Terrell Burt - Orlando, FL
Terrell posted this on the Forum: “Good afternoon everyone and good news! My frequent collaborator and a familiar face here on the TAXI Forums, Lamar Pecorino, and I just landed our first TV placement together of our vintage-inspired collaboration entitled, ‘Not Strong’ in the National Geographic miniseries, Genius: Aretha! The miniseries premieres tomorrow night, but our placement will be featured in Episode 7, which airs on Wednesday night.
In the summer of 2017, Lamar sent me an idea that he was working on, and after sharing some ideas back and forth and making revisions to get the song just right, we got it referenced by a singer, mixed/mastered, and then pitched it to a TAXI friendly music library shortly after.
Thankfully they accepted it into their catalog. This library has a cool feature where you can see what projects the song is being pitched to, but to my surprise, it has only been pitched twice in the last three and a half years. Doesn't sound promising at all right?
But after some patience (which I always emphasize is extremely necessary in this line of work), Lamar and I got an email last night informing us about the placement. This is Lamar's first placement with this particular library, so I am very excited for him, being that he was the mastermind of this project from the start!
Thank you TAXI for connecting me with talented co-writers like Lamar and to the opportunities and companies that can take our work to the masses. None of this would be possible without TAXI and I am eternally grateful.
Some other recent placements I’ve had are; Superman & Lois (CW), Growing Up Hip Hop: Atlanta (WE TV), NFL Mock Draft Live (NFL Network), and All American (CW) with fellow TAXI member, Owen Chaim.
TAXI is and has been many things to me, but I would say the ability to collaborate with like-minded people is one of TAXI's biggest assets. All of my recent successes are songs that have been co-written with TAXI members.”
Congratulations to you and Lamar, and thanks for letting us know about these placements and collaborations, Terrell! We’re sure there will be many more to come, and we look forward to letting your fellow members know about those as they happen!

Walter Grund - Nehren, Germany
Big news from Walter: “Let me start by saying that since I started with TAXI, I’ve earned over 10.000 TV placements (so far) in TV shows all over the world!
I just want to share something POSITIVE concerning co-writes, which might also help other members for Covid-collaboration scenarios.
Recently, I was asked to do a song in the style of Amy Winehouse, sad, emotional, but still driving, mid-tempo. My daughter Charlotte and I have written quite a lot of songs together, but she moved out three years ago to study medicine in a city three hours from where we (parents) live. So, when the assignment came in, there was a deadline to meet. We couldn't wait until she'd come home for a visit.
Before the actual meeting, I prepared a drum track in the R&B style and sound for a kick-off. Then I added chords that I came up with and sent it to Charlotte for consensus. We made some changes. After a week or so, Charlotte and I met via Skype, but soon switched to a phone call so we could both work better on our computers on a shared a Google doc for the lyrics. When we'd done a section lyric-wise, Charlotte recorded it with GarageBand. She imported the drum track and chords, and has the new SSL2+ Interface I’d recently won!
After every section was done, Charlotte sang the whole vocals until we got a good version. Days later I worked on brass, guitars and finally added some simple Amy-ish keyboard notes. We were pretty happy with the result and so was the company that they signed it!
I've been with TAXI since 2008 and it has been a learning experience thanks to all the Road Rallies, TAXI-TVs, and more. Maybe this synopsis gives something back to "the community.” I haven't been submitting much lately (although I just recently, a Solo-Guitar Jazz piece got forwarded and signed) because I have a full-time job. And because of TAXI, I’ve built a network of industry contacts and have so many opportunities, I can't even keep up with all the work I have!”
Wow, Walter, 10,000 placements of your music is a huge accomplishment!! Congratulations, and thanks for sharing your workflow for collaborating. We’re sure other members will benefit from it!

Grant Kennedy - Calgary, Canada
Grant told us, “I wasn't sure I was going to renew my membership, but a friend of mine who works in the industry encouraged me to renew with your company. And wow, am I ever glad I did!
I think this was my very first submission with my latest membership, and I was contacted by the publishing company that ran the listing with offers for both exclusive and non-exclusive deals, shortly after my TAXI submission. They were great to work with. Very open with the process. I hired an entertainment lawyer to review the contract and the publishing company took the time to answer any and all concerns that we had. Ultimately, I chose to sign a non-exclusive contract with the songs. Since signing that contract, it feels like I've joined a new family! They've been very welcoming, and I'm excited to see what lies ahead!
I love the opportunities I get through TAXI! Can't beat a signed contract with greater opportunities for my music!”
Congratulations on signing that deal, Grant, and please keep us in the loop when it leads to future signings and ultimately, some placements!

