Martie Echito - Cambria, California
Martie reported, “‘The Love We Share’ by The Branch Estate has made it into the premiere episode of the new HBO Series Winning Time: The Rise of The Lakers Dynasty!
The deal with the awesome Publisher/Record Label came about because of a TAXI listing several years ago for songs from the ’40s through the ’80s. The company liked one of my songs [they got] from the listing. Upon meeting the main person [from the company] at a TAXI Road Rally, he asked to hear more of my material. They chose and signed 12 songs to use for placement opportunities in ‘vintage’ or era-specific TV & Film productions. This latest placement is the 11th since signing the deal…gotta love it! I’m grateful to TAXI and the publisher/label for this amazing run of placements!
My first deal from a TAXI listing was with another Publisher that dealt with MUZAK, and got several of my Instrumental songs on the MUZAK playlist that are still showing income on my ASCAP Statements. Many forwards have happened over the years, and the critiques from the submissions have been honest and helpful. For me, TAXI is a viable option because they offer listings for all genres, and all eras of music. The songs I wrote and recorded in the late 1960s and early ‘70s are still relevant, which helps me because my current material is a bit dated to fit into the ‘mainstream’ Pop scene.”
Congratulations on this placement, and all the others, Martie! And thanks for keeping us in the loop. We look forward to hearing about many more!

Randy Ruppert - Burlington, North Carolina
Randy wrote to let us know, “I’ve been a musician and composer my whole life, performing as a piano player, singing and playing in bands and orchestras, including Christian Worship Bands, and I’ve written Orchestral pieces for high school and college productions. In the fall of 2020, I was introduced to synthestration by Brian Michael Fuller, who is my mentor, a TAXI member, and composer of over 400 cues for TV and Film. By April of 2021, he suggested that I should join TAXI for experience, production feedback, and exposure to the music industry. I was fortunate to get my first Forward from TAXI’s A&R Team in July of 2021. It would be months before my second Forward. I never gave up, but felt it would take several years to have any success.
Screener 396 gave me rejection after rejection, but was very honest and helpful in his or her feedback. That same screener gave me my third Forward which resulted, almost immediately, in my contract for the instrumental cue ‘Mourning Strings’!
I signed with a Boutique Library located in Los Angeles, California. They told me the cue would be ideal for a major TV show on ABC! I am very thrilled with this opportunity and with the professional feedback and exposure TAXI provides for my compositions. I could not have done it without their help! I thoroughly enjoyed last year’s Road Rally and look forward to being a TAXI member for years to come!!”

Jonathan Thomas - Saskatoon, Canada
Here’s some nice news from Jonathan! "Because of TAXI, not only have I gotten four different tracks in two different music libraries, but in general I’ve become a much better composer and musician. The constructive feedback I’ve gotten from submissions has been invaluable in developing my ear, and in understanding how the industry works. Because music is very personal, it's often hard to hear constructive feedback, but it’s definitely worth it! Thanks TAXI and Michael for providing such a great service and for being so helpful!"
You’re very welcome, Jonathan, and congrats on those deals! And thank you for recognizing how the feedback from our A&R team has been so helpful. Kudos to you for being open-minded about how constructive feedback is so important!

Miguel Angel Conde Canencia - Madrid, Spain
Miguel let us know that, “After a TAXI forward, an important music library based in California, with lots of cool placements, got in touch with me and I signed a couple of trailer instrumentals with them. Couldn't be happier!!
Actually, this came as a big reward to me, because I had committed to making an album for a songwriter and couldn't make any production music for a few months. I had COVID and was at home for a few days. I was feeling sick, but I managed to finish a couple of trailer tracks and sent them to a TAXI listing. One was forwarded and the other wasn't. A few days later I received an email from the CEO of an important library in LA. He had received my track from TAXI and wanted to sign it. But I made some fixes on the one that was rejected initially and sent that one to him as well. I got both of them signed. It was a big comeback into production music for me, because for a few months I hadn't sent anything.
Besides this company, I have signed a few other deals with other libraries, all of them through TAXI, in the last couple of years. TAXI helps me be more constant and resilient, the YouTube channel, the listings...This is what I like the most about TAXI, I feel part of a community and it helps me consistently write better music. I regularly get tracks signed by the libraries I work with. I think I'm making good progress, and hope that eventually some of my music will be heard on TV. I'm positive about this!”
We’re pretty positive about it, too! Thanks for letting us know about your deals, Miguel, and please keep us in the loop as these deals turn into placements!!

