Bob Mete - Earlysville, Virginia
Bob happily reports, “I was very excited to have received an email from a TAXI-friendly publisher that my Sinatra-style tune, ‘Winter Beach,’ will be placed in a new HBO series, The Undoing, starring Nicole Kidman, Donald Sutherland, and Hugh Grant. The series begins airing in November of this year. This song exemplifies the notion of ‘Write, Submit, and Forget’ — a popular ‘mantra’ repeated by my fellow members on the TAXI Forum. I wrote the tune in 2011, I was on the road, and stopped by a little beach on the Chesapeake Bay in January. It was 11 decrees outside with a brisk wind. I sat in the car just looking at the water and the idea of the song formed. When I got back to the studio, I fleshed it out and finished it. It was immediately signed by a great publisher, they pitched it to many projects and it finally found a sweet home in HBO’s The Undoing. Being a Bossa Nova, I also had a Portuguese version made, too. I’m waiting to get that one placed, as well!”
“I often reflect how none of my TV/Film success would be possible if it wasn't for TAXI. Special thanks to Michael and his wonderful team!” Bob said.
You’re welcome Bob, but it all starts with the great music you create!

Mr. Marco Iannello - Manchester, United Kingdom
Marco told us, “I started working with this publisher in January. The initial contact was made through TAXI. I constantly sign new tracks with them now, on a regular basis—all Middle Eastern style. This particular placement was on Univision/Galavision, in a show called Despierta América, a morning news show. They used 30 seconds of a Middle Eastern tension track of mine under a story about how keeping plants at home can improve our physical health. It was good to see that despite the current pandemic, such shows continue to be made.”
Marco added, “I signed a few tracks with another publisher I met through TAXI, as well! What I like the most about TAXI is that I have the possibility of getting my music directly to the industry people, I get detailed critiques, the community on the Forums, and the Road Rally too, of course. It will be interesting to see how a virtual rally will pan out, this year.”
You’re going to find out very soon, Marco, and congratulations!

Robert Kelly and Jay Ramsey - Las Vegas, Nevada
Jay Ramsey let us know that, “Kelly wrote and recorded ‘Somebody Help Me’ in the 1950s, years before I met him. It was covered by Rockabilly legend, Gene Vincent, around 55 years ago and, BTW, Kelly is in the Rockabilly Hall of Fame. It was around 1962 when I met Kelly and he became my recording engineer (he has always owned recording studios). Since then, 90 percent of my originals have had Kelly at the board and, as co-producers and occasional co-writers, we assembled a catalog worthy of placement with a great company. Our affiliation with TAXI brought about that event and, with Kelly negotiating, the company immediately secured the publishing on 20 of my songs, a number that has grown to include many more from the Bob Kelly/Jay Ramsey catalog. Thanks to TAXI for hooking us up with that terrific company, we are now approaching 100 movie and TV placements of our original songs! Kelly and I are a couple of old pros that now have something extra to add to the fullness of our lives.”
“I think Kelly will be 85 this month and I will be 80 in November. Although I still do the rare one-nighters, we've both been mostly out of the performing business for years. When Kelly followed the TAXI lead that took us to this particular label, we were given new energy and a renewed faith in our creativity. We have never stopped writing and recording but with the inevitable slow-down with advancing years, we questioned if any real viability for us still existed. TAXI answered with a true blessing and we can't overstate our appreciation! We’ve been gratified to find 11 song placements in 10 productions in this year, alone! Some of them are: Utopia, Hunters, King of Staten Island, This Is Us, Wynona Earp, NCIS, and NCIS Los Angeles,” he said.
Wow, congratulations gentlemen! We are so proud of you, and very happy to be part of the chain of events that have brought this success to your golden years!

William Shephard - Bronx, New York
We recently found out that William’s song, “That’s The Way It’s Gotta Be” will be making an appearance in the new Amazon TV series Utopia, episode 102.
We also found out that another of William’s tunes, “I Can't Get You Off My Mind” by The Premiers, is in the new Apple TV+ series Long Way Up, episode 105.
Congratulations William, and we know from past experience, this won’t be the last good news we hear about your awesome material!

