of one of these ’80s pieces. He was very receptive, asked for my card, and said he or someone from his office would be calling soon. Sure enough, the following week, I got a call from them, and was asked to send in some of my '80s material. They picked ‘Leon,’ a song about a cat, sung in French. (Talk about a niche tune!)
So many of us do so many different things, as musicians, composers, teachers, engineers, and on and on, that it can be hard to stay focused, organize time, set priorities, etc. At least I find this to be so—sometimes it just doesn't make any sense. What I appreciate most about TAXI is the annual Road Rally, where there's a convergence of all these possible pursuits, whether one chooses a single focus or a smorgasbord. It's also reassuring and rejuvenating to meet and chat with so many others who understand the joys and dilemmas of this multifaceted sort of work life.”
Maggie added, “It took about five years from the signing of my song to the placement in Snowfall.
It's nice to know there's progress being made out there even if it takes a long time. As the CEO of the company said, ‘Good things happen to those who wait!’”
Congratulations on a great placement, Maggie, and yes, it’s a marathon and not a sprint, and patience is most definitely a virtue!

Becky Ketelsen – Boise, Idaho
Becky reports, “Just signed two new songs with a couple different publishing companies. My song, ‘Somethin' Good Cause I Got You’got a placement in a Hulu show, Dollface. The same song was also licensed by a U.S.-based fitness company, to be used in their videos. These placements are the result of a collaboration that was created because of TAXI! Fellow TAXI member, Adam Neilson, and I teamed up and together make-up the band, BeccaLynn. We released our first EP on Spotify last November and our second one dropped on May 13. Our ideas really work well together, and we've had several placements so far. My favorite thing about TAXI was the first Road Rally I attended in 2019. The people I met there were amazing and helped me get started in my sync journey. TAXI has been an incredible resource!!!!”
Congrats again, Becky! You and Adam have been on quite a roll lately!

Evan Stein – Ventura, California
Evan told us, “I signed a five-song deal with a Production Music Library on April 2. I've been a member of TAXI for the last two years, but on and off for 10 or so years. A couple of months ago, I got a forward for my song ‘Kiss Me Now.’ About a week later, I received an email from a Music Library that they really liked the song. They also listened to some of my other tracks on TAXI that they had liked as well. As a result, they wanted to represent me and my music around the world. Shortly after the email, I signed the appropriate documents and sent them an initial five-song EP. I really enjoy TAXI’s constant influx of opportunities/listings for placing songs. In addition, although sometimes frustrating, I like to read honest feedback about why my song was not forwarded. This feedback often helps me to go back and revisit the track to improve certain elements of the song.”
Congrats, Evan, and you have the right attitude about feedback! Keep up the great work.

Steve Lima – Berkhamsted, United Kingdom
Here’s what Steve let us know, “A few months back I got five retro EDM tracks signed to a cool music library. I submitted two tracks a while ago in the retro ’90s EDM genre. TAXI forwarded one, but not the other. One of the owners of the library soon contacted me and said he wanted to sign the track and asked if I had any more. I sent the rejected track and he loved it (not a dig at TAXI screeners who do a terrific job… the bar has to be high). He wanted that track too, and asked if I could write three more. This I duly did, and these were accepted too. I now have a growing relationship with a very cool company who now wants me to write something for their next project. Thank you, TAXI!
What I really like about TAXI is writing to spec, direction, and deadlines. It really gives me the chance to do all of the things I love at once, writing, playing, producing, mixing, and hopefully finishing up with something special. I am well into my fourth decade as a pro producer
(still learning every day), and like so many others who were ‘pop’ writers/producers and who have seen our earnings dwindle, I took a chance and decided to try and write for film and TV. With the help and sometimes encouragement from the screeners, and from watching TAXI TV, I am slowly but surely making good headway. I am always working on something for submission and love every minute of every session. I’m having fun…thanks.”
Congratulations, Steve! We love your attitude!!

Butch Gerald – Orleans, Canada
Here’s what Butch told us, “Since signing eight publishing deals, requests for my songs in various genres have been a source of new and recurring placements. Recent and relevant placements include a song on Home and Away, two songs on Sweetwater, and various placements on Japanese and German TV and international radio/media play.
I've been with TAXI for years now, with over 120 forwards! It has allowed me to build great relationships within the industry, and even allowed me to collaborate on the creation of music volumes with several publishers. I've had several placements on MTV's TeenMom2 on season 8 a few years back, but upon verifying my current royalty statement, I noticed that I have one more song that was featured recently.
Nice going, Butch, and thanks for keeping us updated. We really appreciate it!