Erik Anderson - Hillsborough, New Jersey
Eric wrote to tell us, “I saw a listing for orchestral cues and noticed it had a short deadline — three days I believe. So, I reworked a piece that needed more focus on the strings and submitted. I ended up getting a forward from TAXI the next day, which was on a Friday. Then I got an email [from the publisher] on Monday! They were excited to sign the cue, so I sent them four more piano and strings-based cues, which they signed as well! The Saturday before I got the email, there was another short deadline listing from this company for cello-based cues, so I quickly worked on a solo cello piece which ended up getting forwarded as well! I let the company know, and they wanted that track as well. Six tracks signed in total from two separate forwards!!
I really have to give a lot of thanks to TAXI and its staff for helping me along the way, and preparing me for each next step. The TAXI TV episodes are incredibly informative, almost like taking an online course, but way more fun! Not to mention the Road Rally, a great way to meet fellow TAXI members and become friends, help each other, and to collaborate. And lastly; the TAXI Forum is an awesome place to get help with any questions, and also get really helpful feedback or advice for your latest/current work.”
Wow, Erik, you hit the jackpot with that quick turnaround signing. Thanks for letting us know, and please let us know when those signings turn into placements, as well!

Kenny Noble Cortes - Lakewood, Colorado
Kenny reported that, “HBO MAX only used about 20 seconds of my song, ‘Sparrow,’ but I didn’t mind because I got to tell my friends on Facebook that my music made it to an HBO and HBO MAX show, Winning: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty (Season 1, Episode 3). I continue to be stoked about getting on HBO. I think with their viewership, it’s better than getting played on the radio.
In the clip of the song, Adrien Brody, who plays coach Pat Riley, is walking on the beach in SoCal. It’s a cool scene, and the music for those twenty-seconds was mine. I wrote that song 50 years ago, and through TAXI, sold it to a record label that specializes in vintage music in 2017. It’s part of a package of 8 songs [they found through TAXI], and who knows, but one of those other songs might make it to HBO (or elsewhere on TV and movies).
Sometimes you just gotta believe in your music and I never once stopped believing for all those years. The label reassured me from time-to-time that my music is good and I just needed to be patient. TAXI is not a ‘get rich quick’ service, although no doubt some [others] just might be. I was patient and it paid off. Now, thanks to TAXI, I have a great connection with the record label, and a cool story to tell others about.
BTW, TAXI has a really good, positive attitude about acquiring music, and it shows in their ads for artists. Part of getting on TV or radio is a numbers game, but TAXI has what it takes to put your best music in front of people who make decisions! I know, because TAXI worked for me and it can work for you.”
That’s a really cool placement Kenny, and you’re so right about being patient. Words of wisdom!

John Mears - Hermitage, Tennessee
The Mears Brothers have been on fire for quite some time now, and these two updates from the label/publisher they signed with via TAXI tell us about their most recent placements,
“Looping in our friends at TAXI to let you all know about ANOTHER Mears Brothers placement! ‘Thanks ToMe’ will be in episode 311 of 9-1-1 Lonestar airing tonight! This one’s on FOX.
Also want to let you fellas know that their song ‘Beer Pop and Whiskey Stop’will be in tomorrow’s episode of Young Sheldon, titled, ‘A Suitcase Full of Cash and A Yellow Clown Car’ - airing on CBS.”
The Mears Brothers themselves, added, “We owe so much to TAXI, for all of our success. TAXI opened the door for us with [the company we signed with] and they have been instrumental in getting us a ton of placements in several TV and films. Actually, this is the fourth placement for this song, alone! TAXI works hard to open doors for writers, and the rest is up to us writers to keep those doors open. Thanks for all you guys do!”
John and Jim, you two have set the standard for many others to follow. And it all started with the great music you created. Congratulations on all of your success, and we’re sure we’ll keep hearing about more and more in the future!

