Andrew Jordan – Elizabethtown, PA
TAXI Member Andrew Jordan recently reached out to let us know about the “whirlwind success” that he’s had through TAXI.
“I joined TAXI in February of this year without any clue of what an instrumental cue was, or anything related to the TV/Film production music,” Andrew says. “Over the course of about 4 months, I have been learning non-stop, creating music non-stop, and I have been able to get numerous forwards which led to three separate deals with music libraries. I now have close to 50 tracks signed with these libraries.” Whirlwind, indeed!
What’s even more exciting is that Andrew just found out that he got his very first placement: “It was for a morning show on CNN, where my track was used over 10 times! Seriously can’t stop smiling about it.”
Andrew says, “None of this would have happened without TAXI, TAXI TV, and the awesome community of TAXI members that have been so helpful and supportive. I’ve learned SO MUCH in such a short time… it makes me pretty excited to keep learning and growing from such great people!” We can’t wait to hear what comes next for Andrew!

Paul Cufflin – Alcántara, Spain
We recently heard from longtime TAXI Member Paul Cufflin that he got one of his songs placed recently on The Red Line on CBS! “The placement in Red Line came about as a direct result of a relationship I established with [a music library owner] about six or seven years ago at the TAXI Road Rally,” Paul explains.
Paul says that he’d heard good things about the library owner from other TAXI Members, so he approached him after one of the panels at TAXI’s Free Convention, the TAXI Road Rally. He says, “Since then, he's signed over 100 songs of mine to his catalogue and has secured many great placements for me over the years, not to mention significant sync fees and royalties.” Sounds like a gift that keeps on giving!
Paul tells us that he thinks this relationship is a perfect example of what he loves about TAXI: “It's able to facilitate opportunities for independent artists like myself,” he says. “I live in a small town in southern Spain, so there's no way I would have access to and get my music in the hands of a company like [the music library] without TAXI's help.” We’re glad to have helped make the connection!

Mike Lacey – Marietta, GA
A lot of TAXI Members are still finding success with deals that they made through TAXI forwards from years ago. One of TAXI Member Mike Lacey’s songs, “Next To You,” was signed by a Music Library after he made a submission to a TAXI opportunity 10 years ago––because of that deal, his music has been heard on Damages(FX), Once Upon a Time (ABC), Eastwick (ABC), Gotham (Fox), Aquarius (NBC), Californication (Showtime), the film Reservation Road with Joaquin Phoenix and Mark Ruffalo, and most recently in the movie Ouija 2 and ABC’s Whiskey Cavalier!
When asked what his favorite thing about TAXI was, Mike had this to say, “I like the specificity of TAXI requests (including examples of genres or styles desired), the feedback, and obviously having a vehicle to help get my music in front of people in the business.”

Debora Hulskamp – Voorburg, Netherlands
We caught up with TAXI Member Debora Hulskamp who let us know that her music has been heard on Graves (Epix), Better Things (FX), and Riverdale (The CW) due to a deal she signed with a Music Library after a TAXI forward––all of these placements with the same song!
Debora tells us that she’s also signed some of her other tracks to another Music Library after a TAXI forward, and that library released an album of her music!
Debora says that she’s a big fan of TAXI’s Free Convention, the TAXI Road Rally. “It gave me such a boost ... Also for my husband, who happens to be a sound-engineer,” she says while adding that she also loves meeting like-minded songwriters at the event.
“I love also the feedback from the rejections,” she says. “The first few years, rejections were very painful because I put so much work in it every time and then I felt like failing. But it helped me improve and I just had to not give up and keep on trying.”

Charles Wilson – Portland, OR
“I was quite excited to get the email from PayPal saying that I had money waiting for me and then to see that it was from a library that had signed a couple of my instrumental tracks,” TAXI Member Charles Wilson tells us. How did he get this deal?
Charles tells us that he saw a TAXI opportunity back in early 2018 asking for “Positive Optimistic Instrumental Cues,” so he submitted a few tracks. The tracks were forwarded by TAXI’s A&R Team and subsequently signed by the Music Library they were sent to!
“I went to check it to find out that someone had purchased the rights to use my cue in a project,” Charles explains, “as well as being purchased as part of a blanket deal by another company/individual, so two payments. The songs are still in the library and I hope that it will continue to be useful to someone in the future.”
Though this is Charles’s first and only success through TAXI, he’s looking forward to what the future holds! “I really do have TAXI to thank for helping me get my first check for a piece of music in a library. I am one of those people who knew of TAXI as early as 1999, but never took the leap ’til 2015. I am glad that I took the step to become a member, and look forward to a continued relationship with TAXI in the future.”