Monquet Thomas - Alpharetta, Georgia
Monquet emailed to say, “I’m all smiles right now! Just got my first placement on MTV. Due to a sweet deal from a TAXI listing about two years ago. This deal came through a TAXI submission about two years ago. I had three tension cues forwarded, and the company asked for more tracks to add to their library resulting in, so far one of my cues being featured on MTV in a TV show. They used my song, ‘Attention Span’ for a scene. When I got the BMI statement for Q3, 2020, I was surprised to find some royalties. The payment was only about $50, but it was a huge lift for my efforts in the composing world.
TAXI has one of the most unmatched musical communities that I have experienced. I also enjoy TAXI TV and the Forum. The 2019 Road Rally that I attended was priceless. The information gained and overall experience helped my professional focus. I appreciate the opportunity to learn and grow, and I also like the honesty in the critiques from the TAXI screeners. Thanks again to Michael and all the TAXI staff!”
We’re smiling right along with you, Monquet! The first placement is the one you’ll always remember, and we’re pretty sure this will be the first of many!

Kristin Chambers - Seattle, WA
Found on the TAXI Form: “Kristin Chambers here with the great news that Chris Mugs and I had one of our songs placed on The Young &The Restless last week! Yay! Chris is an awesome collaborator. I’ve also had a recent placement on All American (CW) with fellow TAXI member, Owen Chaim.
I have never posted on the Forum before, but I'm due for a huge TAXI shout out! I have been a member for many years, and over the years of going to the Road Rallies, taking courses, and learning the ropes, I am seeing the path more clearly and starting to make headway.
All of my placements and collaborations are through the folks I have met through TAXI, and I am so grateful that I fell into the fold. I started with 10 artist songs, and no idea what I wanted.
Now I have nearly 100 songs signed [with various publisher] and I have placements on Hallmark, Nat Geo, Y&R, CW, and such a better understanding of this journey. Thanks to all my collaborators, Bob Mete, Steve Rice, Dean K, Frank Rogala, and so many more.
As a live performer as well, the balance of the two worlds can be tricky, but TAXI has been a great resource to make that happen. Here's to more music! Thanks Michael and TAXI.”
Congratulations Kristin! You’ve officially cleared the launching pad, and it sounds like you’re headed to even more signings and placements. Thank you for letting us know!

Andre Stepanian - Vancouver, Canada
Andre reports some great news, “When I heard there was a listing for ‘Solo Jazz guitar,’ asking for a full performance like you would play at a gig, I had to jump on this opportunity to play my instrument with no limitations. I submitted three tracks which were forwarded, and two of them got signed by a publisher that I have already established a relation with.
I have received a fair number of returns, but at the same time more tracks are now getting forwarded because of the abundance of information, education, and the screeners’ critiques that TAXI provides to improve ourselves. Again, I am thankful to TAXI for creating such a great platform to have a chance for our music to get connected with and signed by film/TV music libraries.”
Keep swinging for the fences, Andre, and your forwards and deals with continue to grow, and then become placements!

Michael Bluestein - Los Angeles, California
Michael posted this on the TAXI Forum: “Hi all. Very cool to be a part of the community, here! I joined TAXI in late January of this year (2021), and I'm thrilled to report that all 6 of my submissions for the minimalist 1920’s cues were all forwarded by TAXI and offered deals from a successful Music Licensing company). I'm still working out the particulars with them, but just wanted to report it. Nice to see real things can happen here!
Also, recently there was a different listing for 1950’s style pizzicato string cues. Both of the cues submitted were forwarded and signed as well, to a different company!
I love the variety of listings that come through with TAXI. Some of the styles definitely push me out of my comfort zone and I like that!”
Thanks for the report, Michael, and please let us know when those deals become placements!