Dave Freeland - Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Dave recently wrote to us to say, “As a five-year TAXI member, I continue to be thrilled and amazed to be part of the greatest independent A&R company in the world. Getting rock band Brainchild signed to a record deal is absolutely mind-blowing, and it’s a direct result of being a TAXI member. I saw TAXI listings for vintage music popping up on a regular basis and decided to submit a couple of the songs I wrote as the drummer and singer in Brainchild, which were forwarded to a record label that specializes in vintage recordings. It's truly amazing that music we wrote and recorded in 1971 would garner a record contract 50 years after the fact, but as with many of the TAXI success stories that's exactly what happened.”
“I eventually met with two of the executives from the label at the 2018 Road Rally —TAXI’s convention. I always thought the material, performance, and uniqueness of Brainchild was legit, but the band was never able to put two and two together... until TAXI connected us with this awesome record label,” he said.
Dave went on to tell us that, “I co-write primarily with my brother Roger Freeland (TAXI member and great talent), and we have enjoyed a bunch of forwards. We're still waiting for a major placement, but are confident that will happen soon. Michael and all the great folks that make up this incredible organization are giving all the members a shot. That's all we can ask for and I'm definitely living proof. Sure, I get frustrated when songs get returned, but with the forwards I know it's just a matter of time before the placement bell starts ringing. You'll know … you'll hear me screaming YIPPEE YAHOO with great gusto!”
Congratulation,s Dave! We look forward to hearing about your next great placement, and hearing some of YIPPEE YAHOOs!

Scott Hanson - Cleveland, Ohio
This is what Scott told us in his recent email: “Sometime in 2015 I responded to a TAXI listing asking for a Roy Orbison style song. Luckily for me, I was playing in a band that was doing Orbison covers so I felt I had a good grasp of what they were looking for. I quickly put a track together and submitted it to TAXI before the deadline, and to my surprise it was forwarded to a publisher who loved the song and wanted to add it to her catalog for a 50/50 deal for three years. Nothing happened with the song for 3 years, but my publisher never gave up on it and re-signed it again for another three years. Right after that I received an Email notifying me that the song had been placed into a major motion picture called, ‘The Secrets We Keep,’ starring Noomi Rapace. Also, I am happy to report I have now hooked up with a second publisher (through TAXI) who likes a completely different set of songs I have, and I just got them added to their catalog. In total, I have had 4 songs placed in network TV shows, and now this major motion picture, all as a direct result of TAXI hearing my music and sending it to the company that requested material.”
Never at a loss for some witty repartee, Scott added, “So for me, I write ‘em, record ‘em, submit ‘em, and repeat. TAXI has given me a great gift. It’s never been about what's easy. It’s about doing it right. Thanks for showing me the way TAXI!”
We’re so happy for your success Scott! Great things come to people who are patient and able to absorb what we teach. You’re a great example of all of that, and we hope you have many more successes in your future!

