Pitching Songs
By Jeri Goldstein<p>
Is your Web site set up to help you pitch your songs or even sell your songs? Sure you probably have the songs listed with the CD cover photo. And, you might even have those songs set up for streaming audio so anyone can get a sample or even the whole song. So how's that working for you?
I'd like to share four steps to help you pitch your songs more effectively and get your songs licensed more efficiently.
Step 1. Gather your songs from all those that are now recorded and available for purchase on CD or purchase by download, and organize them according to category. For instance: Love songs, ballads, songs of loss, uplifting songs, travel songs, work songs, songs for weddings or special occasions, patriotic songs, holiday songs, songs of triumph and victory, spiritual songs, etc.
Step 2. Now, further organize those again into categories for tempo, such as hard driving, upbeat, slow, medium, quiet, and mellow. Add further information like, predominant instrumentation on each song such as soft strings, electric guitar, heavy drums, horns, piano, etc. I think you get the idea.
Step 3. Create a new page on your site with a new link button on the navigation bar. Give it a title compatible with your site and marketing style, but one that specifically invites and calls out to those who might be searching for songs. Some possible titles might be, Songs Available for Your Project, Songs by Category, Songs for Pitching, Your Project-My Song, Publisher's Paradise, or Producer's Paradise, Record These Songs, etc.
Step 4. Design your Web page with the various categories of songs, with links to streaming audio for immediate listening, (don't make them wait for the download), a link to the lyrics for reading while listening and a link to your licensing policy, publishing, and performing rights information and contact information to the appropriate person who would be making any deals on your behalf or directly to you.
Now your Web site is making it easy for those looking for songs to record, or for a project needing songs. If they are looking for a specific type of song, they can find it quickly without having to listen through all of your material. You have helped them zoom in on a potential song just right for their project. They can easily determine the category, the tempo, read the words, get all the necessary deal-making information they need to use your song.
Put your Web site to work for you as your song-pitcher 24/7. If you would like more helpful tips on how to maximize your performing career in the areas of booking, marketing and touring strategies, check out the articles and other resources at www.performingbiz.com.
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