Andrew Gilpin - Ontario, Canada
Here’s the latest from Andrew: “Hey all! I'm so happy to report that I got my very first contract with a music library! I heard from them about 24 hours after my tracks were forwarded. The owner was so excited by my music that he wrote to me on Easter weekend! We came to an agreement and the album was released today. It’s been a whirlwind romance for sure. LOL
I've been working hard for a little over a year now, submitting music to TAXI regularly. I've composed and sent in over 70 tracks and have a 62% forward rate. I was prepared to wait longer for some success, but I'm happy that it happened now.
What I like most about TAXI is the feedback I’ve gotten, both negative and positive. I feel as if the screeners are trying their best to be helpful, but at the same time, guide me towards what the clients are looking for if I haven’t quite hit the mark. I would not have this deal if not for TAXI, so thank you!
Thank you to all the screeners for giving me valuable feedback on my music, whether it was forwarded or not. And thanks to Michael for giving me (and all of the rest of us) these opportunities. Onward and upward! (Or ‘excelsior,’ if you're a Marvel fan...)”
It sounds like this won’t be the only time we get a report like this from Andrew ;-) Congratulations Andrew, and kudos to you for choosing the right listings and creating what the company asked for!

Anthony Ambrogio - Central Islip, NY
After submitting a few tracks for an Afrobeats opportunity, I recently accepted a deal on an upcoming Afrobeats album to be released by a large West Coast Music Library. Thank you TAXI!
I submitted three tracks for consideration, one was forwarded to the library in December. In February I was contacted by them for placement on an upcoming Afrobeats compilation album they are releasing. The deal is an exclusive one, which also carried an upfront payment.
As of this writing, I have submitted 13 tracks for consideration, have signed 4 between two libraries and am waiting to hear on a fifth recent forward. I am very pleased with the opportunities presented by TAXI, as well as the excellent feedback received from the screeners.
I began producing with a DAW back in March (of 2020) just as the pandemic began, and joined TAXI on November 24, 2020. I then submitted 9 tracks for three different opportunities. From those initial submissions, I was fortunate to receive three forwards, and within a few days was contacted by a large music library that, so far, has signed two tracks.
I recently retired from my career in music education and arts administration. As a conservatory trained musician, I have experience on both the performing and the arranging sides. Back then, arrangements would often be improved by the collective knowledge of the musicians performing your work. Today, although a DAW can provide an infinite selection of tones and textures it may encourage one to work in isolation, therefore the feedback provided by TAXI’s experienced screeners is valuable and relevant as I strive to improve my craft.
Additionally, the ongoing video series (TAXI TV) is informative and demonstrates the commitment of TAXI’s leadership to the development of those in the field. I haven’t been around long enough to participate in a Road Rally yet, but from my perspective, TAXI is a one stop shop for professional development AND opportunity. Thanks TAXI!”
You are very welcome, Anthony, and congratulations on your success. We can’t wait for you to enjoy the additional education your first Road Rally will give you. Let us know what you think!

Dick Flood - Salley, South Carolina
From the Music Licensing Company:
“Hey Mr. Flood!
I hope you are well & staying safe! I’m looping in our friends at TAXI to let you know that your tune ‘Feet Get Me Out of Here’ was used in the SyFy show, Resident Alien. The episode is titled, ‘Birds of a Feather.’ We just found out that this aired last night, but it does look like you can stream it.
Also, want to let you and our friends at TAXI know that your tune, ‘Miung Sun Lee’ will be heard in episode 508 of the NBC smash hit This Is Us. This one airs tomorrow, February 9th!
Anyway - a big congrats to you, and of course, THANK YOU TAXI!!!”
Dick Flood’s note to TAXI:
“It was a dream come true! I had been gone from the Nashville music scene for over 50 years. I was still writing songs, but I had little or no contact with the pros of the music industry. Through a friend I heard about TAXI and I decided to join and just give TAXI a try. Believe it or not, less than six months later TAXI put me in touch with an incredibly great Publishing Company.
They were looking for old recordings of original ’60’s and ’70’s Country songs. And I had dozens of just what they wanted. For a goodly amount of US dollars, I sold them the publisher’s share and masters to over 60 of my old, old songs. It did not end there!
That was in 2014. Now, a little more than six years later that terrific company has placed dozens of those old songs into many television series and movies. Two them, ‘The Clown of the Town’ and ‘Jammin' the Blues’ are in the new 2020 movie, Stardust, which is the story of David Bowies's life. The very latest placement is my song ‘Miung Sun Lee’ in Episode 508 of the NBC hit TV show, This is Us, which aired on February 8, 2021.
“What I like about TAXI is that every day I receive emails from TAXI alerting me as to who is looking for new music, what genre they need, and even what subject matter they need. I could not ask for more!”
Congratulations on your latest placements, Dick. We could not be happier that you met this incredibly excellent company by simply submitting to a TAXI Listing some years ago. Keep up the great work, and thank you for always keeping in touch with us!

