Mark Parr - East Sussex, United Kingdom
Mark had two different Film/TV music publishers trying to sign the same track. Here’s how those offers led to two nice deals and a couple of placements!
“I had a couple of forwards [from TAXI] for a track called ‘Tip Toe Through the Hood,’ which is an Urban Dramedy cue.
A Publisher approached me not long after they received the forward, asking if they could sign that track on an exclusive basis, and if I could write a couple of albums for them. Shortly after, another Publisher approached me asking if they too could sign ‘Tip Toe Through the Hood.’
I explained that the track had just been signed by another Publisher, but I had an unsigned track in the same genre called ‘Fake Friends.’ I asked if they would like to hear that as a possible replacement. They came back to me stating that they loved it and wanted to sign it exclusively.
Earlier this week I ran a check on Tunesat ,and lo and behold, it had picked up my track ‘Fake Friends’ as being used twice in the same show on the Spanish TV channel, Neox. I contacted the Publisher and they told me that this would have been placed by their Spanish sub-Publisher.
So, after two years of working seven days a week perfecting my craft, I have landed my first placement. I’m so chuffed (UK slang for pleased). I have also had 33 tracks signed through TAXI forwards over those two years!”
Mark added, “Although TAXI’s screening facility can be frustrating at times, it has taught me a very valuable lesson: Learn and then learn some more! The critiques from my previous returns have made me rethink my approach. Learn about structure, improve my mixing skills and most importantly of all, it’s been an education in how to deal with rejection.
If I had received rejection after rejection with no input as to how I could improve, I think I would have given up by now. The advice given by TAXI’s screeners has spurred me on to improve the quality of my work. So far, I have received 50 forwards which is morale boosting as well.
The approach that TAXI takes with regards to educating their members is amazing. TAXI TV is especially helpful as I have learnt so much from the wise words of Michael and his guests.
Also, I attended the last Road Rally which exceeded my expectations. Well worth the long-haul flights from the UK.”
Congratulations for staying focused and sticking with it, Mark! It sounds like you’re on your way, and we especially appreciate you mentioning how important TAXI’s feedback and education have been helpful to you! We hope more of your fellow members jump on that bandwagon!!

Dean Parks - Battleground, Washington
Dean recently let us know, “When joining TAXI, I wondered (as all of us did) if and when a piece might actually get used. I had some pieces in libraries for about a year, and then a year later I was pleasantly surprised to see a modest bank deposit from ASCAP, and that could only mean a real-life placement. The placement was in a Danish travel-adventure show through a music library I met through a TAXI connection. A couple months later I had three placements in an MTV reality show through yet another music library I met through TAXI.
So, I am pleased to see that the whole process works—from learning the craft, to submission, to forwarding, to library pickups, to placements. It has been nice to see how supportive the libraries have been (I have around 20 pieces in various libraries). Occasionally, the library will ask to make a subtle change, and very often the first thing they want to know is if you have any more like it. Building a good relationship with the library is a critical part of TAXI success. I’ll never do this for a living, but for me it’s an important creative outlet, and a chance to build creative skills and have fun.”
Congrats, Dean, and thank you for letting us know. Enjoying the process is an important part of creating, so we’re especially glad to hear that you are!

Becky Ketelsen - Boise, Idaho
Becky let us know that, “I got another placement with my song, ‘This is the One,’ which will be on the Netflix TV series, Selling Sunset. The song was a collaboration with another TAXI member I’ve been working with for about a year now. I just saw him featured on TAXI's web page and I really liked his music, so I contacted him and we began collaborating. Our ideas and styles fit really well together —I come up with a song idea, write lyrics, and perform the vocals, and he mixes/ produces them. We've done several songs together now and they've all been signed by publishing companies, and we've had a couple placements as well.”