Brent Isom - St. Joseph, Missouri
Here’s what we heard from Brent, “After a little over a year of submitting regularly to TAXI listings (with many returns and a handful of forwards), I finally signed my first deal with a music library this week for one of my instrumental cues!
The library actually reached out to me the very next day after I received confirmation from TAXI that my music had been forwarded. In addition to the track I submitted through TAXI, the library informed me of some other types of music they were looking for. I was able to send them another track directly, which they also signed! So, one deal turned into two!
My favorite thing about TAXI is either the chance to submit to listings and get feedback, or the community interaction! I like how connected TAXI is to its members, and how many resources they provide to help members become successful! Thank you, TAXI, for all the opportunities you provide to composers!”
Congratulations, Brent, and thank you for letting us know how it happened!

Tim Harrison - Middlesex, United Kingdom
Here’s a great story about a contact from a music library from the same day Tim heard that his music was forwarded from TAXI, “Greetings from across the pond in the UK. I had a forward last Saturday, and was contacted later the same day by email by the Music Library! I have signed my track to them, as they felt that it was a perfect fit for a series that they are currently working on.
This is my first deal through a TAXI forward, and I want to thank all at TAXI who helped to make this possible. The track was originally a return from another listing, but I used the screener’s feedback and made the appropriate changes and, voilà! They asked me if I had more material, I told them that I am currently working on more of the same. To cut a long story short, two weeks later I had signed six tracks to them!
I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to listen to the screener’s feedback! This deal wouldn’t have happened for me, and I wouldn’t be writing this, If I hadn’t taken the feedback positively.
I’ve been a TAXI member for a number of years, and I can honestly say that what I have learned from Michael's TAXI TV episodes and the invaluable feedback from the TAXI screeners, has pushed me to work harder and smarter on my music, which has paid off (although I want to keep on pushing that envelope and sign more deals). Thanks so much Michael, thank you screeners, and thank you to all the guests that you’ve had on TAXI TV.
I have been a TAXI member for a long time, and have been getting more forwards gradually. It can take a long time and certainly takes a lot of work to start to see some success with sync licensing.
I have had one or two tracks land in libraries from other sources, but these have tended to be very hit and miss, and never had any placements in productions (apart from one). I feel confident that TAXI’s clients have been fully vetted and are of very high standard.
TAXI screeners ensure that you’ll never send sub-standard tracks to a library so they will only hear your best work.
It’s taken me a long time to get to this stage, and I’m only just starting on the journey. But, it’s all been worth it. Although I’ve been a keen piano/keyboard player for as long as I can remember, I had no experience or knowledge of recording my work before joining TAXI. It’s all here with TAXI: everything that you need to know. You just need to pay attention and really think about the screener’s feedback! Thank you to all at TAXI and especially to Michael Laskow who made all of this possible.”
Thank you for the kind words, Tim. But, more importantly, congratulations for staying the course, not giving up, and incorporating the suggestions the screeners have given you. It sounds like you’re well on your way, and we’re grateful to have you as a member!

Ryan Inlow - Scotts Valley, California
Ryan reported, “I received a forward for a 90's Hip-Hop Instrumental Cue (“Out West”) that I created recently. I was surprised to see that I received a forward, as I created the track very quickly for the listing and had never actually produced a Hip-Hop track before. That being said, I received an email from the Music Library this week and signed the track.
As a new member in my first year, I'm extremely excited, motivated, and eager to continue to improve my composing and production skills to succeed in the industry. TAXI works! I'm sold. I just renewed my membership for a second year, starting in March. The library followed up with me and asked me to create two additional tracks for the collection!
I like that TAXI provides a constant stream of daily opportunities to create new music and to help me stay on top of what libraries and labels are looking for. I've discovered so many great artists and songs by listening to the reference tracks provided. The TAXI community is so supportive, helpful, and friendly. The feedback provided by the screeners helps to make me more successful as a composer. Thanks for all that you do to connect musicians with libraries, I really appreciate it!”
Congratulations! That’s great news Ryan, and please keep us in the loop with future signings and placements!

