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Does It Feel Like Your Music
Has Gone into a Black Hole? Part 4

Virtually all of TAXI’s most successful members figured out the most effective way to get more of their music forwarded by TAXI, but only after making a critical mistake in the early days of their membership. Read this to find out what that mistake is and how to fix it!

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Is the TAXI Road Rally Worth It?

Is the TAXI Road Rally Worth It?

See what TAXI members Gab and Jam had to say about TAXI’s FREE members-only conference, the TAXI Road Rally in this unsolicited review we found on YouTube!

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Passenger Profile – Tom Hoy, Part 2

Passenger Profile – Tom Hoy, Part 2

One of the most joyful aspects of working at TAXI is helping musicians make their dreams come true. It’s even more exciting when that person is seeing their music career finally blossom while they’re enjoying their retirement. TAXI member Tom Hoy is retired and his music career is taking off. Watch Part 2 of our interview with Tom to see how he’s done it!

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Recent TAXI Member Success Stories
Minoru AminoMinoru Amino – Kadoma, JAPAN - Had 7,800 placements in just the 2nd half of 2023!
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Jeff LaPlanteJeff LaPlante – South Hadley, MA USA - Patience resulted in a placement on ABC’s Dancing with the Stars
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Robert ZimmermannRobert Zimmermann – Bishop, GA USA - Placements on CBS and Hulu with ’90s vintage music
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Douglas NicholsonDouglas Nicholson – Seattle, WA USA - Signed deals with 5 music libraries
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Yuliya YefremovaYuliya Yefremova – Lomagna, ITALY - Signed a deal with a “renowned music label”
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Casey HurowitzCasey Hurowitz – Fort Washington, PA USA - TAXI’s Road Rally spawned success
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Chris MoserChris Moser – Riggisbergg, Berne, SWITZERLAND - TAXI helped him become so successful that he hasn’t had time to submit more music!
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James O’TooleJames O’Toole – Brentford Square, Victoria, AUSTRALIA - Got three of his instrumental tracks in Disney+ TV show
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Richard CoutureRichard Couture – Granby, Québec, CANADA - One TAXI forward resulted in two albums of material being requested
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See More Success Stories
Cool Stuff
Register Now for Road Rally 2024!

Register Now for Road Rally 2024!

Click to register for this “life-changing!” conference.

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Need Help Tagging Your Music?

Need Help Tagging Your Music?

Long-time TAXI member, Casey Hurowitz created SyncMusicTag to help you get your genres, sub-genres, keywords, and mood words right!

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Music Industry Videos

Should I Keep Submitting the Same Thing to Several Listings?

Successful member, John Pearson gives solid advice.

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What is a Buttoned or Stinger Ending?

Successful member Dean Krippaehne demystifies it for you!

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