Pete Checkley - Dudley, United Kingdom
Pete reports, “I’m writing to let you know how brilliant TAXI is. I have finished my first year with you, and as a result I have now had 33 placements and 115 tracks published by companies I’ve met through you. It’s been a great first two royalty [payment] days and I’m looking forward to many more to come. Thanks again, and I will definitely be renewing my membership later down the line. Truth be told, the publishers I’ve met through TAXI have kept me really busy!”
We asked Pete to give us some background, and this is what he told us.
“I had just started out composing again, and decided this is the year that I’m going to do something with my music. That was in early 2019, and I had read a lot of info about TAXI. I had also spoken to a couple of friends who were already members and thought the service was brilliant. In the end it was my wife who convinced me to give it a try saying, ‘What do you have to lose?’
The following weeks were a frenzy of composing and submissions to various listings. Having received some Forwards with some returns, I used the really valuable feedback from the screeners to improve my work and hit the pitches more accurately. I started to see more Forwards than returns, and then one day, something incredible happened. I remember finishing work for the day, and seeing an email from HOLLYWOOD! The CEO of a great publishing company contacted me directly saying they loved my music and did I have any more? I made several more instrumental cues and they helped me get it placement-ready in terms of production. That was July 2019 and ever since I have been writing consistently for the publisher. I have had a total of 48 cues published with them, with more in the works. After the long wait for my first royalties to be collected, I was ecstatic to see that through this one publisher I’ve had 30 placements! This shows that TAXI works with great clients and forges great relationships. Ultimately it leads to placements and my experience has been great.
During my year, I also signed with two additional publishers, and have a further 95 cues now published by those two companies. As a result I’m writing consistently for three publishers through TAXI, and the placements are increasing each statement. Most of those placements have been on the shows, Ex on The Beach and The Challenge.
So, would I recommend TAXI? Wholeheartedly yes! It’s been a whirlwind year and it’s all down to TAXI and the awesome clients who work with them. TAXI helps you grow as a composer, as they provide really valuable expert feedback. TAXI finds the best publishers to work with and the whole community is exceptionally friendly and supportive. Would I join again? Of course, although currently, the contacts I’ve already made through TAXI have kept me extremely busy! I cannot thank TAXI and their clients enough!”
Congratulations, Pete! Great news, and we’re thankful that you let us know how well your membership has worked out so far! Keep up the great work!

Michelle Murray - Olney, Maryland
Michelle told us, “My first song placement aired on March 19, 2020 on MTV's new show, The Busch Family Brewed. It's a cute little tune written with producer and songwriter extraordinaire, Scott Free, whom I first met through TAXI, at one of the rallies. The song, ‘Too Much Ain’t Enough (Hootenanny Hip Hop)’ plays over the end credits, so that’s cool! Check it out, it's Episode 6, ‘Texas Size Drama.’ It was placed through a publisher I met through Scott. So this never would have happened if it hadn't been for the great connections I've made through TAXI!”

John Oberkirsch - Denver, Colorado
John joined TAXI on July 17, 2020 in order to “gain practice writing different styles of instrumental music, and also to practice writing music under a deadline to aid me in pursuing a career in film and TV scoring. I had my eye on TAXI for a while before that, but I saw a listing that I couldn't pass up so I decided to join. Although I got no Forwards for that particular listing, soon after I composed a track called ‘Sunshine On The Sahara’ to submit to a listing that requested 'Classic African Music,' and to my delight, it got forwarded on September 4, a little under two months since joining.”
John added, “I was very excited to see an email from the publisher in my inbox that had showed up even before I got my listing results from TAXI for the track! They wanted to license my song that was sent to them. I talked to them back and forth for a bit and within a few days I had an artist agreement contract signed and sent. It was very reassuring and inspiring to sign my first deal for a track after being a TAXI member for only a short time. When I sent the publisher the track, I was also able to submit some of my other work for review and am still waiting to hear back on that.
Since my first deal, I have also gotten two Forwards for some tracks of mine that were submitted to a listing looking for 'ambient underscore droning tracks,' and one more forward for a 'neo-classic trailer track' that I composed. I have a few more submissions that I'm waiting to hear back on and I'm always checking for new listings to start working on!”
John concluded by saying, “The thing I like most about TAXI is that it provides an outlet for starting composers/musicians/songwriters to cut their teeth and gain practice writing, recording, and producing all kinds of different music for many different projects and purposes. Also, it gives me a healthy dose of inspiration and motivation. I can't wait to see what else I can make happen through TAXI!”
Neither can we, John. Congratulations on becoming successful so early in your first membership year. We’re pretty sure that will bode well for more of the same in the years to come!