Kyle Sutton - Frederick, Maryland
Here’s the latest from Kyle:
“Hi TAXI Crew,
Just wanted to take a moment to acknowledge some recent wins thanks to TAXI! A couple years back, I signed a five-track Urban Comedy EP with a Production Music Library thanks to a TAXI forward. Since then, these tracks have been making some serious rounds, including placements on:
Shahs of Sunset (Bravo)
Black Ink Chicago Crew (VH1)
Untold Stories of Hip-Hop (WE tv)
Revenge Prank (MTV)
Punk'd (Quibi)
I've also gone on to sign another full album with this company, which has already been placed on VH1's Love & Hip-Hop, Atlanta! Without TAXI, this relationship wouldn't be possible.
At this point, I have nearly 300 signed cues, and they’ve been placed in more than 50 different shows and series...and counting! I certainly would not have made it this far without TAXI's help.
What I appreciate about TAXI the most is the community. I've met and made some lifelong friends through the TAXI forums and the Road Rally. It's so encouraging to meet like-minded people who are on this journey with you. No matter where you are in the process – either just starting out, or with years of experience under your belt – TAXI can help you along your way!
I'm very grateful for the success TAXI has allowed me in my music career and hope to keep on climbing. Hope to see you all at the Rally this year!”
Thanks for that awesome report, Kyle! We have a feeling there will be more to this story, and we look forward to seeing you at the Rally this year as well!!

Mark Parr - East Sussex, United Kingdom
Mark let us know, “I have just received my first BMI royalty statement, and I can see that I have had another track placed. This was for the TV show Siesta Key. This has aired on MTV and Amazon Prime. Again, this was through a Music Library attained through a TAXI forward, and then subsequently, they asked me to write some more albums for them.
This is now my third placement for three different tracks, all of them through TAXI, and I’m now signed with six publishers, and four of those were through TAXI forwards.
This is my third year with TAXI, and I still believe that they are the best in the business. All of my deals with publishers and TV placements have been based in the USA so far. I love the idea that my music has been played across America. It gives me more of a buzz than having only domestic placements here in the U.K.
And thank you to Michael for his humor, his wisdom, and boyish good looks. And thank you also to all of the TAXI staff, as well!”
That’s great news Mark, and we wouldn’t be at all surprised if ultimately those music library deals result in placements around the globe! Keep up the great work!

Piers Skelton - Swindon, United Kingdom
From the Publisher/Label that signed Piers; “Writing to let you and my friends at TAXI know that the song “Victim” will be in the Season 5 premiere of the FX hit TV show, Snowfall. The episode is titled “Comets”, and it [aired] on FX on February 23 over here in the US, so hopefully it will be on around the same time in the UK, although I don't know what channel.
For what it's worth – this is one of my very favorite shows and they really use some excellent music across the board - you're in good company! As always – congrats to Piers and THANK YOU, TAXI!!!”
Piers adds, “The deal came from a rock song which was forwarded from a TAXI opportunity l submitted to in 2017. About six months later I got an email from an executive at the company who liked the track. We spoke on the phone and he asked me to send him some other songs I had recorded with my band, TheCrew, in the early 80s and we did a deal on several of these songs. Because of the work done by the gentleman and the company, we have an unbelievable placement in a top TV show five years later! None of this would have happened without that TAXI forward five years ago! I’ve had many other forwards from TAXI, who get songs to music industry people that I could never hope to reach on my own.”
Great news Piers, and what an awesome TV show your music is on. Thanks for letting us know, and here’s to more and more of those cool placements!