Duane Tribune – Columbus, OH
TAXI often helps its members explore different genres and types of music because of its wide range of opportunities. TAXI Member Duane Tribune started creating Urban Dramedy cues and started submitting them to TAXI’s opportunities––which resulted in them getting sent on to some awesome companies. “I submitted a couple of tracks to a listing back in March...” he says. “Right before I left for vacation a few weeks ago, I got an email from the music licensing company and they said they liked both tracks but really liked one in particular. They asked if I would be interested in doing a five-tune EP for them and of course I said yes!”
Duane tells us that he’s also signed deals with a couple Music Libraries in the United Kingdom due to TAXI Forwards, and he’s gotten a placement on a Daytime Drama show with collaborators that he met at TAXI’s Free Convention, the TAXI Road Rally!
“All the things that TAXI provides has helped me continue to grow as a musician/composer,” Duane says. “I now have opportunities to get my music in front of the people that matter, all for the small cost of a yearly membership. But you have to work for it. It’s not always easy but it sure is a lot of fun.”

Justin Mather – Boulder City, NV
TAXI’s free convention, the TAXI Road Rally, is one of the best places to network face-to-face with top music industry executives. TAXI member Justin Mather was able to meet a Music Library CEO after one of the panels at the 2018 event.
“After chatting for a bit, she gave me her information and said she’d be interested in hearing some of my music … In January I sent her six tracks, of which she signed five. I’ve since had two songs placed on The Young & The Restless (CBS) (one of which was a co-write with TAXI member Jeff Greenleaf),” Justin says.
What’s Justin’s favorite thing about TAXI? “What I like most TAXI is the education aspect,” he says. “Between the Forums, TAXI TV episodes, the panels and classes at the Road Rally, and the general sharing of information among TAXI members, there is a wealth of information available on whichever angle of the business you’re currently working toward.”

Sergio Naranjo – Guadalajara, Mexico
TAXI member Sergio Naranjo reached out to us to let us know that he’s had a bunch of placements on different shows due to relationships he made at the TAXI Road Rally (TAXI’s Free Convention)!
Sergio’s music has been heard on Queen of the South (USA Network), CSI (CBS), GRAVES (Epix), DC’s Legends of Tomorrow (The CW), E! News, and E! News Weekend! “TAXI has been a great source of contacts (due to the Road Rally and the Forwards), information, and learning about this industry,” Sergio says.

Michael Dekkers – Chilliwack, BC
We recently heard from TAXI member Michael Dekkers who let us know that he just signed a deal with a top-tier Music Library due to a TAXI Forward!
“I responded to listing Y190513SV for ORIGINAL, 1970s-SOUNDING, SOUL/FUNK INSTRUMENTALS. I submitted two cues which were both forwarded. Within a few days, [the Library] emailed me, offering to sign up both cues. I subsequently sent him a few more cues and he ended up signing eight in all,” Michael explains.
Michael says that he’s glad to have the opportunity to share his success, and we’re definitely happy to hear it!

Tom Selden – Palmetto, FL
Sometimes it takes a little time to find success through TAXI, but it’s always worth it when it happens! TAXI member Tom Selden just learned that first-hand after he got his first tracks signed to a Music Library through a TAXI Forward!
“I just signed an instrumental track with my first library a few weeks ago,” Tom explains, “and they have asked for more.” He even got an advance from the company upon signing his music!
Tom says that TAXI’s opportunities keep him focused: “TAXI has organized my music life better than anything else so far. When I have the time to spend on music TAXI gives me the needed focus to get right to it. And have listings to get them placed.”