Hank Jones - San Diego, California
Hank has had some great placements throughout his time as a TAXI member. His most recent is his song "I'm Gonna' Laugh 'Til I Cry" landing in the new movie Four Good Days starring Glenn Close and Mila Kunis; The film premiered in January at the Sundance Film Festival and won rave reviews! The kicker is that he wrote this song in 1970! Says, Hank, “Fifty years later, thanks to TAXI - it made it into a movie. Whooda' thunk!”
Hank’s song "The Strength and The Power Of Your Love" was forwarded to another company and landed a placement in the popular Apple TV+ series For All Mankind.
And finally, another of Hank’s songs, "Long, Long Time," was forwarded by TAXI to a Hollywood producer/director for a placement in his new independent film What Josiah Saw.
Hank says, “I love that the songs that have languished in my ‘musical trunk’ for 60 years are still saleable and viable enough to be used in placements today from folks looking for good vintage music. It's great to still be active and feel relevant after all these years.”
Congratulations, Hank! We love helping you get your awesome songs placed in TV shows and films because the music is great, and so is your attitude of gratitude!

Susan Hillman - Boulder, Colorado
Susan reports, “The deal with the Publisher that led to this placement came about in April of 2019, through TAXI. I have since signed 20+ tracks with them, all Middle Eastern and Indian style. It has been a great time for me and my creativity!”
“This placement was on Univision, on a show called Despierta America, a morning news show. They used a Light Jazz piece of mine, for 1:25 under a story about a famous person in the Entertainment Industry's family. It was my 2nd placement on a Univision show, and I was very excited about it. It made me realize that news and topical shows are continuing to be produced while others are not right now [due to COVID-19], which is obviously good!” she said.
“What I like most about TAXI is the commitment to the writer's success by constantly giving us tools to use in every aspect of the business, starting with the most important- access to the people who need the music!” Susan continued.
We’re very happy for Susan and can’t wait to see how many placements she gets when the pandemic subsides and productions are in full swing again!

Justin Mather - Boulder City, Nevada
Justin let us know that, “Jeff Greenleaf and I (The Coast Riders) recently signed five songs with a very successful music library/label as a result of meeting the publisher at last year’s TAXI Road Rally. We had been watching him speak as a panelist for several years, and are very excited to now be working with the company.
“In addition, we've had 16 placements on The Young and the Restless as a result of another publishing deal made possible by connecting with the panelist/company CEO at the 2018 Road Rally!”
“Also, we recently signed three songs to another TAXI-friendly publisher,” he said.
“TAXI has always been a reliable and consistent vehicle to get our music into the hands of people who need and can use it. Without the networking opportunities of the Road Rally, I’m confident these opportunities would not have been possible. Thank you, Michael and TAXI staff for your passion and tireless work.”
You’re welcome, Justin and Jeff. You make great music, and TAXI helps you get it out there. It’s a winning combination!

Ron Day - Seattle, Washington
Ron placed his song "Never As Good As You - Feat. Nisha" in the upcoming feature film, What Josiah Saw, starring actors, Robert Patrick, Nick Stahl, Scott Haze, Kelli Garner, Tony Hale, and Jake Weber.
Ron told us, “A buddy and I wrote it 30-plus years ago. There was a TAXI Listing about an independent film looking for vintage 1990’s ballads. I sent one in, and it was forwarded. Within a week, I was contacted by the film’s director/producer. We signed the contract, and within another month the director emailed asking for closing credits info regarding the song. I am very happy about this placement.”
Ron also told us that he’s been writing and recording a bunch of instrumentals that have been forwarded a number of times, and he’s hopeful they’ll get picked up by the publishers.
Ron added, “Easily, the best thing about TAXI is the support I get from other writers and artists. Networking with the music supervisors and mentors at the Road Rally is AWESOME! Damn COVID, I will miss the live, in-person Road Rally this year!!”
So will we Ron, but we plan to do a first-class job on this year’s virtual Road Rally, and we hope to see you for the 2021 Rally in Los Angeles. Congratulations on that feature film placement!
Michael Khizgilov - Rockville, Maryland
Michael just joined TAXI in February of 2020, and it quickly turned into a deal for 20 of his Instrumental Cues!
Michael reports, "I submitted a few tracks for an ‘Emotional R&B Instrumental’ listing, and got a Forward from TAXI. A few weeks later the library reached out via email saying they wanted to sign the track. They asked if I worked in any other genres and requested links for the Trap and Hip Hop instrumentals I had. All-in-all, I ended up signing a 20-track deal!"
Michael went on to tell us what he loves most about TAXI. "I love the supportive community and how everyone helps each other succeed. I had essentially zero sync experience when I joined TAXI earlier this year (besides what I had heard from other producers, a lot of which wasn’t accurate!). My first few submissions didn’t even have buttoned/stinger endings because I didn’t know what those were. Watching TAXI TV and reading the Forum (as well as joining in on the Quarantini Happy Hours episodes) has been extremely helpful for not only getting up to speed, but also improving as a musician. Everyone on the TAXI forum is extremely willing to share advice and guidance, unlike any other community I’ve seen online. TAXI has had a positive impact on my overall career and my work outside of anything TAXI related. I am excited for what is to come with TAXI.”
Thanks for letting us know about this powerhouse deal you signed, and we’re excited to see what TAXI can do for you in the future. Keep up the great work, Michael!