Ryan Conway – Wheatridge, Colorado
“I signed seven songs. The titles are: ‘B-Side,’ ‘Don't Matter,’ ‘Spell,’ ‘I Like It,’ ‘Break Me Down, ‘Won’t Give Up,’ and ‘Smile.’ These were signed to a publisher with 40 sub-publishers around the world. The songs are going to be released and promoted by the publisher for streaming, as well as pitched for all kinds of syncs worldwide! I got a forward for TAXI Listing #S220316VP, and the Publisher asked if I had other songs, as he prefers to release albums—both to promote for online streaming, as well as to get them out to his sub-publishers around the world. I sent a bunch of more songs and we settled on releasing one seven-song album to start.
I recently had a TAXI Top 10 for April (‘All Good’) and got 10 forwards in a row—including the second, third, and fourth times with two or more for the same listing and the first time with three for the same listing. I'm coming from having had a publishing deal in the past, but I had to step away from doing that type of work to get my new studio built, and my singer/partner I was working with moved on from music. With the studio built and the business stable after COVID, my biggest priority was to get back into sync. I have been a member of TAXI in the past, and I find it to be a great resource to both get production writing up to speed with current trends and make new connections. As a whole, TAXI is great! It really helped me get back on track with current trends/sounds and get fully ready to get back in the mix again.”
Welcome back to the wonderful world of writing music for sync, Ryan! And we’re happy that you’ve chosen TAXI to help you get back into the swing of things!

Fredda Manzo – Canyon Country, CA
From the Publisher to Fredda, “Looping in our friends at TAXI to let you know that ‘The Lights Will Keep Me Dancing’will be in this week’s episode of Abbot Elementary, the new hit show on ABC! It airs on April 12, so set that DVR! If you need to find it online, it should be up on Hulu and other places shortly thereafter, episode #113.”
From Fredda, “Thanks for the opportunity to share good news with TAXI. My story started several years ago when I submitted a song for a listing requesting songs from a specific time period. I received a callback from a great company. They were interested in my submission and asked me to submit other songs I had from the same time period. They bought three songs. The first song was in the movie, The Miseducation of Cameron Post. The second song was in the season opener of the CBS television hit show, Young Sheldon, and the third song was recently in the final episode of the current season of Abbot Elementary. It’s been a pleasure to have had the opportunity to meet and work with the amazing and professional people at a wonderful company. Thanks to TAXI for making all this possible.”
We’re so happy this connection panned out for you, Fredda! They’re a great company to work with, and congratulations on those placements!

Douglas W. Barr – Perth, Canada
From the Publisher/Label, “Writing to let you and our friends at TAXI know that ‘Easy Bird’ will be in tomorrow’s episode of the new HULU series, CANDY. The episode number is 103, and the title is ‘Overkill.’”
Douglas added, “This latest deal for four songs – Publishing and Masters – that came about through a recent TAXI listing asking for authentic ‘recorded in the ’70s’ material. Last year, I placed six such songs with this company, also through TAXI. This now accounts for all my recorded material from so long ago, at the beginning of my recording career. Attending a TAXI convention around 2014, alerted me to the ‘market’ for ‘recorded in the ’70s tracks, so I dusted off my old reels, digitized them, then answered many listings leading to these deals. Clearly, this has been a win for me, and I appreciate being able to monetize this almost forgotten material.”
We love when our members find a home for their music, and generate income from old material they thought was dead in the water. Congratulations on these deals and placements!

Hoot F. Gibson – New Westminster, Canada
Hoot shared this great story with us, “A Record Company heard a song forwarded to them through a TAXI listing. The Company phoned me and said they would be interested in hearing more of my songs. Today, I signed a seven-song deal with them. This didn't happen overnight. Since joining TAXI a few years ago, I have worked at my songwriting craft, learned from critiques, attended seminars, listened and networked. In the last six months, I've had several forwards, and now one major signing. Thanks TAXI!
During my first years with TAXI (’80s–’90s), I was busy running a successful jingle production company. In my spare time, I wrote and produced songs. A few months ago, I submitted seven songs to a TAXI listing looking for music from this era. I’ve since signed them all with a great library, and forwards are rolling in! TAXI rules! My thanks to Michael Laskow and Michael Lloyd for their inspiration along the way!”
Hi Hoot! Great to hear this, and we look forward to hearing about more forwards and more placements. We also look forward to seeing you at the upcoming TAXI Road Rally!