Jay Ramsey/Robert Kelly - Las Vegas Nevada and Flushing, New York
From the Music Licensing Company:
“Writing with the exciting news that the tune, ‘Castle in The Sky’ will be in the TV show Resident Alien, episode 1005, which airs on SyFy. It's getting killer reviews! This episode airs on February 24th, so set those dials & DVRs!”
We will, and thanks as always for letting us know about these placements. Congrats to all of you!

Niall McGuinness - Garnerville, Nevada
Niall reports, “My song, ‘Crystalline’ was placed on season 4, episode 7 of FOX TV's hit show, 9-1-1, from a music library introduced to me through a forward from TAXI. This was the second time the tune was placed on this show, so I must be on the supervisor's radar! Oh, and with it comes the same nice sync fees -- thanks, TAXI! It's a slow, sexy tenor sax ballad, the stuff of which gets a lot of traction under dialog during dinner scenes, etc.”
Naill went on to say, “This is my eighth placement through this library that always pays nice sync fees for all of their placements, including one in a feature film called, Life of the Party. TAXI introduced me to this library through a forward in 2017, for which I am thankful.
“I have also been appreciative of the excellent feedback TAXI has given me regarding my submissions, and the custom critiques are especially informative, in-depth, and insightful.”
Congratulations, Niall, we’re very happy for you, and grateful that you’ve been keeping us in the loop! Continued success to you!

Ken Morrison - Bellevue, Washington
From the Music Licensing Company:
“The tune ‘New Varmlands’ by The Morrie Morrison Orchestra will be in episode 403 of Snowfall, airing on Wednesday of this week on the FX network! It should show up on Hulu the following day. A big congrats to Ken Morrison (who represents his deceased father’s catalog) and the whole Morrison family, and of course, THANK YOU TAXI!!!”
From Ken Morrison:
“This deal came through a TAXI submission about seven years ago. I really enjoy working with this friendly, hard-working company that TAXI introduced me to. They’ve been great about letting me know when they place my music. This was the 350th placement for me and my father’s catalog! A nice milestone.
“I just saw the show and loved how the music was used. It was a healthy 42-second placement with very sparse dialogue. I really missed going to the Road Rally in person this year, and can't wait to see everyone next fall.”
Congratulations to Ken on yet another great placement! And big props on 350 placements! We look forward to celebrating when you reach 500!!

Miguel Angel Conde Canencia - Madrid, Spain
Miguel recently emailed to say, “Hi TAXI family! Good news today, I've received an email from a Music Library. They'd like to work with me in one of my pieces and they are open to receive more music for me. Good news for me today! Keep up the good work everybody!
You guys are awesome, I'm happy about this deal, and I'm even more happy to be learning so much from TAXI. I still have the Road Rally very present, it was great, I learnt a lot, I had a great time and I was very surprised by the high level of all the participants, the quality of the information provided and the overall positive and motivating atmosphere.
“The Music Library liked one of my tracks they got through TAXI, and they also sent information about the library, the kind of tracks they are looking for, and so on. Accompanied with a publishing deal. It's the kind of email I was expecting since I started getting Forwards consistently.
“Thanks to TAXI and all the guidelines provided in listings, plus all the advice in your Youtube channel as well, my catalogue has grown in many different styles, and this works very well as a portfolio. I shared my TAXI profile with a friend—just to show him the kind of music I'm doing now, and he asked me to make the music for a series of documentaries he is filming. I knew he worked on something related to the media, but I didn't know he actually needed a musician!
“I like the whole process that TAXI offers. It's like a real-life school, you get guidelines, professional feedback, different kinds of advice from the TAXI Forums and your YouTube channel, so you learn what kind of music should be created for media placements. And when you apply to listings, you have to meet the real demands of the real industry as a professional would, so you can use what you've learned all the time. When you get a Forward from TAXI you know you're good enough for the job, and that's for real.
“I have to say that TAXI is starting to be one of the biggest events of my life. And I'm not saying this because this library signed me. The real reason is that I feel I have improved as a musician and engineer, my music is closer to what is needed, and now I have goals and great motivation.”
Wow, Miguel! That’s great feedback, and very much appreciated!! We have little doubt that we’ll be hearing about many more success stories from you because you have a great attitude and work ethic. Congratulations!