Jay Ramsey - Las Vegas, Nevada
Bob Kelly and Jay Ramsey recently had their song “Thrill” placed in episode 404 of Wynonna Earp, which aired on August 16, 2020. This show airs on the SyFy network, and enjoys a nice following. Bob and Jay got a Publishing deal several years ago with a great Music Licensing Company as a result of a TAXI submission and a subsequent forward. That one TAXI connection and subsequent relationship has been paying dividends in the form of several top-notch placements year-after-year!
Jay and Bob are great examples of how even one relationship made through TAXI can generate income for decades! Congratulations, guys. We’re so proud to have a hand in your success!

Chris Matarazzo - Stratford, New Jersey
Chris let us know that, “About a year ago, I had a track signed with a small music library, and things have been pretty quiet ever since.”
“While on vacation a few weeks ago, I got an email from the library owner saying that he wanted to sign a tension cue I had submitted to a TAXI listing. He also asked if I had more cues like it. Of course, I briefly panicked, being on vacation and away from my studio and wanting to be an on-the-spot businessman. But I got my head together and downloaded tracks from my SoundCloud account to send to him. And, just like that, he wanted to sign six more cues! It’s a pretty new library, so I am hoping it will become a solid working relationship.”
Chris told us, “What is truly great about TAXI is the education one gets. For instance, about six months ago, I got a chance to write music for a big pharmaceutical commercial, through a connection in the business. If it had not been for my couple of years with TAXI, I would have frozen when the music supervisor gave me a two-day deadline and when he started throwing around terms like “mnemonic” and “button ending.” If it wasn’t for my practice in meeting submission deadlines and for all of the helpful knowledge I have gathered from TAXI TV and the Road Rally, I’d have been nervous. But I was more than ready, and I delivered the piece on time (after a few late nights). Sadly, the commercial got put on hold for other reasons, but I happily collected a nice check as my ‘demo fee.’”
Chris added, “Before TAXI, I knew how to write music (pretty darned well, I might add), but being a member dragged me into the new era of media composition; it forced me to learn skills in recording, mixing and ‘economical’ composition, and even if I never had another success in the business, I will forever be a better musician and composer as a result of my TAXI membership.”
Thanks for letting us know, Chris, and we’re really happy to hear about all the ways you’ve benefited from being a TAXI member!

Matt VanLeuven - Aurora, Colorado
“I was contacted by a music library shortly after having five of my tracks forwarded to them. This is my third deal this year from TAXI Forwards. I couldn't be happier and I'm hoping there will be many more! I love that TAXI’s A&R people give you actual advice and useful suggestions. A ‘returned’ submission is always disappointing, but it always comes with an honest explanation, which is at times, revelatory. Thanks, TAXI,” Matt said.
You’re welcome, Matt, and thanks for letting us know about your deals! We hope to hear about many, many more!