Miguel Angel Conde Canencia - Madrid, Spain
Miguel reports, “I’ve signed three publishing contracts in the last couple of months. Good news!! As I was about to post here about the first one, another deal came in, and then another one! I simply can't believe it. I've been working really hard for this, but I didn't expect it would go this far. All of the contracts have resulted from TAXI forwards and have come from great libraries with lots of placements and nice and experienced people who are very enthusiastic about my music. It looks like these will be long-term relationships. I have so much music to do now... I hope I can please everyone.”
Miguel adds, “What I like the most about TAXI is that if you really work hard and get a decent percentage of forwards, sooner or later you'll hear from music libraries. Also, TAXI provides you with a number of ways to improve your craft: YouTube channel, Forums, books, and of course, the Road Rally. I can see now with some perspective that after the Rally I improved a lot. Not just the music, but the attitude as well.”
Miguel, you’ve hit the nail on the head, not just with your recent publishing deals, but realizing that hard work and using all of TAXI’s resources can help make your dreams become reality. Keep up the great work!

Leigh Gracie - Suffolk, United Kingdom
“Just to let you guys know that two tracks forwarded for listing S2101035V resulted in the publisher getting in touch, and it has already turned into five songs signed and a couple more for their other library projects. I’ve had a few tracks forwarded, but this is my first signing as a result of TAXI. Thanks!”
Leigh added, “I submitted four cues for a listing earlier this year, two of which were forwarded by TAXI to the publisher. They got in touch a month or so later to confirm they wanted to license both tracks for the project. Interestingly, I also sent them the two songs not forwarded by TAXI and they were accepted too. I mention this not to criticize TAXI, but to highlight that the feedback I received [from TAXI] helped me make some minor changes that ultimately led to them being just right for the client. Also, music is not an exact science! It’s the feedback from TAXI that’s helped me refine what I do. I joined in 2020 so, I’m in my early days, but with encouraging results so far.”
Encouraging results, indeed, Leigh! We expect that we’ll be hearing about more signings and some placements as well in the near future.

Owen Grech - Xghajra, MT (fyi: Xgħajra is a small village in the South Eastern Region of Malta)
“Just as my first month as a TAXI member came to an end, I received an email from the CEO of a pretty nice library offering to sign my track, ‘Mad Gator.’ This has undoubtedly given me more self-belief and yet another reason to keep working everyday so that one day I will be able to achieve my long-shot dream of making a living with music a reality. Thank you, TAXI :)
Owen gave us this overview of how it happened:
1) “Basically, I was a TAXI member way back in around 2008, but I did all the wrong things with my membership (not writing to the listings, etc., not using the feedback the way I should have, not being consistent, etc.), so of course there were no successes back then. This time I took it really seriously and composed religiously, watched TAXI TV and used the forum, and all of this I believe, managed to get me two forwards in my first few weeks, one of which got me a good library deal just as I was "celebrating" the end of my first month as a newly reborn TAXI member :)
2) No recent successes as far as library contacts go, as I have been pretty busy trying to compose more tracks for this library [I got a deal with] in order to develop a healthy relationship. However, I am always keeping an eye on the listings and thanks to using feedback from some returns I've had, I definitely noticed that my work has improved a lot. I am also still looking forward to more forwards and contacts down the line :)
3) Coming from a small country where having a full-time job as a composer is virtually unheard of, TAXI has made me realize that this thing is indeed a reality, it just wasn't in my radar! TAXI has given me the fuel I need as I won't stop until I'll make that dream come true!”
Congrats, Owen! We love to hear about members from distant lands becoming successful because they use TAXI. It’s always nice to see you in the chat room during TAXI TV livestreams!

Chris Moser - Riggisbergg, Switzerland
Here’s what Chris let us know; “I became a TAXI member at the end of January 2021. I started producing music regularly again this February, after several decades of producing periodically. After more than 20 submissions and among others, two forwards for modern rock instrumentals, I received an email from a music library in Los Angeles at the beginning of May interested in signing me for a collaboration deal. After some clarifications with my lawyer, I signed the contract at the end of May and I'm now very excited about the future projects with this company. I am proud and very happy that I was able to open doors with my music so quickly thanks to TAXI. Of course, this now motivates me even more to continually produce and submit entries to reap further opportunities through TAXI.
Out of 29 track entries, I have so far had 11 tracks forwarded. I think this is pretty good for the first half of my first year as a TAXI member. I hope that my current and future forwarded tracks will enable further collaboration opportunities with music libraries and producers.”
Chris added, “I love TAXI’s vast listing diversity. I've always liked producing in different music genres. In my opinion, the screener’s feedback is 90% accurate and help me to make my submissions even more accurate. Another useful aspect of TAXI is of course, the clear deadlines given. I, like probably most, am much more productive with a set deadline.”
Congratulations, Chris, and thanks for mentioning how motivating the deadlines are to you!