John and Jim Mears - Hermitage, Tennessee
From the Music Library:
“We’re writing to share the exciting news with you John and Jim, and our friends at TAXI that your tune ‘The Creeps’ was used in episode 907 of the smash NBC hit, Chicago Fire! This one actually aired on 2/17, and sometimes we find out after the fact. That said, I’m sure you can find it On Demand at this point. The episode title is, ‘Dead Of Winter.’
So, a big congrats to The Mears Brothers, and of course, THANK YOU TAXI!!!”
Thanks for letting us know. We never get tired of hearing about these great placements, and we’re thankful that you always take a minute to let us know. And to Jim and John; we could not be happier that you met this great company through a TAXI submission, and that the placements just keep rolling in, year-after-year! Congratulations to all of you!

Alan Grandy - Euclid, Ohio
From the Music Licensing Company:
“Looping in our friends at TAXI to let you all know that your song ‘Guardian Angel’ by the Terrible Parade will be in episode 203 of For All Mankind, which airs on AppleTV+. It starts streaming on March 4th - if you have the service, I'd definitely check it out. Very cool show.
Congrats to Alan, and of course, THANK YOU TAXI!!!”
Congratulations, Alan! Great placement, and thank you to our friends at this company that always let us know about these awesome placements that started with a TAXI submission and Forward!

Rasmus Boegelund - Hinnerup, Jylland, Denmark
Rasmus let us know, “I joined TAXI back in March of 2020, back when Covid-19 locked down our entire world. I wrote four tracks, and submitted them. Three got forwarded. The first three weeks I wrote and produced 21 tracks. Yes, that's one each day :-) I had a Forward rate of like 80% - and was thrilled!
“Starting in May, I heard back from a library owner, and he loved my track, so we agreed signing that song, and on me doing a full album for his company. He just loved my track ‘Dansa Min Älskling,’ an original Nordic folk song, that I would never have done if it wasn’t because of this specific opportunity found on TAXI.
“I also created music for a lot of other requests he had as well. We also started working on full album projects. I also wrote a bunch of Celtic songs and some other stuff, which has all been released. I’m not a folk musician, but I love all kinds of music, and it’s always fun to try out new stuff.
“I still keep getting Forwards from TAXI and love all the fun new genres I throw myself into, and all the great people I get to meet! Now I’m working on two more albums for libraries, and I’m collaborating on some other stuff. All in different genres. All thanks to TAXI!!”
Rasmus, not only are we very proud and happy for you, we’re especially happy that you’ve been able to break into the TV and film music market from thousands of miles away from Hollywood. People always ask if TAXI can work for musicians outside of the U.S., and you’re living proof that it doesn’t matter where you live—it’s all about creating great music for the right requests!
Thanks for letting us know!!!

Ove Schei - Stokmarknes, Norway
Ove reports, “I got an email from a Music Library that one of my tracks was forwarded to, and was wondering if I had more in the same style. I sent him more, including some that the screener didn’t forward for this particular request because he/she felt they didn’t exactly fit the description in the Listing.
“The library’s CEO got back after a very short time, wanting four of them. These are gonna be sent to Showtime for a show they have in the making. Soooooo if I’m lucky, maybe a placement is coming up. Anyway, I’m getting closer.
“Since my start with TAXI in March of 2018, I’ve had an average forward percentage of 30-35%. But the numbers are lying a bit, though. I’ve mentioned before that I have deliberately submitted tracks that I knew wouldn’t be forwarded. Quite a lot of them actually! And this is a part of my learning process. Most of the TAXI screeners provide so much valuable info in their critiques if you’re willing to read what they actually say, and not what [you or] I think they say. So many of those tracks have been edited accordingly for future use.
“I signed two deals with two other companies last year as well, and I was also picked out for TAXI’s Top 10 in June of 2020, and again in February of this year. Nice!
“At the end of last year, I had this sensation, gut feeling, that 2021 would be the year that something would happen. And the feeling remains, so we’ll see.
“In March, I started on the forth year of my five-year plan, and I feel I’m on schedule. I’ve diversified into several genres and styles, and learned about a trillion things. The critiques, Michael doing his shows on YouTube etc. And TAXI’s customer service is excellent as well. So, the «environment» I work in feels just feels great, and safe!
“My apologies to Michael for not being able to join so many of his YouTubes.. They start at 1 a.m. here in Norway. But they’re being watched the day after. A big thanks to Michael, Angela, Debra, and the rest of the amazing TAXI-family!
Lots’a love from a winterly North of Norway.”
Ove Schei
We’re very proud of you, Ove, and we think this is only the beginning of a long career for you! Thanks for keeping us posted, and we very much look forward to hearing more good news in the future!