Jan Baars – Zevenhuizen, Netherlands
We love hearing about our members’ successes even if they aren’t due to TAXI directly. We recently caught up with TAXI Member Jan Baars who let us that he recently got multiple cuts with huge K-Pop and J-Pop artists NCT 127 and Kis-My-Ft2!
“TAXI has been essential in the first years of my career,” Jan says. “It was super helpful to finally find some like-minded people who understood this ambition to become a songwriter.” Jan also tells us that writing for TAXI opportunities helped him learn how to write for a specific purpose: “It's a different mindset. You gotta give them exactly what they want, without writing a song that sounds like all the other ones they're getting for that brief.”
Jan is also finding success in the music licensing world: “I'm getting placements very regularly through libraries that I learned about at the Rally or through the TAXI community in general. I'm super grateful to these hardworking publishers who keep finding places for my music.”

Tamara Miller – Austin, TX
TAXI’s free, Members-only Convention, the TAXI Road Rally, is an incredible place to network face-to-face with major music industry players. TAXI Member Tamara Miller can definitely attest to this!
Tamara’s song “There’s Always Something” will be featured on an upcoming episode of AT&T’s original series, You Me Her. “I met the music supervisor at the TAXI Road Rally. It was one of those serendipitous meetings where the music supervisor needed the right song at the right time for the right scene!” she says.
In addition to that awesome placement, Tamara’s music has also been featured on The Young and the Restless (CBS), The Bachelorette Australia (Network Ten), Bad Chad Customs (Discovery), Fox Sports World Series, and a few international shows! “It’s fun to see different genres of my music getting placed including EDM, Emotional Piano, Mystery, and Tension,” she says.
“I love that TAXI Music is a community of inspiring mentors,” Tamara says, “The TAXI Road Rally in November is by far the best music conference for songwriters at any level! The community always has a warm ‘family feel’ and it’s an incredible opportunity to network and meet music industry executives.” She also enjoys watching weekly TAXI TV episodes: “Michael Laskow and his special guests continue to teach us new skills and tricks that we can use in our film and TV writing. I love this fantastic community.”

Rob Knapp – Phoenix, AZ
We recently caught up with TAXI Member Rob Knapp who let us know that he got 13 instrumental tracks signed to a top-tier Music Library!
Rob says that he learned that it’s important to be patient on the road to success: “I was getting a little frustrated with the process because there wasn't any communications from the Forwards right away…” he says. “But luckily (several months later), [the Music Library] contacted me and asked to sign some tracks. In hindsight, I wish I would have kept producing tracks for listings throughout the year – because I didn't know it could take so long for a Forward to turn into deal.”
“Moral of the story, I wrote 23 songs this year and 13 were signed. That's a good percentage and all good motivation to keep writing music for TAXI listings. I'll be RENEWING for sure!” That sure is, Rob! We’re excited to hear about more successes from him in the future.

Eunice Chang – Honolulu, HI
TAXI Member Eunice Chang has only been in the TAXI family for a few months, but she’s already had her music signed to an awesome International Music Library due to a TAXI Forward!
“I submitted a few piano solo tracks to a listing asking for Mediterranean solo piano or piano-based instrumentals... My piano solo track ‘Motherland’ got selected through TAXI,” she says. The Music Library ended up absolutely loving the track, signing it, and signing other piano tracks Eunice composed as well!
“What I like most about TAXI is the detailed descriptions in the listings and the candid feedback,” Eunice says. “The more I look at those, the more I get a feel for what is being asked and what I need to improve on. In any case, submitting music gives me a compelling reason to keep creating new music (and trying genres and styles I wouldn't venture into otherwise)!”

Susan Hillman – Boulder, CO
Susan Hillman has been a TAXI member since 2016–– “It has been a steep learning curve to acquire the fundamental knowledge and skills to make Broadcast Quality Music on my own!” she says.
Though her background is as a singer and pianist in the Classical and Jazz realm, she said, “The TAXI listings are so diverse I found myself dabbling in many various styles and genres, and really love focusing on rhythm and groove.”
“After only three Forwards over 2 1/2 years, I heard from a Publisher who was raving about my Indian Chill Out track Forwarded from TAXI a week prior. The contract was signed soon after that first email,” she said.
Susan says that she now has the tools to make her music stand out and is busy composing World Music for the International Publisher that signed her music!
“There's really no conceivable way I would have been able to have this first success story without TAXI and the screeners and all the fantastic connections around the globe, and the incredible TAXI TV show plus the network of Composers and writers I communicate with regularly!” she says.