Walter Grund - Nehren, Germany
We loved this news from Walter, “My first song placements (as opposed to instrumentals) recently aired, and I actually got to hear the placement. I don't have as many songs signed as instrumentals, plus songs obviously don't get used as much because voice-overs don’t work as well as with instrumentals. So, this was new to me!
Song: “You Cut My Soul”
Show: M Comme Maison / Episode: “Destination: Les Bouches-du-Rhône”
Channel: C8, France
It was co-written by me (instruments, production) and my daughter Charlotte, who also sang the vocal.
Song: “Loved and Lost”
Show: Prisoner of Love / Episode: “Will You Wait for Me?”
Channel: Discovery ID, USA
Written by Charlotte Grund (vocals)
"Loved and Lost" was actually written and recorded in 2013. My daughter Charlotte wrote it and sang at the age of 14. It's a piano/vocal arrangement with very little strings added at some point, and recorded and produced by me.
The deals were with two different music libraries, and I’ve been working with both libraries for about 10 years. I’ve been a TAXI member since 2008, and working part-time on recording music, especially during the initial 4-5 years. Since then, I’ve been constantly learning and improving my recording skills and how to produce music for TV placements. TAXI helped me with connecting to many publishers and other composers at two Road Rallies, the TAXI forum and the free issues of Recording Magazine. It’s very rewarding if you finally get the news of actual TV placements!”
Yay Walter and Charlotte! Really good news, and we’re all super happy for you. Your patience and hard work are paying off, and we hope to hear more from you as more placements happen!

Daniel Puddick - Shoeburyness, United Kingdom
Daniel is still waiting for official news about his song being released on a Record Label, but told us we can print this information prior to the press release.
“All my song craft was learnt creating tunes for TAXI briefs and receiving feedback via TAXI.
I have been using TAXI for a number of years, and my focus has been on writing tracks for the briefs that are published. At first, I had limited success, but over time I listened to the feedback provided and started to really break down the reference tracks to understand the composition and production. For me the production was the hardest side to really develop. From TAXI; once my productions started coming up to scratch, I received better feedback and my music started to be noticed.
Through TAXI I have had several tracks picked up mostly for sync deals. At first, I would submit singer/songwriter tracks, as the production was simpler. But over time, I have begun crafting current-sounding music. I found the wide variety of briefs on TAXI to be really inspiring. And while I was trying to find my own sound, I could really touch on many genres. The TAXI screeners are very thorough, but provide enough feedback to really start to develop yourself as an artist. You cannot really get that level of honest feedback anywhere else.”
Well, thanks for the kind words, Daniel, and please send us the official press release as soon as you get it. Very excited for you, and thanks for the kind words!

Jeff LaPlante - South Hadley, Massachusetts
Great news from Jeff! “I just finalized my fourth album with a highly successful Hollywood music library...all made possible by a single song forwarded to that company about a year ago. Thank you TAXI for allowing me to make that connection to what I feel will be a long-standing, very lucrative relationship/friendship! That’s a total of 42 cues signed since my initial contact with this music library back in October of 2020. And once again, this connection was all made possible through a TAXI forward.
What I enjoy about TAXI, and something that I recently discovered is, The Forwards Blog. It’s great to be able to listen to forwarded tracks and hear the quality of what is being forwarded to industry executives.”
Wow Jeff, 42 tracks and four albums signed, all because of a single forward from TAXI…SWEET! And you are so right about The Forwards Blog. It’s an under-utilized aspect of TAXI that we wish more of our members used!

Dan Weber - Anderson, South Carolina
Dan told us: “Hi folks, in January 2020, Screener #419 Forwarded four of my Hard Rock tracks for listing TAXI #S200104RK to an overseas Music Licensing Company that eventually signed 52 of my tracks (including Alternate Versions and Stems). One of those original Forwards, “Evil Domination”was placed on Japanese Television in the third quarter of 2021, and I just received payment from BMI, on February 17, 2022.
I just thought it was a quick turnaround, which may be of interest to other members who have tracks overseas. Not only were the Forwards to a Publisher in a country other than my own, but the placement was in yet a third Country! Keep in mind though, this is a very hard-working Music Library.
I was also contacted by another foreign Music Library in 2021 to write tracks for a new Balkan Rock album. The company’s owner is a very gracious man and great to work with as well. I’ve signed over four-hundred tracks, together with alternate versions to that company.
‘It’s a marathon not a sprint’… never truer words spoken about this business, especially if you have more tracks overseas than in your home country. Confidence is the best thing I’ve received from TAXI. Trying to make an income with your music is one thing, but when you have people like Michael and the TAXI staff who are always so helpful and kind, it makes one feel a little more at ease in this business. Thank you Michael and TAXI. Keep up the great work!”
You are very welcome, Dan. Four-hundred tracks — wow!!!!

