Click below to see what the music industry is looking for right now!
Get Free Daily Music Opportunity AlertsHere's How We Help You...
TAXI delivers those targeted opportunities right to your front door.
Record labels, Publishers, Music Libraries and Film & TV Music Supervisors tell us what kind of Songs, Instrumental Tracks and Artists they currently need - then we tell you. When you see a match for your music, send it to us, and our A&R team will pre-screen it for the company that needs it.
If your music is on-target and great, we send it to them. Your music becomes solicited because it came from a trusted industry source (that's us!)
You'll get about 100 different opportunities every month and they come in nearly every genre you can think of - Rock, Pop, Country, Adult Contemporary, Modern Rock, Jazz, Film/TV, New Age, Instrumental, and just about any other style you'd commonly hear on the radio, in movies, TV shows, video games and commercials.
Thousands of independent songwriters, artists and composers have made Record Deals, Publishing Deals, Film & TV Music Licensing Deals and countless Sync Placements using TAXI.
Plus, we have a FREE, members-only convention where you'll get to listen to, learn from and mingle with many of the industry’s top decision makers.
Want to Meet Top Music Industry Executives Face-to-Face?
You'll get plenty of chances at our FREE, members-only convention, the Road Rally. Other music conventions cost as much as $600 per person. When you become a TAXI member, you'll get TWO FREE tickets to what many people think is the very best convention of its kind. That's a $1,200 value that you get FREE with your TAXI membership!
Join us at the Rally and meet top Film & TV Music Supervisors, Production Music Library Executives, Music Publishers, Multi-Platinum Producers, Hit Songwriters, Music Marketing Experts, and A&R Executives from Major and Indie Labels. We carefully select panelists, teachers, and mentors who will give you honest answers without the ego and the "hipper-than-you"" attitude you'll find at other conventions.
If you want to network or collaborate with other musicians and songwriters, our convention will feel like Heaven on Earth. The people who come to the Rally are world famous for being warm, unbelievably inclusive, and incredibly generous. It's such a powerful weekend you literally won't want it to end.

Hollywood Trailer Music Supervisor Naaman Snell takes a look at a CD given to him by TAXI Member Al Sanchez.

Hollywood Film Music Supervisor Beth Amy Rosenblatt takes CDs from a member after the amazing Music Supervisor Listening and Q&A Panel held on Saturday at the TAXI Road Rally.
You Keep All The Money!
If you strike a deal and make a gazillion dollars, you'll keep a gazillion dollars. No percentages or publishing splits go to TAXI. An entire year of our service is so inexpensive that you'll probably spend less on TAXI than you do on designer coffee. Much less than you'd spend on a trip to LA, NY or Nashville or a couple of hours with a music attorney!
You'll Also Get a Full, One-Year
Money-Back Guarantee...

We're so confident that you'll love belonging to TAXI, that we'll shoulder the risk. If you think that our Industry Listings aren't the best you've ever seen, we'll refund your membership fee in full. If you don't think our feedback helps you improve your music, ditto. And the same goes for our unmatched customer service. If you call with a question or a problem and you're not greeted by one of the friendliest, most helpful people you've ever met at any business, we'll refund your membership fee.
And that's not a 30-day guarantee. It's a Full, One-Year Guarantee. Yes, you read that correctly! We give you a full year to make sure you're happy with our listings, feedback and customer service. And if you're not, mail a letter during that 365 day period telling us why you're not and we'll refund your first year's membership fee.
For obvious reasons we can't guarantee you'll get a deal through TAXI or that your music will be forwarded. That depends on the music you pitch and how well you target those pitches. This guarantee applies only to the first year membership fee and does not include renewals or any additional/upgraded services offered by TAXI.
We regret that we can't give refunds based on financial difficulties, the inability to dedicate the appropriate time to writing and pitching your music through TAXI, outside success, the quality of your recordings or becoming discouraged if your music isn't "there" yet. We're here to help you with that. And that's why we'd like you to use our service for a full year.
Getting Opinions from Family and Friends is Nice, but...
Getting objective, detailed feedback from Hollywood music supervisors, hit songwriters, A&R people, publishers, and record producers is priceless. When you become part of TAXI, it's like having your own personal team of industry pros giving you tips, techniques and fresh ideas.
Many of our members use our feedback to whip their music into shape before they spend the time and money to record an album or submit it to record labels, music supervisors, music libraries and publishers. You'll never have to regret that you didn't add a bridge, change a lyric, or make your chorus punchier before you play it for an industry pro or release your finished record. We'll help you get it right before it's etched in stone! How much is that worth to you?
This Works Better Than Hope
How many years have you already wasted, hoping for success to fall from the sky and into your lap? TAXI gives you specific targets and deadlines to help you stop procrastinating and become more proactive. Why wait for Music Supervisors, A&R People and Publishers to stumble on your web page with millions of other songwriters, composers and artists all competing for attention?
Can you honestly say that Social Media has had a significant impact on your career? Having friends and followers is great, but having music industry decision makers asking for your music is much, much better!
TAXI members' music has been in Hollywood Blockbusters, TV Shows on virtually every network, and on the desks of A&R executives at every Major Label.
Got Questions?
But having a great resume isn't enough to work on TAXI's award winning A&R team. Our people are hand-selected not only for their "ears," but for their attitude as well. We train each and every person on our A&R staff to give friendly, objective feedback, and powerful suggestions that can dramatically help you make your music. Where else can you get that every day of the week?
You might be surprised to know that we only get between 10 and 250 submissions for most listings. And remember, you will never be competing against the other submissions.
TAXI memberships are individual and writer-based. That means that if you write your own songs, or you are the primary writer in your band, you can join TAXI. The rule of thumb is you can send in any music you've written or co-written, but can't submit for friends.
You can sign up in the artist's name, in care of yourself (if you're a manager or publisher), and administer the membership for them. Please call us for details.
Just to give you a little perspective, a top music attorney will cost you more than $300 for just one hour! A single plane flight to L.A., N.Y., or Nashville can cost you more than TAXI's entire subscription fee.
When you add up the expense of hotel rooms, rental cars, and meals, TAXI pays for itself many times over. Compared to what you've spent to make your music, TAXI is surprisingly affordable.
You'll Finally Get Your Shot...
The music business is very competitive, but if you don't run the race you have no chance to win. Your TAXI membership will keep you well informed, highly-motivated and more connected to the real music industry than you ever dreamed possible.
Ready To Quit Procrastinating?
So what do you say ... are you ready to quit procrastinating? How many years have you been talking about doing something serious with your music? The opportunity is right in front of you, and the time is now!
Become a member of TAXI today and get heard.