Minoru Amino – Kadoma, Japan
We had the pleasure of hearing from TAXI Member Minoru Amino who let us know that he has received three Music Library deals in one year due to TAXI Forwards. He even tells us that one of the Music Libraries ended up signing over 100 of his tracks. If that’s not amazing, we don’t know what is!
In addition to those three libraries, he has had music signed to five other libraries (over two hundred tracks!) and gotten a direct-to-Music-Supervisor placement throughout his membership thanks to TAXI. “I learned a lot of things for making music from TAXI listings and screeners’ critiques,” Minoru tells us. “I’m sure I couldn’t learn how I should be making tracks for music business without TAXI,” he said.
Minoru also enjoys the world-wide community that TAXI offers its members: “TAXI has lots of great musicians and composers over the world. I learn to know them through the TAXI Road Rally. They inspire me to create music more.”

Billy Livesay – Pembroke Pines, FL
One of our favorite things to hear is a TAXI Member’s music recorded back in the day has found new life. We were excited to hear that Billy Livesay’s Vintage track “Making Every Moment Count” by his band SLYDER had been placed on Chicago Fire (NBC)!
Billy was connected with the Music Publisher that got him the placement through a TAXI Forward back in 2014. “They signed several of my songs and they have placed four or five since signing in 2015,” he tells us.
How has TAXI benefited Billy? “I have been a TAXI member for 20+ years and my deal with [The Music Library] has more than paid for my TAXI membership,” he says. “TAXI critiques have made me a better songwriter.”

Randon Purcell – Sandy, UT
We recently caught up with longtime TAXI Member Randon Purcell who let us know that he’s had multiple placements on MTV’s The Challenge due to a relationship he made with the owner of a popular Music Library at TAXI’s Convention, the Road Rally!
Randon met the Music Library owner after a panel that he was a part of at the Road Rally and volunteered to send them some music. “He said ‘great’, gave me his info, and a week later we had agreed that I’d write an album for his company as soon as my schedule would allow.” The tracks Randon wrote were signed at the beginning of the year, and the placements followed shortly after!
Randon has also had placements on MTV through a Music Library he was connected with through a TAXI Forward!
When we asked him what his favorite thing about TAXI is, Randon couldn’t decide. “Everything. Honestly though – first and foremost – [the TAXI Staff] ... I have 100% faith not only in the abilities and integrity of the TAXI staff, but I know that TAXI as a whole will always deliver on its promises. I have a long history of benefitting both directly from Taxi and indirectly, and no matter where my career takes me, I will always be forever grateful to all of you at TAXI for setting me on the right path.”

Robert Zimmermann – Bishop, GA
We were over the moon when we heard that TAXI Member Robert Zimmermann’s song “Time Passes By” was placed in the upcoming Independent Film The Turkey Bowl by a Music Publisher he was connected with through a TAXI Forward!
Robert submitted some tracks to a TAXI Opportunity that he had recorded in the early 1990s with his band, Affordable Lawn Care. TAXI sent the music on to the Music Publisher, and the rest is history! “They liked one of the songs I submitted and ended up buying all 10 songs on the album for possible placement.”
In addition to this placement, Robert also had an Instrumental ringtone track signed by a Music Library as the result of a TAXI Forward!
“TAXI has helped me become much better at songwriting, sound engineering, and production,” Robert says, “...thanks to the critiques I’ve learned so much about what works, what companies are looking for and what’s happening in the industry. I still have much to learn but I’m excited about music again and TAXI made that happen!”

Mark Gross – London, ON, Canada
Sometimes it doesn’t take long to see the benefits of submitting to TAXI’s Industry Opportunities! TAXI Member Mark Gross found this out firsthand when he penned a deal with a Music Library just two months after joining! “I woke to an email one day ... saying they received my tracks from a TAXI listing and wanted to sign them. Since then, I’ve signed over 20 tracks with this company.”
Due to this deal, Mark has now found out that one of his tracks was placed on a German Bridal Reality TV show! “[I’m] very excited to keep writing music from my house and have it heard around the world,” he says.