Kimberly Shires - Silver Spring, MD
Kimberly recently sent us this news; “I had two TAXI forwards in two weeks that led to contracts with two different music libraries for three of my songs. The first forward was for lo-fi Garage Rock. I read the brief carefully and studied the reference track provided, which I used to model my original track. I put the track together in about a week specifically for the brief, so I was delighted when TAXI forwarded it with the comment that it was right on target. A few days later, the library contacted me with a really solid non-exclusive offer for the track to be included in a five-song compilation of similar tracks, which will be marketed for sync placements looking for that style.
The second forward was for a modern Country song. I submitted a track that was already produced, but really fit the brief. Again, it was forwarded and a few days later the library contacted me asking to hear more of my catalog. We signed an exclusive deal for two tracks from my catalog. Bonus!
Both of these deals happened very quickly. Fortunately, I’m really organized and was able to turn around the tracks in the formats needed, plus the stems and artwork in a matter of hours.”
Kim also said, “The great thing about TAXI is that they give you direct access to what music libraries, labels and music supervisors specifically need. If you follow the brief and study the references and can produce the right sound, it’s very likely your music will get forwarded. I don't know if it’s typical, but every one of my TAXI forwards has led to a contract. This tells me that the music forwarded by TAXI is very credible to their clients. This was my first year as a member with TAXI. This early success will definitely lead to a renewal.”
We’re glad you’re going to renew your membership, Kim! You’re doing all the right stuff, and we have little doubt that you’ll continue to see more success with each year. Congratulations!

Anthony Crawford - Lancaster, California
Anthony reports, “TAXI sent a brief about a company looking for soulful R&B tracks. I took a look at the listing requirements and decided to give it a shot. I started playing around on my keyboard and I started playing a certain chord progression. I thought that with the right groove it could work for the brief. I produced the track and submitted it. A few weeks later, I got an email that my music was forwarded to the company; and a few days after that, the company contacted me! The company also said that they wanted me to submit more tracks along with the track that was forwarded from TAXI. Thanks TAXI, for giving me the outlet to build a new relationship in the music sync industry. Thanks as well for the feedback on my submissions. They are really helpful, and put me on the right path in delivering the type of music that gets placed in sync.”
You’re welcome Anthony, and congratulations! Please keep us in the loop as you get more deals, and hopefully, some placements as well!

Syamali Wing - High Springs, FL
“Syamali signed a Record Deal on May 14, 2021! She was signed by one of the oldest independent record labels in the UK. Many thanks to TAXI for forwarding Syamali's music! They LOVED it!!!” reports Syamali’s Dad, Robin.
Robin continued, “Syamali had a good feeling about this particular TAXI listing from one of the oldest independent record labels in the U.K. So, she was very excited when TAXI forwarded several of her songs, with feedback [from TAXI’s A&R team] that they felt these songs perfectly represented what this particular company was looking for. Within a couple of days of the TAXI forward, Syamali was emailed by the record label with a very enthusiastic response. They said that everyone in the office was listening to her songs that morning, and they were all very impressed, and loved her music and her unique and beautiful voice.
So, they arranged a Zoom call with Syamali a couple of days later, and formally presented their offer for a record contract, which Syamali eagerly accepted. They are now finalizing the schedule for photo shoots, a music video, advertising, and the release of four singles over the next several months. So exciting! We are very grateful to TAXI for opening this door, which would have been very difficult, if not impossible, on our own.”
Thanks for letting us know, Robin, and huge congratulations Syamali! Please keep us in the loop as to when the videos and singles are released, so we can share them with Syamali’s fellow TAXI members!