Alexandros Finizio - Milano, Italy
Alexandros reports: “Hi Everyone! After almost a year of hard work I can say I have my first TAXI success, I got contacted after a forward by the Music Licensing Company that made the listing and managed to place seven songs in their catalog.
I needed several months to correctly ‘crack the code’ of the listings, I hope to be on the right path! Fingers crossed for more in the future!
The first track I submitted for a listing in 2022 got forwarded to the client, and after a few days I got contacted back by the Music Library that created the listing. They were interested in more material, so I managed to sign seven tracks I composed with my writing duo Cosmixture, which is a great start for us!
Before the pandemic, I was mainly focused on my Electro/Soul band, Technoir. We released two albums and toured all over Europe, so when the pandemic hit it was very hard but, thanks to TAXI, we kept our hopes up and started working restlessly on as many listings as we could and started getting better after a few months.
We also got signed recently by another big US Music Library thanks to all the material we amassed in the last year of listings. TAXI really helps you study new musical languages and keeps you on the right track, also being able to listen to what other members of the community are up to is a great plus and your YouTube channel is a great source of knowledge.
Thanks, Alexandros”
You’re so welcome Alexandros, and congratulations! And the fact that your music comes all the way from Milan, Italy makes it even better!

Andrew Anka – New York, New York
Andrew reports, “The song, 'Sometimes, I Fall' has been a lesson in persistence for me. I’ve been submitting this song for quite a while. Although I got several forwards, there were no takers. But I never gave up, because I felt it had potential. To be honest, at one point, I was on the verge of giving up and letting my TAXI renewal lapse into obscurity. But, in October of 2020, magic happened!! I got an email from a major licensing company saying, 'Hi Andrew, TAXI just gave us some of your very good music. We're interested in representing your music around the world.'
The song has recently just been released on various internet sites. And more recently, another song was signed with a different music licensing company!!
Most of all, I'm very grateful to TAXI for their professionalism. That's what got me through my doubtful time. I found the returns just as helpful as the forwards.
This song has a special place in my heart. It took a lot of emotional energy to write this particular song. It's about reflection, loss, and hope. I guess the licensing company picked up on the emotional urgency in the song. However, I must give credit to Justin Tracy: The producer, co-writer, and vocalist. The 'Coldplay' arrangement really fit the song and eventually 'sold' it to the right company. But TAXI has been the main constant for the years I have been a member.”
Congratulations, Andrew, that’s great news! And congratulations for not giving up. We have a feeling that these signings are just the beginning of what we hope will be many more in your future!

Steve Probst – Riverside, California
Steve recently relayed this good news to us. “It just so happened that I signed contracts with two publishers — two tracks signed by each of them in the same week! They responded from a TAXI forward and asked if I had any more like the track they had already picked up. Hence, the additional signings.
I also noticed a couple of placements on cue sheets in my ASCAP account. Both of those are from previous forwards. One Middle-Eastern flavored Dramedy track was forwarded in 2019, and that ultimately led to a total of four tracks being signed with the publisher in 2020. This same track has been placed in Magic for Humans on Netflix, and Mira Quien Baila on Univision.
What I like about TAXI: When you start getting forwards, you know your writing and mixing are getting to where they need to be for success.”
Congrats on the deals being signed and for the placements as well, Steve. You’re on a nice streak, and we hope it continues! Thanks for keeping us up-to-date.

William Shephard – Bronx, New York
Bill’s label/publisher that he met through a TAXI forward, reports: “Writing to let you (Bill) and our friends at TAXI know that your song, ‘My Love Is Real’ will be used in episode 303 of the TNT show Snowpiercer. Congrats to you and, of course, THANK YOU TAXI!!! The episode [aired] on February 7 … ”
Congratulations, Bill, and thanks as always to the ever-gracious label/publisher for letting us know about the placement.