Brad Miller – Shakopee, MN
We love hearing about our members’ successes––whether it’s their first or their 100th. We recently heard from TAXI Member Brad Miller about his first! Brad joined in November 2018, and he let us know that he was contacted by a well-known Music Library as the result of a TAXI Forward. “They didn't need the track that was Forwarded to them but, wanted me to write six exclusive tracks for a new cue album. I wrote those, signed the contract (awesome feeling) for the exclusive tracks, and now have a great relationship with the library and they have asked for more cues in different genres,” Brad says.
“Needless to say, I'm pretty excited! And, thankful for TAXI for being that vehicle that has helped me get my foot in the door of the music business,” he tells us. Brad says that he’s also an avid viewer of TAXI TV and TAXI Forums user: “The TAXI TV episodes, along with the forums, have been really helpful when starting out writing cues for the listings and giving crucial advice to turn the odds in the artists favor when pitching music.”
We can’t wait to hear about more success from Brad in the future!

Matt Bantle – Kraków, Poland
TAXI Member Matt Bantle has let us know some great news––he just had multiple piano Instrumentals signed to an awesome International Music Library through a TAXI Forward! “I was contacted by the publisher about a week after the deadline and we started negotiating the terms of the contract for all the tracks I had submitted. I have to say a really nice contact with the publisher and it shows that TAXI indeed not only screens the music but also their clients!” Matt says.
Matt has a pretty intense days job, but he says that music has always been his passion. “TAXI gives me the opportunity to participate in cutting edge industry opportunities just sitting in my home studio and whenever I have time (which is not an awful lot being a family father) ... I could not think of any other field where ambitious amateurs get a shot at dealing with the pros all the time... In that sense TAXI is really unique in my opinion.”

Paul Krieg – Alto, MI
TAXI Member Paul Krieg read TAXI emails for over a year before joining TAXI, and he definitely has not regretted joining only a few months ago! “I recently signed my first deal with a publisher on an Electro Swing instrumental track I composed called ‘Marylin Monelectro’! I had gotten about a dozen returns and seven Forwards Then, I couldn't believe my eyes one morning when I saw the email from a publisher interested in MY track!!!” Paul explains.
We’re a big fan of “Marylin Monelectro” here at TAXI too––”Michael played my track on TAXI TV to give an example of a great instrumental!!! Since then I've been even more enthused to keep writing music everyday. I've already signed another track with the same music library through another TAXI Forward!!!”
Paul tells us that his favorite thing about TAXI is “the description in the listings and the critiques from the screeners, they really help you grow.” He also says that he’s started getting involved on the TAXI Forums, has joined TAXI Dispatch, and plans to attend TAXI’s convention, the Road Rally, in the fall!
Hank Jones – San Diego, CA
We were ecstatic when TAXI Member Hank Jones got in touch to let us know that he had not one, not two, but 10 of his Vintage songs signed to an awesome Music Library through a TAXI Forward!
The origin story for a couple of the songs is pretty amazing in itself: “They were written originally in 1965 back in the stone age on spec by yours truly and my co-writers Dean Kay and Larry Ray for Elvis to sing in MGM's Girl Happy...the songs were approved and accepted; but then, at the last minute, Elvis's publisher...and his manager...demanded that Elvis be named on the contract as co-writer of the tunes - even though he didn't write them. We were crestfallen, pissed off, and absolutely refused the deal. So the songs (and five others) never got into the movie.”
“But – THANKS TO TAXI – these ‘oldies but goodies’ have found a home at last and have a new life. Good grief – at 78, I'm relevant again!” We can’t wait to hear where these tracks get heard!

Steve Knox – Brentwood, TN
Not everyone is completely sold on TAXI when they first join: “My relationship with TAXI started in 2016 with hesitation.” TAXI Member Steve Knox explains, “In August 2016, an opportunity from TAXI came through email asking for any original vintage Van Morrison 70s-era type songs needed for a very successful publisher.” Steve sent in a submission that was sent to the Music Publisher who loved it!
Through this one TAXI Forward, Steve signed eight of his Vintage tracks to the Music Publisher who have gotten his music placed on Amazon Studio’s Red Oaksand The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair(EPIX)!
Steve says that he’s learned a lot at TAXI’s convention, The Road Rally, and from TAXI’s A&R Staff! “The use of tools I've learned at TAXI Road Rallies and submission critiques has kept me learning and growing as a songwriter in today’s marketplace,” he says. “TAXI has turned out to be exactly what it says it is, a real road map for songwriters.”