Dean Turner - San Mateo, CA
Dean told us, “I found out that I had a placement in two episodes of The Challenge on MTV. One cue, ‘Labyrinth,’ was placed by a Music Library whose CEO was my one-to-one mentor at the TAXI Road Rally. That meeting led to a publishing deal.
The other cue, ‘Circle of Deception,’ was placed by yet another Music Library I signed with as a result of a TAXI forward. ‘Circle of Deception’ was also in an episode of House of Pop.”
Dean added, “TAXI’s listings have given me access to people in the music business that I wouldn’t have had otherwise. TAXI TV is a great resource for information and motivation. But the highlight of the year is the Road Rally. It’s a wonderful opportunity to meet and hear from experts in various aspects of the industry. It’s educational and inspirational, and a lot of fun!”
That’s great news Dean! Keep up the great work, and please keep us abreast of any more placements coming down the pike!

Len Boone - Doylestown, PA
From the company that got Len’s music from TAXI and ultimately nailed the placements below: “Hey Len & Larry!
Looping in our friends at TAXI to let you both know that the tune ‘Shine On’ will be in tomorrow’s episode of the hit TV show, Mixed-ish on ABC, Episode 210, titled: You Dropped a Bomb on Me. Your song, ‘Give Into Love’ will also be on another episode of Mixed-ish (ABC), in episode 212.
And more good news, y'all got ANOTHER CUT!!!
‘Do Whatcha Feel’ will be in episode 413 of the ABC TV show, Station 19! I'm not sure I've seen a hot streak like this with one of our artists in a long time - you guys truly are on fire! Can't wait for more! A big congrats to Len & Larry - and of course - THANK YOU, TAXI!!!”
Len Boone added, “In today's music environment, TAXI is the closest thing to having a music publisher on your side. They provide projects and opportunities that you wouldn't otherwise have access to and/or knowledge of; which in turn could open doors to music business professionals who may readily like/love your music.... I always recommend TAXI to anyone trying to get into the music business: I'd say, try TAXI!!”
Congratulations to Len, Larry, and of course the excellent company that let us know about this incredible hot streak of placements. We love that this company always lets us know when they get our members placed in TV shows and films!!!

Jim Stamper - Ft. Wayne, IN
Jim reported, “In my March BMI statement, I had two new placements for Christmas instrumentals on UK TV shows - Jamie's Easy Christmas Countdown with Jamie Oliver, and Secrets Of Your Supermarket Food. These were both from Christmas of 2019, because you know, overseas royalties take a long time to show up in your U.S. statements. These placements were both the result of a library relationship due to previous TAXI forwards.”
Jim added, “During the summer of 2019, I submitted a ‘minimalist’ Christmas instrumental for a TAXI listing from an international library ‘with global distribution through a huge music conglomerate.’ It was forwarded to the library, and very soon they signed it! Plus, they asked if I had any similar tracks, to help complete a 2019 Holiday album. I went to work and produced two more tracks which were both signed as well. I told my family that Christmas came early for me that year.
I signed more music with this library during 2020, and I’m working on more right now for 2021.
Even before I saw that BMI statement, I found out that the same instrumental track had been placed during the 2020 holiday season. And I found out in a fun way. My wife and I were watching Holiday Home Makeover with Mr. Christmas on Netflix, when I heard my track playing in the background. I said, ‘Hey! I think that's my track!’ I watched that segment a few more times just to be sure. It was a great little Christmas surprise. I can’t wait to see this show up on a future BMI statement!
Thanks to TAXI, I have music in 10 Music Libraries, plus I’ve had other placements, directly with Music Supervisors. I get a steady stream of briefs from several of the companies I now work with. It's more work than I can handle. But I also still submit to TAXI listings regularly. This gives me a chance to work with new Music Libraries and Music Supervisors. And the feedback I get from TAXI’s A&R team is really valuable to help me improve. Libraries don’t have the time to give you much feedback when you’re submitting directly.”
Thank you for letting us know Jim, and congratulations! You’re clearly on a roll, and we couldn’t be happier for you. We’re also grateful that you let us know when you get deals and placements. We wish more members would take the time. Hint, hint ;-)