Dan Michaels – Brentwood, Tennessee
The company that signed Dan’s band copied TAXI on this email: “Happy New Year, Dan, and I hope that you have been well! I’m looping in our friends at TAXI to let you all know that the tune ‘Yellow Skies’ by The Choir is being used in episode 102 of the new Netflix series, Archive 81. As always – congrats to Dan and the rest of the band… and…THANK YOU TAXI!!!”
Dan also let us know: “A few years ago one of our songs that we recorded back in 1996 got forwarded by TAXI to a music library/record label that specializes in music from different eras. That company contacted us and we ended up working a deal out for about a dozen of our songs. Fast forward to 2022, the same company reached out again as they noticed that we released acoustic versions of that same music, and they wanted to represent those tracks too!
I’ve been happy to see a nice handful of our songs forwarded over the past year. TAXI delivers! Our band has made real money and gained opportunities over the many years that we’ve been TAXI members.”
That’s awesome news, Dan! Congratulations to you and the band on those sweet deals, and especially the placement on the new Netflix series.

Chris Moser – Riggisbergg, Switzerland
This is a really cool story Chris told us about his less-than-traditional way he got one of his publishing deals though TAXI: “The CEO of a very promising Music Library noticed me by reading the Forward Forum on TAXI’S website. His email, unfortunately, landed in my spam folder. But, for some reason, that day something told me to check my spam folder! So, there it is! Four days later the contract is signed for five Pop tracks, three more in the pipeline, and hopefully many more to come. Thank you TAXI for making this possible! One year ago, when I signed up with TAXI after a very long absence from producing my own tracks, I couldn't have imagined that kind of success after such a short time. This is the 3rd contract I’ve been offered and have signed within a year, which I’ve learned is not too bad at all.”
Chris’s story continues; “TAXI provides for me, as a full-time music teacher and family guy, the only and I mean the ONLY way to enter into the sync business world in a very focused and efficient way. The Listings give me the exact instructions and timeline to pitch my music (of course after I took my time to understand the listings properly, which didn’t work out all the time, hehehe…). Not to mention the screeners' critiques which are 99% accurate, and a great way to improve. That’s a unique feature!”
Chris sent us another update just before press time: “Just signed my 4th contract after a little more than a year with TAXI. The German-based Music Library ran a listing back in the spring of 2021, and reached out to me again this week to create some African minimalistic percussion tracks. Thank you, TAXI!”
You are very welcome, Chris! Nothing makes us happier than hearing how beneficial TAXI has been in helping you achieve your dream of getting your music in TV shows when you have a full-time job and a family to take care of as well! Oh yeah…and you live in Switzerland!

Jim Samuel – Queenstown, Maryland
From the awesome company that signed Jim: “Just wanted to share the news that five total bangers from Jim Samuels’ 1970’s band Pen Lucy now reside within our company’s catalogue!
We’re thrilled to have these songs in the catalogue, and this all started off as a result of a TAXI listing for ’70s Hard Rock. Thanks, as always, for the connection and the rad music. Jim has been a pleasure to work with, and we know we’ll find success with this material. 2022 is off to a great start!”
Jim let us know, “I want to say how much I appreciate TAXI and the opportunities it creates for writers like me. The contract I received was from a terrific company, and is starting with five songs and max, upfront payments. There are a couple of additional songs in their hands under review. In fact, I have spent most of today finalizing the contract (we actually sign everything tomorrow) and working with them on marketing and publicity "stuff" like bios, photos, etc.
Shortly after joining TAXI, I saw a request for ‘Vintage Rock songs recorded between 1965-1975,” and remembered some of the songs recorded by my band, Pen Lucy, that had never been published. I had copies of the songs, and submitted a few to TAXI that I felt fit the project’s target. TAXI, in turn, submitted one of the songs to the label which picked up the song for licensing. Upon additional discussion with the company, I submitted a number of additional songs, four of which were also picked up, bringing the initial contract to five songs for licensing. There are two additional songs now under final review with their executives, and I feel I am just beginning to develop my relationship with them. They’ve been a pleasure to work with as I feel I am associating with a leader in the placement of vintage music in TV and film.
TAXI has been great too, as I try to transition more to targeted songwriting for TV and film. While experiencing the frustrations of songs rejected, I have tried to learn from the critiques and I feel that TAXI is making me a better writer and producer of songs. I cannot say enough how thankful I am to have been introduced to a company that provides the opportunities for songwriters that TAXI provides. The world of music has changed from my first venture into the business years ago. I didn’t know firms like TAXI existed. My only regret is I did not discover TAXI sooner!’
Well Jim, we’re just happy that you eventually found TAXI, and even happier that we were able to hook you up with such an awesome company! Congratulations on signing with them, and we look forward to hearing about more deals and the placements that will almost surely come your way.