Denny Earnest - Livingston, Montana
Denny’s tune, “There’s No Doubt” by the band, Bridge, was used in episode 402 of the FOX TV hit, 9-1-1. The show aired on January 25, 2021, and the episode is still available on HULU and Fox On-Demand.
Denny got the publishing deal through a TAXI connection at least 10 years ago, and it just goes to show that great music will keep finding its way into TV shows long after it’s signed. A great publisher will keep plugging a song year-after-year, and keep those performance royalty checks coming in long into the future. Congratulations, Denny, all of us at TAXI are very happy for you!

Anthony Ambrogio - Central Islip, New York
Anthony began producing with a DAW back in March of 2020, just as the pandemic started, and he joined TAXI on November 24, 2020. He submitted nine tracks in response to three Listings, got three Forwards, and within a few days was contacted by a large music library who, so far, has signed two of his tracks.
Anthony went on to tell us, “I recently retired from my career in music education and arts administration. As a conservatory trained musician, I have experience on both the performing and the arranging sides. Back then, arrangements would often be improved by the collective knowledge of the musicians performing your work. Today, although a DAW can provide an infinite selection of tones and textures, it may encourage one to work in isolation. Therefore, the feedback provided by TAXI’s experienced A&R team has proved to be valuable and relevant as I strive to improve my craft. Additionally, the ongoing videos in the TAXI TV series are informative and demonstrate the commitment of TAXI’s leadership to development of those in the field. I haven’t been around long enough to attend a Road Rally yet, but from my perspective, TAXI is a one-stop shop for professional development AND opportunity. Thanks TAXI!”
You’re welcome, Anthony! We’re happy that you’re making such good use of your membership!

Marco Iannello - Manchester, England
Marco was excited to tell us that, “I just found out that the Middle Eastern track that got placed last month on Despierta America got placed again, this time in an investigative documentary called Mordfall Peggy (Murder Case Peggy) aired in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland on the 26th of January 2021.”
Thanks for keeping us updated Marco, and congratulations on having even more success come from just one connection made through TAXI.

Stan Morris - Torrance, California
Stan is a long-time, veteran member who reports, “Through attending the TAXI Road Rallies (all 'em so far) I've made a number of friends with whom I've stayed in touch over the years. One such friend has gone on to start his own music library, and asked me to submit a few tunes.
Today I got my BMI statement. For the first time my statement listed ‘Film - Hong Kong’ for the use of an emotional dramatic cue, ‘Tough Decision,’ signed to my TAXI-friend's European music library.”
“I've maintained my membership with TAXI since 1996 for a variety of reasons. In addition to the opportunities through the Industry Listings and the many friendships I've developed through the Road Rallies and the TAXI Forum, the company provides endless opportunities to learn and grow, as well as keeping me informed about what music is sought in the various markets,” he continued.
Stan, we can’t think of anybody who has been more patient and persistent than you, and we’re all very proud of this most recent success!

Heather Evans - Columbus, Ohio
Heather checked in to tell us, “I recently got a Forward to a Music Library through TAXI! The company heard my song and wanted to sign it. They asked to hear more, so I sent them a DISCO playlist of my songs and they wanted to sign all of them! They even took the time to call me and to tell me I am doing a great job and to keep making the music I’m making. I felt really encouraged! Here's to hoping I get some placements from this new relationship!”
“I've also gotten two other Forwards that have led to signing with two other Music Libraries. I have great relationships with both of them. Pretty great to get into the door of these companies, because most don't take unsolicited material. I’m really grateful for what TAXI does and for making these introductions for me!” she continued.
We’re honored to have helped you Heather, and we look forward to hearing about some placements that come from these recent signings. Thanks for keeping us in the loop!