Bill Gordon - Baltimore, MD
From the Music Library to Bill Gordon: “I want to let you the folks at TAXI share in the good news that your track, ‘It Seemed So Right,’ made it into the hit CW show, Black Lightning, airing 5/10/21.”
TAXI member Bill Gordon added, “This company has heard almost everything I’ve written and recorded, dating back to 1977. My first submission to them was some avant-garde Funk for a TAXI listing in 2001. Over the next 12 years, we came close to making some deals, but nothing signed. Then, in 2013 we agreed to a buy-out deal for 10 of my Jazz tracks, with me keeping the writer’s share. One of those tunes was ‘It Seemed So Right,’ that aired this month on the CW show, Black Lightning.
They’ve also placed many of those Jazz tracks, including two, ‘Cowgirls Groove, Too’ and ‘Laugh, Cry, Sing, Sigh,’ in the 2017 Sony Pictures movie, The Glass Castle.
TAXI does what it says it does, and there is no better deal in the biz. It’s one of the rare entities whose name you can use in the same sentence with the word honorable and still be talking about the music industry!”
We deeply appreciate the compliment Bill, and we’re so happy that you’ve done business and had a bunch of placements via this particular company. They wear white hats, too!

Richard Flood - Salley, SC
From Dick Flood’s Publisher he met via TAXI: “Writing you (and our dear friends at TAXI) to let you know that your tune ‘I’ll Never Be the Same After You’ has landed in episode 212 (Title: "The Big Heat”) of the hit Fox TV show, 9-1-1 Lonestar - and the episode airs TONIGHT!!!
Very exciting stuff here, Dick - you can check it out on Fox tonight at 8 p.m.! As always, congrats to Mr. Flood & THANK YOU TAXI!!!”
We’ve actually worn out the keys on our computers while congratulating Dick Flood on all his TV and film placements! What’s especially exciting to us is that Dick had a nice career in the music business when he was a younger man, and now he’s getting his music heard by millions of people and earning a nice income later in his life. Not many musicians get a first “bite of the success apple.” Dick Flood had that, and now he’s getting to eat an entire apple pie for his just desserts! Congratulations, Dick, we’re so happy for all your success!

Robert Zimmermann - Bishop, GA
From an email to Robert Zimmerman from a Music Licensing Company he signed with as a result of a forward from TAXI:
“Hi Robert,
Long time - I hope you’ve been well! I want to let you and our friends at TAXI hear the exciting news that the Affordable Lawn Care tune, ‘Time Passes By,’ will be in episode 514 of NBC’s massive hit show, This Is Us - airing TOMORROW!!!
A huge congrats to you, and of course, thank you to our friends at TAXI!!!”
Robert’s reply to the company:
Hi *******,
This is an unbelievable dream come true, once again you have left me speechless. I can’t say thank you enough for getting my music in front of the right people for this type of opportunity. I am so grateful for all you’ve done for me. And of course, this would have never happened without the wonderful folks at TAXI. I am officially a lifelong member. This inspires me to get back to writing, knowing that working with such great people makes this possible. I am truly over the moon.
Sincerely, Rob Z.”
This is what makes all the hard work we do at TAXI so worthwhile. When our members say things like, “This is an unbelievable dream come true,” it feels so good. We get to earn our living helping people’s dreams come true. Does it get any better? :-)

Rebecca L. Ketelsen - Boise, ID
Rebecca’s report of deals she’s made over the past six months, as well as her first placement:
1. Song placed with a Sync Licensing Company – November, 2020
2. Five songs placed with a Sync Licensing Company – January, 2021
3. Song placed with a Sync Agency – March, 2021 (this deal resulted directly from a TAXI forward)
4. Three songs placed with a Sync Agency – April, 2021
5. First song placement: “Because I Wanna” will be on the TV series, Teen Mom 2, airing in June.
Rebecca told us, “I'm almost at my two-year mark with TAXI. My membership renews in July. I connected with another TAXI member after seeing them featured on the TAXI webpage over a year ago. I began collaborating with them and have found great success ever since.
That other TAXI member was already signed with some companies, and after we collaborated on a couple songs, they passed our songs on to their sync contacts, and one was picked up and signed. That was my first deal! I continued collaborating with that same TAXI member, and we created several more songs, all of which were picked up and signed by other companies. One deal was the direct result of a TAXI forward. I submitted one of our first songs to a listing and it was forwarded, and then signed. That was my second deal. Then I had a third and fourth deal signed subsequently just from hustling our songs out there and came upon two companies that liked them and wanted them! Then, I just had my first placement which is airing this month in June! One of our songs, ‘Because I Wanna,’ will be on Teen Mom 2 on MTV.
My favorite part about TAXI was attending the Road Rally in 2019! Luckily, I joined TAXI and was able to attend that Rally before the pandemic hit. It was a lot of fun, and I also met a couple of key people there who helped guide me in the right direction as I was a brand-new member at that time.”
Well, it sounds like those fellow members gave you some great advice, Rebecca! Congratulations on seeing your hard work bear fruit, and please keep us in the loop on any future deals and placements!