Lew Sid - Wildomar, California
Lew just got his very first publishing deal and subsequent placement in a TV show, as a result of his TAXI membership.
Here’s what he told us. “I received an email a couple months back from one of the companies my submissions were forwarded to. They really liked one of the songs and wanted to license it, exclusively. I agreed to the terms and it was my first deal using TAXI. Recently they contacted me about that song saying it was selected for a TV show and it was actually one of the first songs that was selected. To say that I’m excited and grateful wouldn't do justice to how I'm feeling. This has been some great news amidst all that's been going on.”
Lew continued, “It began by submitting my music to one of TAXI opportunities. I believe it was three or four songs that were forwarded for the listing. About a month after submitting, I received an email from a company about receiving my music from TAXI. They loved one of my songs and wanted to discuss exclusively licensing the song for their catalog. After discussing [the deal offer], I agreed and signed all the paperwork, It was my first deal. At the end of August they contacted me about my song being selected for a new show, and they told me how it was one of the first songs selected for a (TikTok and Snapchat collaboration).”
Lew also reports that, “What I like most about TAXI is the honest critiques on the songs submitted, the feedback. I also like how detailed the listings are with examples of the styles of songs companies are looking for.”
Well, congrats on that nice deal and the cool placement, Lew. We hope this is the first of many to come! Thanks for letting us know about it!

Keith LuBrant - Turnersville, New Jersey
Keith created a Punk version of a kooky public domain song, “Turkey in the Straw” for a request from a Music Supervisor. It got placed in the Warner Brothers Feature Film, Dogs and Cats 3.
This is not his first success. Keith is pretty famous among TAXI members for having his music in more than 800 TV shows, already. And he’s managed to do that with a full-time job and a family. Impressive, huh?
Keith finds TAXI’s opportunities to be an incredible resource. “The doors that can open, can be unbelievable. The TAXI community is one of the best. Everybody is looking to lift everybody else up, which is very rare these days.”
You inspire us, and your fellow members, Keith!

Anelda Spence - Brentwood, Tennessee
TAXI recently put together a compilation of songs submitted by TAXI members to a specific listing. We sent it out to a bunch of our favorite clients, and within just one week, Anelda heard from three different Publishers asking if they could sign her song.
She was clearly in the “Driver’s seat” to pick the deal of her choosing! Can you say, “bidding war?”
Anelda ended up signing a seven-song album with them, as well as three more Christmas songs! One forward from TAXI: Three offers, and a publishing deal on 10 songs in total. All in a day’s work!
Earlier this year Anelda also had a song forwarded to yet another Publisher, and they ended up signing three of her songs. This lady is on fire!!
Anelda told us, “I love that TAXI puts only the best music in front of their clients. The process is grueling and sometimes disappointing when you think you have a sure thing and it gets returned; but TAXI has made me a better writer, because I’ve had to up my game.”
We can’t wait to see how far Anelda will go since she’s upped her game. We bet it won’t be long until those deals result in placements.

David Hughes - Tonbridge, United Kingdom
We just heard from TAXI Member, David Hughes, that he’s “Getting a good number of [TAXI] forwards now. I had my first contract come from an international Music Library that wants to sign one of my tracks. They specialize in Middle Eastern music, so I was grateful to get some excellent feedback on my very first Middle Eastern EDM track. They have asked if I can provide more, which is great.”
David went on to tell us, “I started producing beats/EDM around two years ago, just as a hobby which soon became a passion. I also secured [contracts] for two more pieces (a Bollywood track, and an Italian folk track) with another Film/TV Music Publisher. I’m certainly enjoying every moment of my music creation… well, almost every minute!”
Don’t worry David, it gets easier and faster the more you do it. Keep up the great work, and thanks for keeping us in the loop!