Dx Dx – Flower Mound, Texas
DX wrote to tell us, “Just landed a four-track deal with a music library for my Pop tracks, along with a three-song deal for two professional-wrestler-entrance theme songs and a wrestling podcast! So incredibly excited and honored! Three of my Pop tracks were picked up by a renowned Music Licensing Company thanks to a TAXI listing! I’m honored to be working with them! Feels like the beginning of an amazing working relationship. I received multiple forwards from TAXI for my mariachi and spaghetti-western tunes to music supervisors. It has been a dream come true! So humbled, excited, and thankful!
I also landed one of my Rock/Metal tracks on a podcast for a WWE Hall of Famer, and was included on TAXI's Top 10 in November 2021. I love TAXI for all the opportunities, variety in the listings, and sharing of knowledge to help all creators become as successful as possible!"
Nice going, DX! Congratulations, and thank you for letting us know about your success. Please keep us in the loop going forward!

Jan-Henrik Kulberg – Norway
Here’s a great story from Jan: “Hi TAXI drivers, here is a story from the passenger seat.
I have been a member for almost a year now. I have had 28 returns and two forwards. I have been trying out different genres, and have missed the target most of the time. So I tried to narrow it down and concentrate on a style I am familiar with. This resulted in the first forward.
After writing a trailer, that wasn't really a trailer at all, I realized I needed to learn more, and signed up for a great trailer-composition class, spending a month delving into everything about making trailers. This resulted in the second forward, which has just landed me my first deal for three tracks with an awesome library.
Last time I tried TAXI, several years ago, I gave up after the first year with no forwards at all. This time it has all been about learning, evolving, submitting, and not quitting – and I guess this is how I will continue. The forward that led to this deal was only my second forward in the first year of my membership. I have had 28 returns and two forwards. But I have kept on trying (submitting) and learning, and after taking a course in trailer production, I submitted this track. Just a few days after I got the forward message, I got an email from the CEO of this Music Library in Hollywood with an amazing amount of great music in their catalogue.
He liked the track, and also wanted to sign two other trailer tracks that had been returned by the TAXI screeners. That is no discredit to TAXI – as every listing obviously has very specific requirements, and a track that might work for one listing, might not be suitable for another. He is also interested in getting more tracks from me in the future, maybe also in other genres, so there might be more opportunities. This is actually my first success due to TAXI, but I hope for more – and will certainly keep on learning and submitting.
The great thing about TAXI is that it provides me, living in rural Norway, the ability to reach industry professionals with my music. And everyone has the same opportunities. It’s just a matter of learning the craft, the different genres you want to work with, and not giving up.
I have had a small career as a songwriter, performer, and recording artist in Norway. But health issues have forced me to put the guitar aside. Through TAXI, I have discovered the possibilities using sample libraries and orchestral samples. By submitting and reading the critiques ,I have learned so much this year and I have now signed a deal for a genre I didn’t know anything about one year ago!
Composing for my hard drive is not motivating. But working towards a TAXI deadline definitely is. With gratitude and persistence!”
Congratulations, Jan, we love your story! Keep up the hard work, and let us know as you get more deals and eventually placements as well!

Eric Santiago – New York, New York
Here’s some cool news from Eric: “Once I was reviewed and approved through TAXI, my song “Changes” was forwarded to one of their clients, and here I am! This is my first opportunity through TAXI, and it's been just a few months. I feel super lucky and blessed.
TAXI has legit, top-shelf clients that are always looking for fresh talent and that give [musicians] tons of leads. It's a big sea with lots of musical fish - someone is going to bite eventually. Everything was super professional and now I’ve landed an exclusive licensing deal! Go figure!”
We’re very happy for you, Eric. Congratulations, and we look forward to hearing from you when your song lands in a TV show or feature film!