Lyric Gates - Plano, TX
Lyric reports, “I submitted my very first original single titled, ‘To Hell With You,’— which made it to # 1 for the Top 10 bands for 2020, in Dallas/Fort Worth — to several of TAXI’s listings. After some time, it was forwarded to multiple Music Libraries and five of them responded to the submission! I had the privilege of being able to choose which one fit best, and I couldn’t be more grateful! What I love most about TAXI is that for a very small investment you open so many doors for yourself and your music. I am so thrilled for this opportunity and look forward to potentially signing more deals in the future!”
Congratulations, Lyric. Very few people are fortunate enough to write a great song right out of the gate. Even fewer people have five offers on the table as a result. Wow! We can’t wait to hear your second song!!!

Patrick Boylan - Folsom, California
Patrick reports, “Last summer I had some songs forwarded by TAXI for a listing looking for tension type music with a Middle Eastern vibe. Through that Forward, I established a regular working relationship with a wonderful music library, which is distributed by Universal. I’ve been sending them music regularly ever since. I was even approached by them to be a composer on a new label! The owner of the library is really nice, and I’ve learned a lot of tips from them about how the industry works and how to compose music that will get used.
“Speaking of which; through them, I got my first placement on a reality TV show in the UK called Love Bites! Woohoo!
“I also ended up in a similar situation with another library through a different TAXI Forward! I like using TAXI because of the huge wealth of knowledge, critique, and community I find here, that is very specific to the side of the music industry I'm working in. You guys are the best!”
Well, thanks Patrick, and congratulations on the deals and the placement! It sounds like even more great stuff is in your future.

Dan Weber - Anderson, South Carolina
“Here’s the latest from Dan, “Because of TAXI, I’ve signed hundreds of tracks with five Libraries around the world since 2016, had dozens of placements in various countries –– including the U.S. –– and can’t believe I’m actually doing what I love and getting paid for it!
“In June 2020, I signed two Hard Rock Instrumentals with a Music Library in Germany. The two TAXI Forwards led to three more (Christmas) songs I created as a result of the relationship.
“In September 2020, I signed two Public Domain Classical Tracks with yet another company!
“Because of a friend I met on the TAXI Forums, in October 2019, I signed fourteen tracks with another music library that works with TAXI. All Middle Eastern Rock tracks, which is a new genre for me and I love working with the company’s owner! Thank you for this company, Michael!”
You’re very welcom,e Dan! Congrats on all of your success, and thank you for letting us know about your accomplishments.

Pierre Veniot - Tuen Mun NT, Hong Kong
Pierre checked in from Hong Kong to let us know, “I looked at my Tunesat detections, and saw my song being used as a TV show theme (0:15 sec) in Germany. Not much, but there is always a first. The placement comes from a good relationship I established with a music production music library I met through one of my first TAXI Forwards. This is only my first placement, there will be some more for sure!
“I also have regular signings with many production music libraries, now. I recently signed a classical music flute sonata with an established Library. Thanks, TAXI, for great insight into the music business!”
Thanks for letting us know, Pierre! We’d bet that over the course of a year, that 15-second theme song placement will generate some nice income! Keep up the great work, and congratulations!

Thomas Selden - Palmetto, Florida
Thomas let us know that he recently landed his first deal. “This is my first deal signed. I submitted to a listing wanting Future Bass, and the library got back to me promptly after the Forward.
“They wanted 48k 16bit files, and needed a total of five different mixes. I submitted the requested main track along with four alt mixes. It took a few weeks for the library to get back to me after submitting the finished mixes to say they were all approved and ready for placement opportunities.
“I know I’m not supposed to dwell on the placement aspect, but being my first signing I can’t help it. I’ve had 30 Forwards involving other works. Nice to finally have one signed. Thanks TAXI, for your great feedback on my music. The critiques have helped me improve my engineering and mixes, and have also made my melody writing more current. I have most of Robin Frederick’s books which have also helped me tremendously.”
Congratulations on the deal, Thomas, and for letting us know the ice has been broken! We hope this is the first of many more deals for you!!