Richard Hunter - Monroe, Connecticut
Richard recently let us know that he signed two pieces of Blues/Rock a la Creedence Clearwater to film/TV music publisher.
Here’s what he said; “I saw a TAXI Listing for pieces that sounded like Creedence. I happened to have one in my files that was a perfect match for the listing. I sent it in, it was forwarded, and the company wanted to sign it. While I was at it, I asked them if they could use anything else in a similar vein. I put three more songs into a playlist and sent them the URL. They picked another piece from those three.”
Richard continued, “Looking at the listings helps me figure out where the demand is, the reviews from TAXI’s A&R team are very helpful in identifying strengths and issues in my pieces, and the ongoing messages about tools and techniques for success are inspiring and practical.”
Congratulations Richard, and thanks for letting us know about these signings! Please keep us updated!

Tim Carey - Seattle, Washington
Tim was very candid in telling us, “My first attempts were (in retrospect) pretty weak in terms of the production chops, but I managed to get a few forwards from TAXI right off the bat with some children's music. Those have kept me motivated. I’ve been putting in around 20 or so hours a week since then, taking lessons, and researching the industry.
Last week I signed my first contract with a Music Library. I have TAXI to thank for that. Not only because of the listings, but also for the amazing feedback and information I've gotten over the past 18 months. This truly is a wonderful service.”
Tim added, “People often ask me ‘Couldn't you just send the music to the libraries yourself?” and sure, I do that as well. The biggest things TAXI brings to the table —in my opinion — are:
“The reference tracks, the deadlines (which are huge), and the community, which keeps me moving forward.”
“What I like about TAXI is the education, networking, and community. I’ve met new co-writers, friends, and mentors. While I’ve been very frustrated at times, I have learned a lot from TAXI, and now I have a deal!”
“The education and the reference tracks give me something to measure my work against, and the feedback I get from the screeners is valuable. I've grown a ton as a composer since joining, and the concept of writer's block has completely disappeared from my vocabulary. I went from writing just one track a month to writing 8-10 a month over the course of a year using your briefs and deadlines. While I still consider myself in the beginning stages of this path, TAXI has been the biggest contributor to my growth and biggest motivator to keep writing. I am so grateful!” he said.
We’re grateful to have a member with such a great attitude, Tim! We’re pretty sure we’ll be hearing more success stories from you in the not-too-distant future!

Anelda Spence - Brentwood, Tennessee
Anelda, who seems unstoppable, told us, “I'm happy to have signed a new song to an existing contact made through TAXI. They reached out with a brief, and I had the perfect song ready to go. This is my third song signed with them!”
Anelda also told us, “I also signed a song to another new contact thanks to the TAXI Road Rally Happy Ending Pitch panel opportunity. I am currently in talks to sign another two tracks with this company in February.”
And here’s our favorite thing Anelda told us, “What I like about TAXI is that your success is directly linked to how much you are willing to work at it and see the feedback [TAXI gives] as a tool. TAXI gives you a lot of resources to improve your music and your understanding of the business, which leads to deals and placements over time. As always, thank you!”
Amen, Anelda! We wish every person who joins TAXI would see what you see about TAXI. Congratulations on your success. We are certain you’ve got a bright career ahead of you!

Alex Kydd - Ann Arbor, Michigan
From a Publisher that got Alex’s music from TAXI:
“Well, it took six years, but we never gave up!!!!! I write with good news and I am including the TAXI crew on the email to share it! [Your song] ‘Russian Reggae’will be in episode 202 of the AppleTV+ show For All Mankind, airing 2/26/20. Congrats to you and the rest of The Slang.
[Publisher’s name]
From Alex Kydd:
“I signed a deal with this company way back in 2015. I had submitted some songs for a ‘college rock’ listing, and soon after that I got a call from them. I ended up signing seven recordings of my old band, The Slang.”
“It's great working with this publisher - he's informative, knowledgeable and enthusiastic.
It's funny - I recently watched a webinar with some panelists talking about music libraries and the importance of having patience when it comes to library placements … sure enough!”
“I'm currently a TAXI ‘alumnus,’ but I still watch TAXI TV and read the Transmitter, track the listings, etc.—such a wealth of good advice and info!”
“TAXI is a great resource for keeping in touch with the pulse of the music industry. In large part, thanks to Michael Laskow for his experience and integrity. I'll likely re-subscribe when I have some new recordings that match the current listings.”
We look forward to having you back as a member when you’re ready, Alex. And yes, you’re living proof that the music licensing business is definitely a “long game.” Congratulations on the placement!