Ove Schei - Stokmarknes, Norway
Ove submitted four songs for a Surf/Rock listing. One of the submissions was forwarded by TAXI. The Publisher reached out and offered a deal to license that and then Ove did exactly what we’ve been teaching on TAXI TV. He mentioned that he had three others he could tweak to their specification. “I changed them and sent them in, and voila, I got them signed as well :) One forward and four signings ain’t too bad on a rainy Tuesday!”
Ove practices good housekeeping by keeping all of his submissions and critiques in a database. “I store the feedback and screener ID number, so somehow I get a little ‘relationship’ with the person behind the number. For me, that makes it easier to fully grasp the critiques. I’d like to offer a big thanks to TAXI’s screeners! They do such a great job, and provide so much good stuff if you are willing to learn from them.”
With five songs already signed by two different companies, it’s clear that Ove is on the right path. “It’s all true what Michael has said on TAXI TV ... Be patient, develop yourself, read the listings and the critiques!”
Sounds like you’ve figured out the secret sauce Ove, and we fully expect that we’ll be hearing more success stories from you in the near future! Congrats!!

Pete Davies - Longhope, United Kingdom
Pete got two [TAXI] forwards to a Music Library with international Distribution. Not only did they license both of his tracks, the contract led to a third track getting signed by them as well.
As luck would have it, during the same week, Pete also signed 13 of his Dramedy tracks with a major Music Licensing Company vis-à-vis another forward by TAXI!
“I spent years fruitlessly knocking on doors as I tried to make my own contacts. Now I have a direct path to publishers and producers. TAXI is my musical highway to success. What I like about TAXI is that you've made me work much harder and raise my game to a new level. Thank you for that!”
Congratulations Pete, and thank you for telling us about these awesome deals. Keep working as hard as you have been, and we’re sure this won’t be the last time we’ll be seeing you in the pages of this newsletter! We wouldn’t be a bit surprised if we hear about some placements in TV shows sooner than later.

Joe Carolus - Seattle, Washington
Joe has had several successful deals culminate through his TAXI membership. One of them resulted in his music being placed in an episode of E! True Hollywood Story - and he’s still receiving royalties! Sweeeet! We love to hear that.
Some of his Christmas songs were also used on a Hallmark Channel Christmas special, and he’s still receiving royalties from those as well! We think we’re starting to see a pattern here, Joe ;-)
Not being one to fall asleep at the wheel, Joe is still cranking out more great music, and reports that he just signed yet another publishing deal via music forwarded by TAXI!
“Thank you TAXI,” remarked Joe. Thank you Joe for letting us know about these deals. Keep them coming!

Loren DiGiorgi - New Castle, Pennsylvania
TAXI member Loren DiGiorgi had a nice surprise in the form of a deposit hitting his PRO account for a placement on an Australian TV show. While it's too early to know exactly which show his music appeared in, he does know that the placement came through a relationship with a Music Licensing Company he met through TAXI. More proof that getting a forward from TAXI can often turn into a long-term relationship that will bear fruit in the future!
"Imagine my surprise when I saw on my PRO statement that a track I licensed to a music library four years ago was used on Australian TV! I established a relationship with the library after TAXI forwarded two of my tracks to them in 2016. They not only signed those two tracks, but I was also invited to submit more to them, and they signed a total of thirteen of my tracks over the next few months. It was through TAXI that I was put in touch with this library, and I now have a good relationship with them and can say I've had my music placed on Australian TV!"

Paul Reza - Glasgow, Scotland
Paul is happy to report he has signed a three-year Publishing and Distribution deal for one of his songs thanks to a TAXI forward. “This was my first forward as I have only just joined.” It doesn’t happen often folks, but it does happen! Congrats to Paul for hitting a home run early in the game!

Thomas Gilbert - Hopkins, South Carolina
Thomas joined TAXI this past May, and [he] decided to dig and take a deep dive into his composing while hunkered down during the Covid19 pandemic. He recently submitted a song for a request from a brand new Music Library, and this is the great news he reported. “They contacted me asking for more songs. In a week, I’ve made a deal with four of my songs thanks to TAXI!”
“It’s just the beginning for me [and] I’m super impressed with the service. [TAXI] really pushes me to compose in genres I normally don’t naturally write for.” Congratulations on the deal, and for making great use of your time during the lockdown. We think you’re destined for more success because you’re making great choices!