Danny Infantino - Pinehurst, North Carolina
“Good news! My piece, ‘Taxi Dancer,’ will be used in episode 102 of Mare of Easttown, airing on HBO, which [began] airing in April 2021.” The show stars Academy Award and Golden Globe nominee Kate Winslet as Mare Sheehan, a small-town detective investigating a local murder.
Congrats, Danny, and thanks for updating us, and adding this to your long list of accomplishments. Keep up the great work!

Greg Carrozza - Albuquerque, New Mexico
Greg is on a roll, lately. Here’s his latest exciting news; “I just found out about a placement that I’m pretty excited about; it's my first song placement. The song is called ‘Standing Tall Again,’ and is co-written (actually mostly written) by fellow TAXI member David Paul Zimmer — who should definitely be listed as the main writer and vocalist. It will be on Season 3, Episode 11 of the show, All American on the CW network. It first [aired] on Monday, April 26.
“My most notable other placements have been on; Real Housewives of NJ, Queer Eye, Love Island, Lights Out with David Spade, Full Frontal with Samantha Bee, and Growing up Hip Hop.
“One more interesting thing I forgot to mention is David and I met by chance at the 2018 TAXI Road Rally convention during a listening panel. He was already in the room, and I came in and happened to choose the seat next to him. This is probably a very common story.”
First, congratulations on getting a song placement! Second, you’re right! Chance meetings at the Rally frequently turn into collaborations, deals, and placements. And we’re glad that this one did exactly that for you and David!

David P. Zimmer - Tallahassee, FL
Following up on Greg’s report, we’ve got his co-writer, David weighing in about the placement and much more!
“As Greg said, we met via the classic TAXI story where we chatted after sitting next to each other at a session in the main ballroom. We did a little bit of work together that led to making Christmas songs for a TAXI-friendly publisher and then signed some original songs with another TAXI-friendly publisher. This is how the most recent placement came about on a show called All American on CW. I have also had placements on The Young and the Restless and National Geographic TV. All of it is due to connections made through TAXI and the Road Rally, and also through the education that TAXI provides through the Road Rally and TAXI TV.
“I think the community is my favorite part about TAXI. Developing relationships with like-minded people who compliment your skills has been the most significant change in my musical journey.”
Congratulations on the placements, David, and thanks for letting your fellow members know that relationships and collaborations are often the “secret sauce.”

Douglas Barr - Perth, Canada
Douglas recently told us, “I attended your TAXI Road Rally conference in — I think, 2013, and talked to an unnamed fellow looking for original ’70s songs. That got me thinking about the old reels I had in storage from my early writing/recording career. So, I dug them out and found a studio with a 1” reel to reel to clean them up and digitalize them. This resulted in 10 tracks of varying fidelity. After submitting them to many, many TAXI listings, I had five or six Forwards and a call from a [highly regarded] record label/publisher.”
It’s always a good idea to dust off those old recordings! There are some companies that do a tremendous amount of business with vintage music, and you’re now signed to one of the very best!

Jeffrey Bonacci - Henderson, Nevada
Jeffrey reports, “I was notified by a [great music library] that they reviewed TAXI’s Forwards of my two songs (Backwoods Paradise and American Thunder) — and they want to work with me! This opportunity would have never happened without you TAXI folks — Thank you so much — Thanks for believing!!”
He added, “I submitted a few original songs to a TAXI listing in the fall of 2020. After a few weeks, I was contacted by an internationally known music licensing company that was interested in the songs. Shortly thereafter, we signed an agreement for two of the songs! Now, with a deal in place, all of the new original music gets considered for future placements. It's a dream come true! TAXI is an amazing tool to build relationships, and get your music into the world! TAXI also has a plethora of information regarding songwriting, and production techniques that really push me to be a better songwriter.”
We’re very happy to have helped one of your dreams come true, Jeffrey. Now, let’s get busy on making the next one come true with some juicy placements!